Episode 4 : New Protector on the block?

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Scene 1:

Yuno wakes up. His alarm goes off. He throws his pillow at it but then raises up right away realizing that it's Monday. "OH NO." He tells himself as he runs to the bathroom. He grabs his tooth brush and jumps in the shower. He finishes up and hurry's to put on his school uniform. He runs downstairs and grabs a plate from the table and shoves it in his bag. "MOM I'M LATE I'M GOING TO EAT ON THE BUS." Yuno says as he runs out the house. Yuno's family laughs as he's stuffing his face and running to the bus stop. Yuno hops on the bus and puts his head down with his duffel. "So kid what's the plan today?" Asks Bolta. "Hmm...well Bolta the plan is to ditch school after lunch and take care of all the crimes that come through on the radio." Says Yuno. "Well is this a neighborhood where a lot of crime happens.?" Asks Bolta. "Well it depends, you never really know. Some days it's peaceful and other days it's like a madhouse but with the introduction of these weapons it's going to get hectic." Yuno says. Twenty minutes pass and Yuno gets off his bus. He walks into school and meets up with Alistair. Alistair runs and high-fives Yuno. "YO YUNO! WHATS UP!" Alistair says. "You are always so loud in the morning, my friend." Yuno says as he and Alistair laugh. As they're walking to class Yuno asks "Where's Yuuchi and Taya?" "They're in class waiting, they're pretty adamant on you walking home with us you know after the whole thing." Alistair says. Yuno stops in his tracks and looks to Alistair and says "Well erm there's a real problem with that my friend..." "Hmm." Alistair responds. "Well I wanna ditch school after our lunch period to uhm... go to the new sushi bar." Yuno says. "AHH WE COULD DITCH TOGETHER."Alistair says as his eyes brighten. "YES LET'S EAT ALL THE SUSHI WE CAN." Yuno responds. They both enter the classroom laughing. "Boys, you're late, take your seats please." Their teacher says to them as they sit down at their table with Taya and Yuuchi. "What're you boys laughing about?" Asks Taya. Yuuchi grabs Yuno's face and looks him in the eyes and says "What are you and Alistair planning?" "Uhm nothing we just heard of a really funny joke." Yuno says. Yuuchi let's go and looks to Taya and says "Yup, they're hiding something." Taya looks at Yuuchi and asks "Does that really work?" Yuuchi nods. Taya looks at Alistair. "No no no no please don't grab my face." Alistair says as he tries to back away. Taya grabs his face and asks him "Alistair...what're you and Yuno planning?" Alistair looks into Tayas eyes and finally breaks. "Alright fine fine fine Yuno and I plan to skip and go eat sushi for the rest of the day." Taya lets go of Alistair's face and her and Yuuchi's face turn to Yuno. Alistair looks at Yuno and says "I'm so so sorry buddy." "It's alright dude...I knew this would happen." Yuno says. Yuuchi and Taya change their focus to Alistair now. "Yuuchi grabs Alistair by the collar and says "Listen here I'm not going to let you skip another day of classes your barely passing as is!!" Yuno starts laughing but then Taya grabs Yuno's ear from behind and says "Don't think you're safe either mister!! You scared us the other day with that hero stunt..." Yuuchi stops Taya and while still holding Alistair's collar says "Yeah and your grades aren't any better than Ali's." Before Taya can continue with her rant Alistair says "Yuuchi I think your about to kill me." as his eyes widen. "Well if you agree to come back to school after we have lunch maybe I won't let you meet god yet." Yuuchi says. Yuno begins to laugh again and Taya twists his ear even more and says "You are NOT going anywhere out of our sight you hear me." Yuno nods as he tears up from the pain. Yuuchi and Taya sit back down and fist bump. Alistair and Yuno both slump down in their chairs. "You guys' school isn't that bad." Taya says. "Yeah plus we're here and also if you guys actually paid attention you guys would see that the teachers are pretty cool as well." Yuuchi says. Alistair and Yuno look at them and then look at eachother and stick to tongues out and say in unison "Blehhhh." Ten minutes pass and Yuno asks to go to the bathroom. As he's walking to the bathroom Yuno says to himself "Ouch totally not a good morning." "Yeah you think so you bonehead." Bolta says. "Wait, what did I do wrong now?" Yuno says. "Well you planned to skip lunch to finally train for combat." Bolts says. "Uhm yeah." Yuno says. "Kid do you not know where this is going?" Bolta says. "Uhm not really." Yuno says. "Ugh you know kid you surprise me with how stupid you can be sometimes." Bolta says. Before Yuno can explain why he's not stupid Bolta interrupts and says " Before you throw a fit kid let me explain it to you. You said you'd skip school to practice sword combat. But you leaked your plan to your loud mouthed friend. Then you proceeded to forget about your plan and think about sushi. And now your other friends who I admit do have the right intentions plan to not leave you out of their sight. See what I'm saying kid?" Yuno stops and looks into the bathroom mirror and his jaw drops. "Oh crap."

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