EPISODE 2 :Superhero In Training : The Stealing Delivery Boy

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Scene 1 :

Yuno wakes up. He gets out of bed and stretches his arms as he yells "IT'S TIME FOR TRAINING." "Well before we get to any of that I think you should wash up. You smell pretty bad." Says Bolta. "Dude cmon…" responded Yuno with a frown. Yuno gets up and goes to get ready. Yuno showers, brushes his teeth and gets ready for the day. "So what's the plan today kid?" Asks Bolta. "Well as far as this weekend goes I have nothing planned other than training." Says Yuno. "But I have no clue where to start." Yuno adds. "Well kid, we need to work on that speed of yours." Says Bolta. "Huh." Yuno responds. "Well before we get any of the fighting basics down we need to work on moving at super speed first. However I don't know where to start." Bolta says. "Well I think I might have an idea…" Yuno says. Yuno goes on his computer and starts typing. "I saw this while I was walking home that day." Yuno says. Yuno pulls up a website that shows a position open as a delivery boy for a local pizza place. "How would this help us?" Asks Bolta. "Well a pizza boy has to go from place to place with some sort of transportation. However with me and you we can try to travel to these places at super speed." Says Yuno. "Hmm I see, with each place we travel too we can try getting better at fast traveling with each delivery we do." Says Bolta. Yuno rushes out the door with his duffel in hand and makes his way to the pizza place.

Scene 2 :

