Episode 7 : The Formation of The Club

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Scene 1 :
Yuno's eyes open. "Hmm, is this what heaven looks like?" Yuno says as he looks up at a white ceiling. "Nope, don't think so." A familiar voice says in response to him. Yuno looks in the direction of the voice and see's Shoya. "Surprised Yuno?" Shots said in a low voice. Yuno coughs and replies "Hmm Shoya? We're not dead are we?" "This kid is very dense." A patriotic voice says. "Who was that?" Yuno says, confused. "That's Poseidon." Bolta replied. "Nice to meet you kid. You took down me and Shoya here quite well. We almost had you killed yet in the end you almost killed us." Poseidon says. Shoya laughs and says "I'm not evil Yuno. I just wanted to test you and see if you were fit enough to be on the side of good. In a way you could say I was reading you." "What do you mean?" Yuno responds in a raspy voice. "First before I explain myself I would like to say thank you to Poseidon here for healing you..." Shoya says in a weakened upbeat tone. "He healed me?" Yuno asks, confused. "We'll Yuno, I don't really know how we got here. All I thought was from the moment that final impact hit me I would awake in the pearly gates of heaven." Shoya says. Before Shoya could say more Bolta cuts him off and says "We'll after Yuno defeated you it just seemed like you were slowly dying but then Yuno passed out as well..." "Yeah and I saw this and said to Bolta here that I'll heal you and you heal him seeing as you bested us. Thankfully you passed out with a Bolta in your grasp. A fighter till the end huh." Poseidon says as he cuts off Bolta. "You guys healed us, yeah ok but how did we get here?" Yuno asks. Shoya turns his head to his blade that sits in the same chair as Yuno's. "Well Poseidon...you gonna say anything?" Shoya asks. "Well if I'm being honest...we fell asleep." Poseidon says. "Yeah the fight drained almost as much as it drained you guys." Bolta adds. Yuno and Shoya look at each other slowly as Bolta and Poseidon begin to laugh together. "SERIOUSLY YOU GUYS FELL ASLEEP?" Yuno screams to them as Shoya laughs. "GLAD YOU FIND THIS FUNNY SHOYA." Yuno says as he directs his attention to Shoya who's still laughing. "Well Yuno he has a right to laugh here, he did wake up three days earlier than you did." Bolta says. "Huh...THREE DAYS...I WAS OUT FOR THREE DAYS?" Yuno screams. "Wow this kid sure yells a lot." Poseidon says to Bolta. "Yeah tell me about it...Anyways kid yeah you woke later than Shoya but you have to remember that while Shoya did get hit with that big move, you had massive strain on your body from the lightning and the poison." Bolta replied. "Yeah Yuno he has a point but focus on the good you did best me and you proved to me that you're fit to be a protector." Shoya says to Yuno. "Huh?" Yuno says with a confused look. "Like I was saying earlier before you, I had only met bad wielders whose weapons fled their owners because they died the next day due to their lack of understanding of their weapons. You're the first good one but it's easy to tell from looking at you that you pack true experience so I had to test you and to put it simply. Either you got past me or you weren't fit enough to be on our side because frankly we can't have anyone on our side lacking when one of these evil wielders show up." Shoya explains. "I guess I understand what you mean." Yuno says in a more relaxed tone. "Exactly Yuno and see this way no longer will you have to face those awkward looks alone from people who aren't like us and when a bad wielder shows up I'm here by your side." Shoya says with a smile. Yuno smiles and says in response "Your right Shoya...thank you." "Plus you weren't alone either. You're a pretty popular guy even when you're in a hospital bed." Shoya says. "Huh?" Yuno responded with widened eyes. "You had visitors, kid." Bolta says to Yuno. "Who came by?" Yuno asks. "Your parents, sister and those friends of yours from school." Bolta replies. "They're very lovely people, Yuno." Shoya adds. "You met them?" Yuno says with a confused look. "Well I did wake up first so when they were in here I did see them. I told them we got hit by the lightning storm. It was the best I could come up with. None of them happen to wielders right?" Shoya asks. "No no...they're not and I want to keep them as far away as I can." Yuno says as he looks down at his hospital bed. "I'd rather take all the pain than have any fall onto them." Yuno adds. "Don't want them to get hurt huh?" Shoya says concerned. "Never. They're good people and I can't drag them into this mess." Yuno responds. "Hmm I can't really understand what you mean when you talk about these things because I don't really have friends." Shoya adds. "Well like you said you met them...you like them right?" Yuno says to Shoya. Shoya nods. "Well they'll have no problem with you in the friend group." Yuno says as he smiles. "You sure Yuno I don't wanna be a bother." Shoya says as he struggles to sit up in his hospital bed. "I'm sure man and plus if we're gonna protect the world together might as well be friends." Yuno says with a laugh. Both struggle to sit up on their beds. Yuno and Shoya fist bump. All of a sudden their merriment gets interrupted by a pile of voices coming from the hallway. Their eyes both dart towards the doorway.
