People & Planets

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Doctor Caeryssa Cadwell (29 Star Cycles) Planet of Origin—Alycone. A xenobotantist with a bad memory for names and who just wants to be free enough to relax on a long-awaited vacation without being suffocated by security or guilted for wasting her time on a well-characterized planet. Like all Alyconites, she has highly developed hearing and sight.

Prince (Sarru) Zaen Ninazu (35 Star Cycles) Planet of Origin—Penates. Crown Prince and heir to the throne of Penates, he's vowed to bring justice to the conspirators and assassin that killed his mother, Haellen, and sister, Sirah. The dragon wing tattoo on his back and gold eyes reveal his Sigma Draconis heritage from his mother's line and impart the responsibility to represent both Penates and his mother's dragon house in the Ascendancy's Senate. Dragon-borne nanites provide keen senses, rapid healing, a lifespan of several thousand years, and the ability to form impenetrable silver-blue dragonscale over his body. He captains the Nemesis, a Raven Class Starcruiser.

Lord (Zanin) Emmed Adad (34 Star Cycles) Planet of Origin—Penates. Son of a duke in opposition to King Xavix of Penates, but engaged to Sirah, the king's only daughter. Best friend of Prince Zaen, he has vowed to get revenge for Sirah's murder and joins Zaen in the search for the assassin and conspirators. An excellent hacker and brilliant coms tech, he serves as the communications and sensors' specialist onboard the Nemesis, Prince Zaen's ship.

King (Sarru Rabu) Xavix Ninazu (85 Star Cycles) Planet of Origin—Penates. Zaen and Sirah's father and husband to Haellen, whom he married in a political match to gain power with the ruling Sigma Draconis Ascendancy instead of waiting for a soulmate match. He's constantly battling intrigue in his own court as well as attempting to get a foothold in the Senate through Zaen's inheritance. Although often surrounded by women, he has not remarried since Haellen's death and supports Zaen's pursuit of the conspirators and assassin responsible for her murder.

Queen (Essaru) Haellen Semret (58 Star Cycles) Planet of Origin—Draconis Prime. Mother of Zaen and Sirah, and wife of Xavix, King of Penates. A member of the Sigma Draconis Ascendancy, the ruling elite and a golden-eyed dragon, her house colours are silver and blue. The Queen's shuttle exploded on planetary re-entry returning to Penates, and hers and Sirah's deaths were blamed on conspirators against King Xavix.

Princess (Seru) Sirah Ninazu (19 Star Cycles) Planet of Origin—Penates. Daughter of Queen Haellen and King Xavix, and younger sister to Prince Zaen. At the time of her death, she was engaged to Lord Emmed, not as a political match, but as a love match. She was two star cycles too young to know whether or not Emmed was her soulmate but stubbornly insisted on him regardless. A golden-eyed dragon like her mother.

Karzen Hawke (95 Star Cycles) Planet of Origin—Alycone. Caeryssa's father and soulmated to Aya, Caeryssa's mother. A master assassin in the powerful Assassin's Guild, credited with sixty-four completed contracts. Served in Alycone's military prior to becoming an assassin. Captain of the Basilisk, Viper Class cargo hauler, which he uses as a cover for his work as an assassin. Loyal and protective of his family, to the point of smothering Caeryssa.

Aya Cadwell (72 Star Cycles) Planet of Origin—Alycone. Caeryssa's mother and soulmated to Karzen. A fierce defender of her family. An engineer and lives on the Basilisk with her husband.

Dhevun Fistmourn (134 Star Cycles) Planet of Origin—Cygani. Prince Zaen's primary bodyguard. As heavy worlder, he's as strong as a dragon with dense bones and thick musculature, but still with fast reflexes. He's been with Prince Zaen for the past sixteen star cycles and serves as the weapons officer onboard the Nemesis.

Doctor Lukas Julyen (98 Star Cycles) Planet of Origin—Draconis Prime. Prince Zaen's personal physician, recruited by Haellen, Zaen's mother. Serves on the Nemesis as the ship's doctor and in charge of the medbay. Calm under pressure, he's often the voice of reason and is sworn to protect Zaen with his life.

Des Ix'os (284 Star Cycles) Planet of Origin—Chitune. Ship steward on the Nemesis, in charge of supplies and housekeeping. An Octuran with poison fangs, three pairs of arms, a segmented body, antennae and lower legs.

Issac Cearrach (58 Star Cycles) Planet of Origin—Penates. Chief Engineer on the Nemesis. Has served Prince Zaen for fourteen cycles. A former member of the Royal Guardsmen.

Trey Hosmer (39 Star Cycles) Planet of Origin—Penates. Engineering Second Mate on the Nemesis. Has served Prince Zaen for fourteen cycles and came to the Nemesis right out of the Engineering Academy.

Braeden Rennick (68 Star Cycles) Planet of Origin—Penates. Commander in the Royal Military Planetary Guardsmen. Serves on the orbital platform that protects the capital city and palace from attack.


Planet Alycone: Predominantly covered by salt-water oceans that surround the three major continents with numerous mountain ranges and a mix of vegetation types. Frequently subject to weather extremes including hurricanes and tornadoes. Home of the Storm Coast Academy and Anvilstar Institute. The planet has been at war with Piscium in the neighboring star system for the last 100 cycles.

Planet Ankion: Urbanized with little in the way of natural ecosystems, it is the home to many commercial enterprises including Aura Industries. Ruled by the Ascendancy.

Planet Draconis Prime: Home to the Ascendancy of Sigma Draconis, the Senate, and the Assassin's Guild.

Planet Isaris Six: Thanks to a ring of volcanoes giving rise to hot springs, this planet is known for its blue apatite mud holes that are said to have healing properties. Many of the top spa chains have resorts on this planet.

Planet Mebrinda: With few large continents but numerous island chains, the planetary landmasses are covered in extensive rainforests that are known for their diversity.

Planet Oenone: A tourist haven comprised of an interconnected web of land and small seas with diverse predominately blue-green vegetation, but includes colours from navy to reds thanks to the orange dwarf star. Well-catalogued but safe natural wonders are easily reached from the numerous resorts around the planet.

Planet Penates: A mix of continents and oceans, providing a diversity of habitats. Predominately blue-green vegetation, thanks to the orange dwarf star. Double moons orbit the planet. Known for the protection of their natural environments and incorporating their vegetation into their cities. Ruled by a monarchy.

Planet Suania: Currently in the grip of an ice age on two of the three continents, the inhabitants have successfully developed a brisk tourist business based on winter sports and activities.

Planet Usaetis: Predominately a water world, known for their incredible coral reefs and snorkelling. 

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