Yuno arrives at the pizza place. Yuno approaches the manager in the back and asks about the open delivery boy position. To Yuno's surprise the position opened up right away and was available today. Yuno was asked if he was available to start working today and Yuno happily agreed. Yuno got dressed in his uniform and was given his company phone. Yuno is given his first address to deliver too which means one thing : TRAINING HAS NOW BEGUN. Yuno rides the delivery bike for one block until he is out of sight. "Let's make sure that we remember this location because I'm not trying to get fired on my first day for losing my bike of all things." Says Yuno. "So what now?" Asks Yuno. "Well now Yuno you need to get into the position to dash…from there you'll be able to run at super speed." Says Bolta. "But wait, I thought you said dash." Says Yuno. "Let me explain it to you, Yuno. You get into the dashing motion to start off. It essentially acts as a boost or start up for the lightning in your feet and from there you can just run freely. But knowing you, you probably don't understand half of this so for the first few tries I'll be walking you through it." Says Bolta. Yuno gets in position to dash. "Yuno do you even know where the address is?" Asks Bolta. "Oh…you're right I'll look that up." Says Yuno. Yuno sees the directions and memorizes them. Just as Yuno is about to get into position once again he gets a call. "OH NO IT'S THE PIZZA PLACE I FORGOT WE'VE BEEN STANDING HERE FOR ABOUT 5 MINUTES NOW." Yuno says as he picks up the phone. 'Hello sir." Yuno says. 'Yuno it's your first day on the job. Why am I already going to have to lecture you about timing." Asks the manager for the pizza place. 'Erm…I'm so sorry sir, I will get there right away." Says Yuno. "We have to hurry Bolta." Yuno gets into position. "Remember Yuno breathe and focus." Yuno nods. He takes a breath and dashes. However not all goes to plan as he dashes into a wall. "Ow I'm not good at maneuvering at superspeed." Says Yuno. "When you have to turn I'll slow down time and then you'll turn it'll help you and it'll teach us to be in unison" Says Bolta. Yuno gets into position again and dashes as he turns a corner time slows, he speeds up anothers street turns and again time slows. With every zoom in every street he crosses the wind flows everywhere car alarms go off and sometimes glass even shatters. To Yuno, since time is slowing down at different times it feels like at least ten more minutes have gone. His heart rate is elevating with each step taken fearing both for his health and his newly appointed job, a job that allows him to fine tune his power. As his heart rate is rising higher and higher he finds it even harder to breathe. "Yuno calm down. It's alright we're in this together." Says Bolta. Yuno, putting all his trust in Bolta listens to him. With each turn he breathes slowly to regulate his heart rate. Yuno, trying his best to be calm keeps running when all of a sudden bolta tells him "Stop. You've arrived, Yuno." Yuno stops. He looks and takes a sigh of relief. He smiles and says "YES WE'VE MADE IT." "Uhm Yuno not quite." Says Bolta. "Huh" Yuno responds. "WHY IS THE PIZZA BOX ON FIRE?" Yuno asks. "Well Yuno you were running at super speed while carrying pizza and the box couldn't keep up with the speed." Bolta replies. "YOU COULDN'T TELL ME THIS MIGHT HAPPEN." Yuno yells out. "Sorry kid, it slipped my mind." Bolta says calmly. Yuno sighs and approaches the pizza box.  "Maybe the pizza is fine." Bolta adds. Yuno opens the box and looks inside. "OH NOOO THE PIZZA IS ABSOLUTELY RUINED." Yuno says as he looks down at a charred pizza with even more burnt toppings. As Yuno is freaking out he hears the door open. "It must be the customer." he says to Bolta as he dashes out of sight. "Oh Bolta this is horrible. I can barely understand my powers, I can barely do a simple pizza job, how am I going to be a superhero." Says Yuno. "Yuno calm down." Bolta says. Before Bolta can say more Yuno cuts him off and says "How can I stay calm, look at all that's going wrong." "Yuno, you shouldn't be so hard on yourself. Before you cut me off I was going to tell you that you just dashed out of there by yourself." Yuno's eyes widened. "Yuno you can do this just get out of your own head. And if you're also worried about  the delivery time, remember that to you several minutes pass but in reality it's only been a few seconds." "Ok that all may be true but what can we do about the pizza?" Yuno asks. "Maybe you can go to the pizza parlor and take an order that is similar to hers or even identical and then deliver that to the house." Bolta suggests. "WAIT ARE YOU SUGGESTING WE STEAL." Yuno yells to Bolta. "Hey, do you have anything better?" Bolta says. Yuno sighs realizing what he has to do. Yuno looks at the box and sees the charred receipt. He looks on his phone to see the order details. Thankfully for Yuno the woman had just ordered a small pepperoni personal pan pizza. Yuno dashes back to the pizza place. He creeps around back to see if he can peer into the kitchen. Yuno sees a personal pepperoni pan pizza just sitting there about to be boxed. Yuno waits a few minutes for it to be boxed. It gets boxed but he needs a diversion to get the box. He cant super speed in there because he can't afford anything to break or even worse someone seeing him when he's supposed to be doing a delivery which by the way he feels as if he's late for. Yuno throws a bottle into the other room to distract the worker. The worker goes to check and Yuno runs quickly to take the pizza box. He's outside and he runs again until he's out of sight. He ducks into a little alley confused on what he should do now. He has another pizza. "But  this one will burn up just like the last if I run at super speed." Yuno says. "We could get a cooler from the store and put the pizza at the bottom and load the top full of ice." Bolta suggests. "Let me guess we should steal again!!" Yuno says. "Hey, the games the game." Bolta says. Yuno zooms around until he can find a cooler and a load of ice. He loads the pizza on the bottom and the ice on top. "Wait wont it seep through?" Asks Yuno. "As you go super speed you'll go fast and it'll heat up the box. The ice will then counteract it from burning up and if we follow this logic maybe the water will steam up the box also making the pizza at the perfect temperature to eat." Says Bolta. "You know what, I'm too nervous to look into that so let's just do it." Yuno responds. Yuno clears his head remembering what Bolta told him. Yuno gets into position and dashes but this time Bolta didn't help as much, only slowing down at sharp turns. Before he knew it he was already there. A smile grows on his face as he feels more confident when dashing this time. That same smile quickly fades as he remembers he has a pizza to deliver. He opens the box and the smile had from before pales in comparison to the smile he has now. He had opened the box and steam had hit his face as he saw the pizza was perfectly fine. He rings the doorbell and says to the customer "Sorry for the delay, it's my first day." The customer looks oddly at Yuno and says "There was no delay. In fact of all my time ordering from you guys you've been the quickest so thank you for that." Yuno collects the change and he walks down the stairs confused. "What's bugging you kid?" Bolta asks. "She says there was no delay and I was the quickest." Yuno responds. Bolta sighs and says "Kid how many times I gotta tell you. To you it feels like minutes but since you're super speeding to everyone it's probably half the time that you actually experience." Yuno smiles and thanks Bolta. Yuno looks to Bolta and says "We found our strategy, Bolta. Now let's get to work." Yuno carried on delivering for the day making each delivery more quicker from the last. Yuno heads home carrying his cooler that by the end of the day had been torn to shreds. "I made a lot of money today and I've learned a lot about super speed so id say day one of training has gone very well." Yuno enters his house and realizes everyone is already asleep. He sees a note on the counter that says "Hey son your mother and sister made you food cause they knew you were going to be out late. We're all very proud of you Yuno. I added a few things to your dinner as well. Love you son." Yuno opens the fridge and sees that there's a chicken katsu curry bowl with a tuna nigiri platter on the side. Yuno eats his dinner and heads upstairs. He jumps in bed and asks Bolta "How do you think today went?' Bolta responds "Training wise?" Yuno nods his head. "Well Yuno i have to admit i did know i would have to step in a little here and there but i do admit you caught your bearings pretty quick. All in all I admit you did well and you impressed me today." Bolta says. 'So what's tomorrow?" Yuno asks. Well seeing as you have part time shifts for delivery to work on your super speed we need an outlet to work on battle skills…So any ideas Yuno." "I was thinking about this earlier and to take a page from your playbook we could steal something." Yuno says. "You're confusing me here Yuno." Bolta says. Yuno sighs and says "My shifts starting every weekend from now on start in the morning so at night and in the afternoon I'm free. And during the week I can sneak out at night." "Yuno, I said give me your plan, not schedule." Says Bolta. Yuno sighs and says "I needed to tell you cause it's important for what we need to steal." "Well out with it then." Bolta says. Yuno sits up and says "We might need to steal a police radio."

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