Scene 2 :
The doorknob turns and the door begins to open. The door bursts open and a flurry of bodies rush in. Everyone files in and crowds around Yuno and only one to Shoya. Yuno looks around and sees his friends by his side and sees his sister by Shoya's bedside. Yuno notices bandages on everyone by his bedside. "Guys what happened?" Yuno asks. Before anyone can answer Shoya coughs and says "Well Yuno I assume it's why we're here as well...the earthquake or whatever it was that hit the school." "Wow this kid is kinda stupid." Poseidon chimes in. "Yeah, tell me about it." Bolta adds. "You guys look terrible, how did you get caught in the quake?" Asked Taya. "Yeah and who the hell is this guy?" Alistair interrupted. Shoya smiles and says "Nice to meet you. I'm Shoya. Shoya izanami. I just moved here with my father. I walked Yuno's sister home yesterday where he and I met. After finding out we both live close to one another and also that we'd be going to the same school we both thought it would be best if he showed me the way and got me acquainted with the neighborhood." "Yeah and plus Shoya's dad is really busy so it's not like he had anyone else to help him." Yuno added. "Hmm quite adaptable." Shoya thought to himself. Alistair begins to glare at Shoya. "If you think your zoning in on my best friend I'm gonna kill you!" Alistair says angrily as he begins to walk towards Shoya. Yuuchi steps in front of Alistair and elbows him in the gut. Alistair falls to his knees and starts coughing. "Nice to meet you Shoya, I'm Yuuchi. That idiot that was talking to you just now is Yuno's empty headed friend Alistair. Don't take what he says personally please." Yuuchi says awkwardly, holding out a hand to Shoya. Shoya shakes Yuuchi's hand. Taya walks over to Shoya's bed. She kicks Alistair in the back of the head. "OWW YOU WOMEN ARE SO ABUSIVE!!" Alistair screams as he grovels on the floor. Yuno begins to laugh while clutching at his chest. "HEY BUDDY YOU WANNA BE MORE HURT!" Alistair yells to Yuno. "OWW WHAT DID I DO HE'S THE ONE THAT LAUGHED!!" Alistair screams as Taya and Yuuchi both kick him again. "You dufus. Hey there Shoya I'm Taya. Sorry for lughead's words here he's not too inept with the human society seeing as he is still considered a neanderthal." Taya says as she smiles and holds out a hand to Shoya. Shoya laughs and says "it's quite alright I don't have the most trustworthy face. I should be the one apologizing. I really shouldn't have asked Yuno to come out so early." "No no it's ok. It was a freak accident." Taya says. "Yeah and Yuno could do with coming earlier to school." Yuno's sister chimes in. "HEY I HEARD THAT!" Yuno screams as he coughs and clutches at his chest. Yuuchi rubs Yuno's chest and says to him "Relax Yuno you should rest. And to answer your question from earlier, the train Ali and I were on ended up derailing. It wasn't too serious, only a few scrapes and bruises." "Yeah and the bus I was on started swerving but like the train nothing too bad." Taya adds. "Shoya, do you want me to call your father or something?" Yuno's sister asks as she holds his hand. "Not like we live together and you should call our parents first." Yuno interrupts. "You want to die, loser?" His sister replies while staring at him with widened eyes. "Wow scary..." Taya, Yuuchi, and Alistair say in unison. Shoya laughs and says "You guys really are funny. If there's one thing to be glad about from all this is that I got to meet all of you and got to be friends with Yuno here. And Bianca it's alright, I have a feeling father already knows." "Oh alright. I hope you feel better soon Shoya..." Yuno's sister says as she lets go of Shoya's hand. "And you..." Bianca walks to her brother's bed. "Hmm" Yuno says as he looks at her. "OWWW!!" Yuno screams as his sister starts pulling his ear. "STOP BEING A