Chapter 5 - Quantum Entanglement

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Being blue wasn't the worst thing in the universe. At least her predominantly grey, blue, or white wardrobe didn't clash with her current complexion. Still, it had taken half a bottle of wine and soaking in the resort's jacuzzi before Caeryssa saw the bright side of her spa disaster.

And they were treating her like a queen.

Besides the wine and tray of local fruits, cheeses, and breads, they'd sent a selection of clothes from the boutique. Silky, flowing fabrics and sensuous styles she wouldn't dream of wasting her currency on when she spent so much time in hiking boots and shipsuits, but hey, they were giving it to her, so she graciously accepted. A personal concierge offered private excursion upgrades and moved her to an eighteenth-floor suite. Yeah, this was the vacation she'd craved but had been too practical to splurge on. Now? Bring it on.

She'd slept like an absolute dream last night, after enjoying an evening cocktail and fresh air on her balcony overlooking the sea. Today appeared to be a gorgeous day for her trip out to the Opal Mountains, a range with sheer granite rock faces said to sparkle with all the colours of the universe and lower slopes of rainforest vegetation she couldn't wait to explore. Wearing a rugged shipsuit with reinforced elbows and knees to survive clambering about, her well-worn and comfortable boots, and with her trusty daypack on her back, Caeryssa set out to meet her guide at the VIP hovercrafts.

A giggle burbled. She was a VIP now.

A slender man with a brimmed hat and a tanned, weathered face waited at her assigned craft. Short sleeves and multi-pocked shorts in the resort's signature blue were paired with worn boots that had seen considerable mileage. Although not as large as the typical men her company hired to assist her team on expeditions, his attire and presentation reassured her of his competence. After all, only a proper guide would show the wear and tear of traversing rough terrain on their footwear.

"Doctor Cadwell?"

When she nodded, he extended his hand, and after checking her synthate glove was in place, she took his as he helped her into the bright yellow all-terrain craft. As she released his grip, she spotted the vine tattoo wrapped around his biceps. Of course. Being mated must be a resort-wide staff policy.

While they flew out over the forest, she listened to his explanation of the planetary geology, weather, and history. Relaxing into the flow of his words, she smiled when he discussed the diversity of chlorophyll pigments of Oenone's vegetation, a function of the system's orange dwarf star. Refreshing to deal with someone who understood xenobotany.

"I... uh... I looked up your expertise when they assigned me. Please ask me questions if my descriptions are too basic." He set the hovercraft down on a rocky ledge adjacent to a sheer white cliff face surrounded by dense rainforest. "I want you to enjoy exploring our gorgeous planet."

Caeryssa's smile widened as she scrambled out. "Oh, I am. Please do continue," she said as she followed him on a barely visible footpath into the humid forest.

The diversity of plant life was everything she'd hoped for. Towering deciduous trees sported silver-blue leaves as navy-hued vines climbed their trunks. He pointed out red mosses and turquoise pitcher plants. Delighted with his local knowledge and their surroundings, it became a game as to who spotted the most unusual orchid, fungus, or leaf. They'd been hiking for two hours when he suggested they head to a nearby waterfall to refill their canteens.

"No water-borne diseases?" she asked, before dipping hers into the cascading flow plummeting past them. Cool spray filled the air, rising from the dark blue pool at the bottom.

"No, fortunately," he confirmed as he splashed water on his face, then drank deeply.

Backpack at her feet, she tipped the canteen up and had a mouthful when a hand shoved her guide over the edge and into the falls. Almost choking in her attempt to shout, she squeezed a spray of water into the air in a reflexive jerk. The canteen dropped from her fingers as she clawed at the palm over her mouth while a powerful arm dragged her into the surrounding vegetation.

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