Chapter 23 - What's In A Name?

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Zaen winced, seeing Caeryssa's reddened eyes when she joined him in the lounge. "Did the talk not go well? Can I get you a drink?" He rose from a black couch and strode to the bar, holding up a decanter of Eridani liquor.

"The talk was fine." She sat on the couch where he'd been. "And yes, I could use a drink. I sent in my resignation." Her voice caught on the last word and as he poured her a glass, she struggled to fight back tears.

"I'm sorry," he said, handing her the tumbler filled with ice and the smooth alcohol.

She took it from him and waved off his concern. "Not your fault you're a prince."

He sat beside her. "I'm not sure how much of a prince I am with my own father trying to kill us."

Caeryssa snorted and sipped her drink.

"Shards, C'ssa, I've completely upended your life and put you in danger, but I..." He ran his fingers through his hair, loose as he'd taken the elastic out earlier. A nervous flutter in his belly—he hadn't meant to use that nickname. Had she noticed? Did she remember? "As much as I'm sorry you had to resign, I'm not sorry you are my soulmate."

She lowered her drink and met his gaze. "I thought you were furious to have a soulmate."

Zaen blew out a breath. "It was a shock—for both of us, I'm sure—but I never objected to you. Stars, I was attracted to you before the bond amped it up further."

She blinked. "But—"

"I only objected to your father being Karzen Hawke because I didn't want to hurt you, and I couldn't see how to get justice for my mom and sister without hurting you."

Caeryssa nodded slowly, and then a small smile appeared. "I was attracted to you before the bond as well, but I just didn't want you to know. With the way you showed up—surrounded by paparazzi and screaming girls—I figured you for a useless pretty boy prince."

Zaen laughed. "I'll admit to utilizing that reputation to my advantage." He shifted closer. "So now that you know me better, what are my chances?"


He pressed his leg against hers and laid an arm on the couch behind her. "My chances of kissing you now, while we are both awake and aware."

Her cheeks coloured to a lovely purple, and she looked down, then back up, through her white-blond lashes. Shards, but he loved her expressive grey eyes. She bit her lower lip, then said, "Keep calling me C'ssa and try, pretty boy."

Lightness filled his chest as he leaned towards her. "I'm going to kiss you, C'ssa."

"I'm hearing lots of words and not much action," she teased just before his lips met hers.

Better than the flashes of memory, her mouth was soft and pliant as he stroked with his tongue. A blend of the sweet moon melon she favoured and the smooth heat of the alcohol, her taste went to his head. Groaning, he gripped her hair, deepening their kiss.

She shifted, pressing her body to his and heat washed over him in a wave, his cock thickening. Finally... shards, finally, she was his. He tilted her backwards, laying her down on the couch as their lips parted and he kissed his way towards her ear. She shivered, tilting her head to give him access, and the memory of doing this before flashed through him.

"You like this, don't you, my little C'ssa?" he murmured against her neck.

She gasped as he scraped his teeth. "Yes. Don't stop."

Zaen smiled and complied, his hand finding her thigh to raise around his hip. He did so love the way her shipsuits clung to her curves. As he ground his cock against the junction of her thighs, she arched and moaned.

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