LIGHTNING ROD FOR BAD THINGS YOU DUFUS!!!" Bianca screams as she's being pulled off of her brother by Alistair. Tears form in her eyes as she says "In the past month I've had to worry about Yuno several times. I'm not angry that you get hurt, I'm just so scared of losing you at one of these times." She buries her head in Alistair's chest to hide her face. "Bianca..." Alistair says as he hugs her. "Your brother is strong. I may be an idiot if you ask the two she devils next to you but it doesn't take a genius to see that your brother is strong. Bad things may happen to him but we all have a streak of bad luck sometimes. Your brother's just lucky we're here by his side. And I guess Shoya now too." Alistair adds. "Guess I'm no better with luck seeing as being caught in an earthquake is how I end up meeting you people." Shoya jokes. "Funny guy." Alistair says as he laughs and nods his head. "Sis...I'm sorry I worry you and I'm sorry I worry mom and dad as well but I promise I'll be ok." Yuno says as he tries to sit up. Bianca walks up to Yuno and hugs him and says "I know I know...I'll go home and tell mom and dad..." Yuno's sister steps back with even more tears in her eyes. "Bianca don't cry you'll make me start crying." Yuuchi says as she turns away. Shoya looks at Yuno. "Now that you're gonna be friends with us Shoya let me introduce you to the emotional ones of the group." Yuno says as he laughs. Yuuchi and Bianca's eyes dart to Yuno. "Oh no..." Yuno says with widened eyes. "OW OW OW OWWW!!!" Yuno screams as his ears are twisted by his sister and Yuuchi. Shoya laughs. "Welcome to the friend group Shoya...and good luck we're all a handful." Taya says as she smiles at Shoya. "I'll be going home now. I'll let mom and dad know you're doing better..." Bianca says as she gathers her things. "Yeah well not anymore after that attack." Yuno says with a sour face as he clutches his ears. "Be grateful I didn't kill you." Yuuchi says with angry eyes focused on Yuno. "See man...She devil." Alistair whispers to Shoya and Yuno. "I can still hear you." Yuuchi says as her eyes lock onto Alistair. "IM SORRY!" Alistair yells as he runs behind Taya. Bianca laughs and says "Yuno...Shoya, you guys should be free to go by tomorrow. Until then I guess you guys are having a Recovery sleepover." Shoya laughs as Yuno pouts. "I'll see you guys tomorrow." Bianca adds as she exits the room. "We should go too, you guys need your rest." Taya says. "Yeah we'll see you guys tomorrow." Yuuchi adds. Taya and Yuuchi hug both Yuno and Shoya. "Hey where's my sugar I feel like I got abused more than they did." Alistair says with crossed arms and a sassy tone. "I sense a fist coming his way." Shoya whispers to Yuno. "I see you're already getting familiar with this friendship." Yuno laughs and whispers back. "OW!" Alistair yells as he's brought to the floor by a joint punch from Taya and Yuuchi. "Yuno I hope you feel better and Shoya, It was nice meeting you. I look forward to seeing you in school." Taya says as she grabs Alistair's leg. "Say bye to Yuno and Shoya you dummy." Taya says and she glares down at Alistair. "Ahhh." Alistair groans as he's dragged out the door by Taya. "See ya guys!!" Taya tells as she pulls Alistair out the doorway. Yuuchi rushes to the door and laughs as she sets Taya pulling Alistair who's almost double her height. She looks back in the room and says "It was bad luck today with the quake but things like this happen. Don't let it get you guys down. I should probably go to make sure she doesn't actually kill him." Yuuchi quickly runs to hug both Shoya and Yuno. "I'll be sure to say a prayer by the shrine for both of you! Bye guys!" Yuuchi says and laughs as she runs down the hall. "You boys are sure popular." A nurse says as she pokes her head into the room. "It's time for bed. I'll be shutting