Episode 6 : Showdown : Lightning Vs Poison

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Scene 1:

RING RING RING RING. Yuno's alarm goes off. He shuts it off. He's been in the same position he was since he came back to his room after dinner. Yuno gets up from his face up position that he was in all night. He wipes his eyes and looks at his phone. "Wow, didn't sleep a wink." Yuno says to himself as he sighs. Yuno glances at Bolta who's sound asleep. "I never wake up for my first alarm so I might as well get up and get this day started." Yuno says again to himself. He gets up and goes to get ready for the day. He enters his room yet again. As he's about to put his clothes on he hears "Seriously kid, you may not have gotten any sleep but I did and I didn't think seeing your pasty white as a ghost bottom is a great start to the morning." "Oh and a goodmorning to you too Bolta..." Yuno says. "And it's also not my fault I can't get a tan." Yuno and Bolta both share a laugh. "So kid, how are you feeling? I assume it's not so great since you got no sleep." Bolta says. Yuno sighs and looks to Bolta and says "I couldn't sleep. There's so many outcomes to think of and it was all so much for me that I couldn't sleep..." Just as Yuno is about to continue he hears a ding come from his phone. "Seriously this early? Wonder who it could be." Yuno says. He looks at his phone and his eyes widen. "Who is it kid?" Bolta asks. "It's Shoya... Here's what he said...Hey Yuno I decided to meet you a bit earlier this morning. My dad left early and I'm bored so maybe we can talk and hang out somewhere by the school until classes start. Who knows I might have classes with you." Yuno says as he finishes reading the text. "What're you gonna do kid?" Bolta asks. "Well it's going to happen eventually so might as well start early. I'll just tell mom that me and Shoya are going for breakfast together." Yuno says. "Then?" Bolta asks. "We'll talk and see where it goes...I don't know the specifics but I do know one thing. I've got you Bolta and I doubt him and his sword are better than me and you." Yuno responds. "Hmm you got the right attitude kid, let's go." Bolta says. Yuno grabs his stuff says bye to his family and heads out the door. Shoya is waiting outside bracing on a nearby lamppost. "Goodmorning Yuno." Shoya says to Yuno with a smile. "Morning Shoya." Yuno says back to Shoya as he shakes Shoya's outstretched hand. "The bus stop is this way." Yuno says. Hi and Shoya walk to the stop. The bus arrived before they could start talking. Yuno pays the fare for both of them. "Much appreciated Yuno." Shoya says. "No problem, think of it as a way of paying you back for helping my sister." Yuno responds. As they find their seats on the rocky bus Shoya says "I hope I didn't upset you with that, I was just trying to be a good person." "No, it's ok, I understand. I should apologize for grilling you. I didn't mean to, I'm just protective of my sister." Yuno says. As Shoya is about to respond, the bus throttles forward. "He's really eager to get there isn't he?" Shoya jokes. "Seems like no one's at the stops." Shoya adds. "It's like that some mornings. We should be there soon if that's the case." Yuno says. "Hmm this town is much different from mine." Shoya says. "What town would that be?" Yuno asks. As Shoya is about to respond the bus stops. "Oh look at that Yuno we've arrived at our stop." Shoya says as he looks out the window. "It seems we have." Yuno says as he stretches his head to look out the window. "It's a really mixed day huh?" Shoya says as he exits the bus. "Yeah they said it might rain but then again the news is always wrong about the weather." Yuno says. "So the school is that way?" Shoya asks as he points left. "Yup two blocks down and the school is there but it's going to open for another thirty minutes. I usually get here just when it's about to open." Yuno responds. "So I assume you'd be late most of the time then." Shoya says as he laughs a little. "Haha sometimes I can't be bothered to run but other times I have to." Yuno responds. "So where do you wanna go before school starts." Yuno asks. Shoya doesn't respond but instead keeps looking at the school. "Shoya?" Yuno says again. Shoya looks to the floor and looks to Yuno and says "I bet now that you have that sword of yours you can get there quicker than ever huh?" The wind starts to blow. "Hmm rain you said? No it seems like wind... quite fitting that there's no lightning don't you think..." Yuno gulps and Shoya takes a couple steps away from him. "No need to be nervous Yuno...I know exactly what you are. And you know exactly what I am don't you?" Shoya stops, pulls out his sword and turns around to face Yuno. The wind picks up even more. "You can see it can't you? My sword..." The wind grows more powerful. "You feel that Yuno? This is what happens when two wielders come face to face. Especially with blades of our caliber." Shoya says. "How rude of me...let me introduce you to my blade." Shoya fully extends his sword and holds it up. "This is Poseidon. My great poison sword." He points the sword at Yuno. Yubo quickly unsheaths Bolta. "Ah there it is the great lightning sword...granting the user super speed and lightning based attacks." Shoya says as his smile fades. "How do you know about me and Bolta?" Yuno says as his heart races and his grip tightens on Bolta. "Bolta? That's a good name Yuno..." The wind picks up even more. "You don't think I saw you the other day? You don't think a sword as famous as yours wouldn't have any admirers? My Poseidon here knows many blades, even those he has never gone up against himself." Shoya says louder as the wind cuts through the air. "So you know about me and Bolta? Good job. That doesn't matter. What side are you on Shoya? The good or the bad." Bolta screams. "Well you saw me kill a man the other day so you tell me." Shoya screams back. "But he was bad...maybe he didn't deserve death but he was still bad." Yuno responds loudly. "Those who do bad are sinners and sinners deserve death. We have the power to make the world a better place but it starts with getting rid of the ones who poison it. What better way to rid the poison than to poison them right back. Taste of their own medicine don't you think. Your gonna have to get your head around that sooner or later." Shoya screams to Yuno. Before Yuno can respond Shoya stops him and yells "Yuno, yesterday I was with Bianca...she's your sister and you yourself said today that you're protective of her...now what if I were to shiver his sword right through her huh...would you kill me then." "What did you just say?" Yuno responds angrily. "Are you trying to get me to kill you?" Yuno adds. "Who's to say you can Yuno? Are you even strong enough? Are you brave enough to do it? Maybe you need an incentive. Maybe I'll go over to your house right now and do it. And who knows maybe I can get your mother as well." Yuno's eyes widen and his hands start shaking. "Kid, he's just antagonizing you. Calm down." Bolta says. "Shut up Bolta." Yuno says angrily as his teeth grind together and his eyes widen. Bolta tries to shock Yuno but Uno just grips onto Bolta harder. "Don't you get in the way. Either you join me or I die trying..." Yuno growls at Bolta. "Wow kid...fine I'll be there by your side but don't let your emotions get the best of you." Bolta says. Before he can add more Shiya screams "Did I strike a nerve or is fear washing over you? I'm guessing you must really need that incentive." Shoya says as he grins. "THATS IT YOUR DEAD." Yuno screams to him.

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