~Coffee & Snow~

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 "And that's how plant biology works," Emma said to Paul as they were huddled together in Beanie's. The snow had taken the power out and Paul had been waiting for Emma to finish her shift. They were alone and the rest of the city was quiet.

"That's cool," Paul said.

"No it's not. Will you go with me and help me search in the back for some blankets and stuff? I know that Kelly knit something and Nora has kept it here since December," Emma said as she and Paul separated to search the break room.

"I found a candle, is there a lighter?" Paul asked.

"What candle is it?" Emma asked.

"It says Winter Forest," Paul said, squinting to read it.

"Ok, I know where a lighter is. That one's mine," she said, taking it from Paul.

"Em, I remembered something," Paul said.


"I have an emergency kit in my car with thermal blankets, water, first-aid, and some food. Also a flashlight and batteries."

"How far is your car?" Emma asked.

"It's right there. If I do this, we need to unlock my car before I leave here. The snow is strong. Luckily, I was smart since the snow was bright," Paul said, putting on sunglasses, "It'll protect my eyes. Close the door behind me and when you see me close my car door, open it back up. I'll be fast."

"Alright. Stay safe," Emma said, kissing Paul. He pressed the button on his keys to unlock the car. Leaving the keys abandoned, he ran to his car and found the kit. When he closed the car door, Emma pushed her entire body weight to the door in order to open it. Paul rushed in.

"Thanks, Em," he said, catching his breath.

"Woah, sit down," Emma said, locking the door.

"Yeah, but in here, I have a blanket, a thermal blanket. I have some protein bars, a first aid kit, and a flashlight with extra batteries," Paul said, digging through the bag. Emma took his hands and cringed.

"Paul, come to the back. You're freezing and you need to warm up," Emma said, wrapping him in anything she could find.

"I'm fine," Paul said, moving his fingers.

"No, you're not. It's cold out. I'm going to figure out how to warm up water while we wait the power grid out. I'll make you some coffee," Emma said, heading to the front as Beanie's slowly roared back to life.

"Em," Paul called, slightly weaker than he would've liked it.

"Paul, stay down. Don't move, I'm thinking," Emma said.

"Stop thinking."

"Excuse me?"

"Power's back on."

"No it's not."

"The coffee machine is working," Paul said. Emma went to the front and laughed a laugh of relief.

"I'll make you a fresh pot. We're stuck inside for a little longer. But now we have power," Emma said as Paul got a phone call.

"What's up, Bill?" Paul asked.

"Paul, I thought you were dead, you weren't picking up in the last five minutes," Bill said.

"Sorry, Em, forced me to warm up. We're locked in Beanie's I had to get my emergency kit from my car," Paul said, taking a deep breath, "Why'd you call?"

"I didn't know if you were safe. Al is in with me and Mr. Davidson wanted to make sure everyone's ok. Can't have any employees frozen," Bill said.

"Yeah, I'm great. Did he want us to Skype or something? Because I only have my phone and there are—Em, how many phone chargers are here?" Paul called.

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