the lights off." The nurse adds as she shuts the lights off and closes the door. "So those were your friends...really nice people." Shoya says as he looks to the ceiling. "Yeah and scary too...but also full of character." Poseidon adds. "Just wait till you hang around them more." Bolta says in a tired tone. "I forget that you guys are here sometimes." Yuno says he tries to get comfy on his bed. "Yeah well at least I'm no longer alone when you have company." Bolta says with an attitude. "Hmm what did you guys talk about then?" Shoya asks. "Simple...we discussed which one of you would die first without us." Posideon says proudly. "Oh..." Yuno and Shoya say in a disappointing tone. "Let's head to bed before they ask more questions." Bolta says as he dozes off to sleep. Poseidon soon follows after and sleeps. "You know Yuno..." Shoya begins to say as Yuno turns his head to look at him. "I'm not really the type to have or ever have had any long term friends. Hell I've never even had a single friend with any type of special bond." Shoya finishes saying. "Type of bond?" Yuno responds confusingly. "Our powers connects us. That's the bond we share. That's the bond we created by having that fight. I want to protect the world not just from other wielders but from the scum that walk it as well." Shoya replies. "I'm with you there my friend. And as for bonds...I guess we do have that bond. It's nothing new to me, the same bond we have is the same I share with my friends." Yuno says with a smile. "Hmm you think I could get a bond like that with them someday?" Shoya asks. "Someday? Nah I don't think you'd have to wait that long." Yuno replies. "Huh?" Shoya says with a blank expression. "Didn't you see today?" You already got to know them and they got to know you a bit. Your bond with them is also forming." Yuno replies. "Ahh I see it now...I'm glad." Shoya says with a smile. "We should head to bed. I'm pretty tired." Yuno says. "Yeah you're right...but wait one thing..." Shoya replies. "Hmm" Yuno says as he looks at Shoya. "You see it's great we found each other and all and it makes it so much easier now that we go to the same school to discuss plans to stop all the bad crimes and bad wielders but discussing is one thing but taking action is another." Shoya adds. "You've lost me here..." Yuno says with a blank empty face. "What I'm trying to say is how exactly can the two of us protect our city and perfect our skills when at school? I get to do it on the weekends because we're free but how on the schooldays?" Shoya asks. "Hmm I never thought of it that way..." Yuno says, confused. "Wait, what do you mean? How did you end up seeing me that first time then?" Shoya asks. "Oh simple...I cut school." Yuno says with a proud face. "Can you lean in closer for a second?" Shoya asks as he leans in Yuno's direction. "Hmm" Yuno says as he's face to face with Shoya. Shoya shoved his hand into Yuno's face. "OW DUDE! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?" Yuno asks as he quickly goes back to laying in his bed. "You idiot, we can't just skip half the time. By the time we've defended and rid the city of crime and evil we'd be 50 and still in highschool." Shoya says concerned. "Also sorry about that's my way of reacting." He adds. "I get what you mean but I don't know any other way...I mean I used to have an outlet to work on my skills over the weekend but I never thought about weekdays." Yuno says. "Used to?" Shoya asks. "Yeah I had a pizza job to work on movement with my sword but after I got the hang of it I quit and plus the boss didn't really like me. You know what, let's sleep on it. We have weekends where we can hang and maybe spar to work on combat and discuss stuff so let's be grateful for that for now. Something should come to me in the morning." Yuno says. Shoya nods. They go to sleep.
