~Coffee & New Beginnings~

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 Paul was at work the next week when he got a surprise visit from Emma. She brought him and Bill their usual before sitting down in Bill's unused chair while he was at a meeting. "Done with biology?" Paul asked. Emma shook her head.

"I'm going to head to Starbucks. It shouldn't take too long. It's a one-sided worksheet. I swear, I'm paying a fortune to do worksheets," Emma said, packing her things.

"Alright, well, keep me posted. I'll pick you up because it's ridiculous for you to walk home. I'd drive you there, but it's best you leave right now," Paul said, pulling his chair back to his desk.

"Why?" Emma asked.

"Matthews, meeting, now!" Mr. Davidson barked.

"See you later," Paul said as he and Emma parted ways. He walked into Mr. Davidson's office.

"Matthews, close the door and take a seat," Mr. Davidson said. Paul did as he was told.

"I wanted to congratulate you on the work you've been doing. It's been going really well. Now, how's your home life?" Mr. Davidson asked. Paul was shocked. Mr. Davidson never asked about anyone's home life. It was mostly Mr. Davidson talking about his wife Carol.

"It's fine. My girlfriend moved in last week," Paul said.

"That sounds good. Listen, your work has been top-notch lately. Let me cut to the chase. You're promoted," Mr. Davidson said. Paul was somehow even more shocked.

"What do you mean?" Paul asked.

"You'd be the head of half of the department. Think like my right-hand man. Instead of your weekly statistical analysis, you'd be averaging the ones of everyone on this floor for a floor weekly one and the same for the monthly one. This would require sitting in on multiple meetings a day and weekly meetings with me to discuss everything. Can I count on you?" Mr. Davidson asked.

"What happened to Samantha?" Paul asked.

"She's moving. Got a government job that she can't talk about," Mr. Davidson replied, "Paul, you start beginning of next week. Come in early on Monday."

"Thank you," Paul said.

"Glad I can count on you. Now get out of my office," Mr. Davidson said, returning to his work. When Paul returned, he found Bill.

"You need to thank Emma for the coffee. It's perfect timing," Bill said.

"Already do," Paul said.

"Hey, are you ok? Meetings at Mr. Davidson's office rarely end well," Bill asked Paul.

"I'm great. I got a promotion," Paul said excitedly, lowering his voice.

"Paul, that's amazing!" Bill exclaimed before the two men got back to work.

Paul picked Emma up from Tom Houston's house after work. "How'd it go?" Paul asked Emma as he drove home.

"It's good. It was fine, nothing special. How was work?" Emma asked.

"Might drop you off absurdly early," Paul said, "I'm promoted!"

"Paul, you need to celebrate!" Emma exclaimed excitedly.

"I'd rather celebrate once it gets steady," Paul said.

"Alright party pooper," Emma said, letting Paul enjoy himself as he pleased.

The next Monday, Emma was starting to work the morning shift at Starbucks™ and Paul was starting his new position at CCRP.

"Paul, thank you for coming early!" Mr. Davidson explained after Paul entered. "Take a seat and we'll begin. You get to keep your cubicle, but your schedule has changed. You are working normally hours still. Come at 8, leave at 6. The difference is that you come in a little earlier and make sure all the work was done. If not, you need to figure out how to get it done. There are also lots of meeting through the day you need to be present on. Melissa and Silvia have added those to your schedule. Any questions?"

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