Episode 1 :The Lightning Chooses You

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Scene 1

"It's a long day in school...so pointless...I can't wait to go home." These thoughts echo throughout Yuno's head as every school day goes on. As he's laying his head on his desk slowly drifting to sleep there's a ringing echoing throughout the school halls. "Oh wow the fire bell" Yuno says to himself as he gets up along with his classmates. The class files out of the classroom and all now wait outside the school. There's about 20 minutes left in the school day so Yuno decides to just leave early. As he's walking home the only thing Yuno can think about is what he's going to eat once he's home. As Yuno arrives home he notices that no one else is there. He rummages through the fridge trying to find something to eat. Nothing fits his craving. He calls his mom but no answer. "Ugh guess I'll just take this time to sleep since no one will bug me for a while" Yuno says to himself as he walks to his room. He opens his door and just falls onto his bed. A couple hours pass. "YUNO YUNO DINNERS READY" Yuno's mom screams. Yuno wakes up and stretches. As he gets out of bed he trips over a long metal object. He gets confused cause he doesn't remember having anything by his bedside. "Huh, what's this..... WAIT WHATTTT '' Yuno starts screaming as he sees the object he trips over turns out to be A FREAKIN SWORD. Yuno's father rushes up the stairs and barges into his room and asks "Son!!! What's the matter." "DAD DONT YOU SEE THE SWORD" Yuno says to his father. Yuno's dad then laughs and says to Yuno "Son, give yourself time to wake up or else you're going to start imagining things." His father walks out the room and Yuno continues to sit on the floor confused. Yuno outstretches his arm to grab the sword but then Yuno's mom starts to yell again. "YUNO GET YOUR LAZY BUTT DOWN HERE AND STOP DREAMING." Yuno rushes downstairs and he sees his family laughing. He asks them "What're you guys laughing about?" His sister says "Didn't know you wanted to be a samurai." Yuno says "Whatever...what's for dinner?" His mom answers "I made steak and potatoes...chose to get fancy because of your fathers raise." Yuno looks at his dad confused and so does his sister. His mom says "Oh honey did you not tell them. Yuno's father then laughs and says "My my I forgot to tell you kids...I got a raise at my job...your fathers now a lead detective." Yuno and his sister jump out of their chairs to go congratulate their father. "Wait, doesn't being a detective now mean you're taking the more dangerous cases..." Before her father could continue she says "Oh no I hope you don't get hurt, maybe you could buy a Kevlar vest or maybe you can find a different job daddy." Her father laughs and says "Honey I'm with a good force and good people I'll be ok...and as for equipment the department has top of the line stuff." Yuno then joins in and says "Yeah father is strong and plus who knows one day I could be on the force as well." "Son, you could barely stay awake during class. How are you going to stay awake during police training" his father says to Yuno. They all laugh and proceed to eat their dinner. After dinner finishes Yuno heads upstairs and he again trips over the sword. "Crap...wait am I still dreaming" Yuno smacks himself and then says "Ow...I'm not dreaming ...but why can only I seem to see you." Yuno reaches his hand towards the sword and to his surprise it's real. Yuno sits there holding the sword up but then his sister walks in. Yuno's sister then freezes and Yuno looks back at her. "Mom, I think Yuno is dreaming again." As she walks out he hears laughing from his parents bedroom echo. Yuno rushes out of the room and asks his sister "Wait wait, you can't see what I'm holding?" "No you weirdo now go back to bed and dream about being a ninja again." She says to him as she shuts the door in his face. Yuno rushes back into his room and shuts his door. "Why can't anyone see you?" Yuno says to the sword as he lifts it to his face. "The sword has chosen you Yuno, thus only you can see me." Yuno doesn't know where the voice is coming from. Yuno looks at the sword and asks "Was that you?" "Well of course who else is in the room" says the sword. Yuno slides down the wall not knowing what's going on and before Yuno can say anything the sword says "Quit freaking out kid I can't have you die on me right away... my past wielder just croaked last week." "What the hell is going on?" Says Yuno. "Well let me explain it to you, a long since passed race created me along with many others to settle their differences and after they died and our planet burned up we then fell throughout the galaxy." Says the sword. "So I randomly got you? Asks Yuno. "Kid you're going to need to listen to me here, you didn't find me randomly I chose you. The soul power within me is attracted to the soul that inhabits your body. Since I'm attracted to your soul only you and other wielders can see it." "Other wielders?" Asks Yuno. "Yeah I'm not the only one there's others like me both good and evil." Says the sword. "Wait, so are you good or bad?" "I'm a good guy... my soul power is forged from good energy and that same soul power is attracted to a good soul... and that's where you come in." Says the sword. Yuno holds the sword close, not believing what has happened to him. Yuno gets up and gets ready for bed and he asks the sword "Wait so where do I put you to sleep...do you want the floor or bed?" Asks Yuno. "Just store me anywhere what comfort do you think I could get from being a sword" says the sword. Just before Yuno goes to sleep Yuno asks the sword "How do I carry you along, do I just bring you places?" The sword responds with "Listen kid I'm not going to appear and reappear and whatever excuse you use is up to you I'm just here to ensure balance within the word." "Wait,balance?" Yuno asks "Listen kid I may not be a human but I do need sleep so I'll explain it short to you, the same way I'm a good weapon attracted to you is the same way other evil weapons are attracted to those just as evil so it's up to us to stop them." Yuno jumps out of bed. "Oh no" the sword says. "SO I'M GOING TO FIGHT EVIL... LIKE A SUPERHERO" says Yuno as he runs and jumps back into his bed. "Long long journey ahead of me" the sword says to himself.

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