Scene 3 :
"I GOT IT!" Yuno screams as he wakes up. He pauses and sees the sunlight and feels his body slowly feeling like normal. "WOW no wires!" Yuno adds excitedly. "Do you always wake up this excited?" Shoya asks as he laughs. "And loud too." Posideon says groggily. "Yeah kid, you're gonna have to relax a bit. I need a few minutes to catch up on some sleep." Bolta adds. "Ah, forget you two. Oh you're out of bed already?" Yuno says as he sees Shoya. "Yeah at around 3am this morning they removed the wires and said we were free to go in the morning. I decided it was best if we ate breakfast here and headed to school." Shoya says as he hands Yuno a bag of clothes. Yuno looks at him confused. "After they told me that this morning I called your sister and she told your parents and told mine as well. She then dropped off these for you and my father gave her some clothes to drop off to me as well. So get changed. We'll grab breakfast on the way." Shoya says with a smile. "Wait, you have my sister's number?" Yuno says, confused. "Just get ready and get changed superhero." Shoya replies. Yuno changes and quickly freshens up in the bathroom. "I'm ready whenever you are my friend." Yuno says as he picks up Bolta. "The swords are still sleeping I think." Shoya says as they walk out the door. "That's their nature, battle takes it out of them but they're also a lazy type." Yuno says. "Hey we can hear you!!" Bolts and Poseidon say in unison. "Anyways the hospital isn't too far from the school so we can walk there and be there in 8 minutes tops." Yuno explains. "Cool!" Shoya responds. They exit the hospital and begin walking to school. Eyes dart to them randomly. "You gotten used to this yet?" Yuno asks Shoya. "Hmm?" Shoya says as he looks back at Yuno. "The eyes?" Yuno responds. "Ohhh..." Shoya replies. "Yeah I have it was weird but I usually say my hand is cramping up." Shoya says with a laugh. "What do you say?" Shoya adds. "I usually say I'm practicing for a play." Yuno says with a laugh as well. "Quite lame compared to yours." Yuno adds. "I was going for something that made sense." Shoya says jokingly. They both laugh. "Speaking of our weapons. Did you find a way to help us during the day?" Shoya asks. "Yeah I do actually. You see there's only one way people can do whatever they want at school and still get grades for it. That way is CLUBS." Yuno explains. "What do you mean?" Shoya asks. They arrive at the semi repaired school. They both scan their ID cards and walk in. "You see, a club is where a selected number of students all meet in a room at any hour and for any amount of time during the school day. They even get added perks like trips and such if the principal really likes the club. And oftentimes there's a lot of random clubs. The principal isn't too strict when it comes to approving clubs. I think the guideline is as long as it doesn't get the school in trouble you should be fine." Yubo explains. "So you're suggesting we join a club?" Shoya asks. "Bingo." Yuno replies. "Smart plan but one flaw. When it comes to joining a club that already exists we have the problem of following the orders of that club which may not align with the time frame of crimes or other wielders we would have to combat against." Shoya explains. Yuno stops in his tracks. "Crap your right." Yuno says disappointed. "Speaking of timing, how did you get info on crimes and all that stuff? I usually followed police cars." Shoya says. "Well my approach was kinda the same...except the fact that I stole a radio from my fathers police station and a walkie talkie I keep in my bag..." Yuno says with a guilty look. "Oh...at least it's for the greater good." Shoya responds awkwardly. "OH I got it." Shoya says happily. "Let's make our own club." He adds. "SMART IDEA YOU FREAKIN GENIUS!!" Yuno says happily. "What's a smart idea guys?" Yuuchi says as she exits the staircase. "Hey guys Good Morning!" Taya says as she also exits the staircase. "Yo Yo Yo!" Alistair also says as he goes through the other door. He fist bumps Shoya and does his special handshake with Yuno. "Hey Good Morning guys!" Yuno says. "Well what's the smart idea?" Yuuchi asks again. Yuno freezes. "Uhmm.." Yuno begins to freeze. "Well you see Yuno and I were thinking of starting a club." Shoya says as he looks at Yuno. "Oh cool what kinda club." Alistair asks. Shoya begins to freeze. "MIME CLUB!" Yuno screams. "Mime club?" Taya and Alistair say confusingly in unison. "Ohhhh righttt..." Yuuchi beginsto say. "Earlier this month Yuno was telling me about a play where he had to act like a mime. I guess Alistair's going to be in the play as well?" Yuuchi explains and questions. "My father is helping fund it. He wanted it instead of the play being only one night, it was a multitude of nights and Yuno and I thought what better way to practice than to make a club." Shoya replies. "Wow I don't know what's more surprising, the fact that Yuno's gonna be an actor or that he used his brain." Taya says. "Hey, that's not funny." Yuno says defeatedly. "Mime's bro...I'm your friend and all and Shoya I think you're cool too but they kinda freak me out...I'd love to help out but I might have to pass on this." Alistair says. "It's cool that's why I didn't ask you." Yuno says as he laughs and puts his arm around Alistair. "You act like you can even act in the first place." Taya says to Alistair. "Woke up on the wrong side of the bed did we?" Alistair says as he looks at Taya. She rolls her eyes and says "I hope you guys do well with the acting. I'd offer to help too but I'm working part time at my dads deli." "And I'm busy at home too...sorry guys." Yuuchi adds. "It's really no trouble. Yuno and I are plenty enough." Shoya responds with a warmhearted smile. The bell rings. "I'll see you guys around!" Taya says as she and Alistair run to class. "SEE YA!!" Alistair screams from down the hall. Yuuchi runs the opposite way and says "Yeah I'll see you guys at lunch and bring Shoya too!!" Everyone clears out. "Good covering back there," Yuno says. "Me? What about you?" Shoya adds. "We really saved each other huh?" Yuno says with a smile. "Adaptability. We fit each other like a puzzle piece." Shoya says. They laugh and fist bump.
Scene 4 :
Yuno and Shoya head to the principal's office to get the green light for their new club. They get the ok and the sign is quickly placed on the door. "Mime Club" the sign read. "Private club : hand in form to join!" The text underneath the name wrote. "Nice adding the private part." Yuno says to Shoya. "That way we can only let other friendly wielders in the club." Shoya replies. "That's assuming there's anyone else in the school without powers." Shoya adds. "Also good thinking with the name." Shoya adds once more. "Yeah well I figured we get many odd looks on a day to day basis for the way we carry our weapons. They're invisible to anyone who isn't a wielder so it looks odd to the average Joe. However if we were mime's it fit's right into the character!" Yuno says with a smile. "Well now what?" Shoya asks. "Well may-" Yuno started to say as he was interrupted by the fire alarm. "Fire drill?" Shoya asks. Shoya and Yuno go down the nearest stairwell. They arrive outside. "See any of your friends?" Shoya asks. "Nope, not a single one of them." "BOYS!" Bolta shouts out. Shoya and Yuno's eyes both dart to Bolta. "There's one here?" Bolta says firmly. "What?!" Yuno says, confused. "A student?" Shoya questions. "Maybe there in the crowd?" Yuno questions as he looks around. "No you're both wrong it's coming from the building above." Poseidon says. Just as Yuno and Shoya are about to look at the neighboring building a bright flash illuminates the sky. BOOM. A giant ball of fire crashes directly into the street. "What the hell!" Yuno thinks to himself. He starts to look for a way to escape to try and face the mysterious person but Shoya grabs his hand. "No Yuno, wait. Just have your weapon ready. You don't know they're motives." Shoya says seriously. "Yeah Shoya I always have good intentions to send fireballs into the streets. ARE YOU NUTS?!" Yuno yells sarcastically. "AHHHHH" a scream echos from the top of the building. "You still wanna stay put?" Yuno says Shoya. "We can't exactly leave." Shoya says. "I can zoom you out of here." Bolta says. "Not a good idea, people are here and they've seen you." Poseidon says. "Yeah if you wanna zoom up there we should find a way out of the crowd and see if we can go there together." Shoya explains. "If we get out of this crowd I can zoom up there and you can enter from below." Yuno says. "Wait, that's a tall building you think you can head up there that fast?" Yuno questions. "Yeah don't worry about me." Shoya says confidently. Just as they're about to find a way out Yuno notices Alistair and the rest of his friends. "Crap!" Yuno says. "What?" Shoya questions. "The rest of them are here. If they find us we won't find a way to leave." Yuno says. Shoya nods. Shoya and Yuno then tread through the crowd finally finding an opening. They run down the alleyway and zip through the parking lot by the restaurants that are near the school. Several more smaller fireballs light up the sky. "Well they're not hitting the ground anymore but you think there's two up there?" Shoya asks. "Not only one." Poseidon confirms. "If there were two, the pressure would've been more intense." Bolta adds. "Plus it's fire. I've never been up against that." Poseidon says. "I have and it's no pretty sight, be on guard guys." Bolta warns. "Well then it looks like another trip to the hospital." Bolta says.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13 ⏰

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