Episode 5 : Lightning Meets Poison

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Scene 1:

Yuno wakes up to a buzzing phone. He looks at his table and sees a post it note and a flashing phone. He yawns, gets up and opens his phone. He sees four messages. Two from Yuuchi, one from Taya and one from Alistair. Tayas message says "Hey neighbor I stopped by and dropped off some soup. And even if you miss school today I'm bringing you your classwork to do your not going to escape it." "Wow, how does her message sound scary even over the phone." Yuno says to himself as he replies with "Taya maybe because I'm sick you can help me with my work *insert smiling emoji*." Alistair's message read "Hey bud I hope your alright bro don't worry I'm gonna head to our favorite place and get you some atomic wings on the house it'll be sure to speed up your process of feeling better." Yuno chuckles as he reads the message and chooses to reply with "Hey man thanks for the gesture. Maybe a wing eating competition would be better lol." And finally Yuuchi's messages. Message one says "Hey Yuno I talked to your mom and she said you threw up. I hope you're ok. We don't have to go to the bakery if it makes you this sick. I can always go on my own." And then message two was in classic Yuuchi fashion, a tea and water guide to help my system. Yuno smiles and laughs and responds by saying "Hey Yuuchi it's ok it's only once I felt this sick i don't know why but I promise I love going here with you it makes you happy and I love seeing that. And also thank you for the tea guide *insert heart emoji*" Yuno gets up and reads the post it note. "Oh a note from Bianca." He says to himself. The post it note reads "Hey big brother I heard you were feeling sick I hope you feel better. Taya made some soup for you that's in the fridge and mom and dad bought a lot of hydration drinks for you. We didn't wake you up last night because we knew you'd feel more sick. Take today off and just relax. Mom and dad went to work and I went to school so everyone's ok and we had a quiet morning without you hahaha. Anyways, I hope you feel better, loser. Love you big brother." "Awh how sweet..." Yuno stops and looks at the note again. "WAIT IT'S THE NEXT DAY."  Yuno screams. "About time you noticed, kid." Bolta says. "BOLTA YOU COULDN'T WAKE ME UP I FEEL FINE.." Yuno screams again. "Well kid I don't know if you can tell or not but I'm not exactly in any position to get up and move freely." Bolta says. "HAHA REAL FUNNY." Yuno says as he jumps and scrambles for his clothes. Just as Yuno heads to the bathroom Bolta stops him and says "Hey kid..." "What?" Yuno responds. "I have a better idea." Bolta says. "What is it then?" Yuno says. "We stay home..."Bolta says. But before Bolta can finish Yuno interrupts and says "NO WE CANT."  Yuno is about to run out of the room but then Bolta zaps him. "OWW." Yuno yelps as he falls to the floor. "Do I have your attention now kid?" Bolta asks. "Yes sir." Yuno responds as he looks up at Bolta from the floor. "We can stay home and instead of going to school we can just stalk him." Bolta says. "Oh" Yuno says. "Stalking huh?" Yuno asks. "Yup." Bolta responds. "Why stalking?" Yuno asks again. "Well kid I know you need that attendance grade but you can use today to train and at the same time cracking down who this kid is and if he's really on our side." Bolta says. "Right so if we spend today trying to find him we could find out some abilities he has maybe and it could help in our battle...if we have one." Yuno says. "You got it right on the money kid." Bolta says.

Scene 2 :

Yuno finishes changing and he grabs Bolta and his duffle bag and he heads out. "Where to first?" Yuno asks. "Let's go to the place we saw him so we could check that trash can that got hit by his powers." Bolta says. Yuno speeds to the place they were at yesterday and they see the same trash can. They begin to examine it. "Wow" Yuno says in disbelief. "Hmm, this kid seems to have such great power and control of that power." Bolta says. "Yeah I'm in shock. I don't know how we can combat it" Yuno says. "Kid, you sure you wanna go up against this guy, maybe we can just talk to him." Bolta says to Yuno. Yuno looks at him confused. "What are you saying Bolta?" Yuno asks. "Well kid after even moving with your powers and even against that guy we battled in the alleyway you passed out. Sure lightning may be more taxing on your body but this guy flung around this heavy sword and essentially killed a man without even breaking a sweat." Bolta responds. Yuno sighs and says "Bolta listen I know he's strong but I can't assume a new wielder will be at my level. It took a while to find this guy and he looks advanced already. I have to start somewhere." "You know what kid you're right. We have to start somewhere, might as well start in the deep end." Bolta says. Yuno gets up and leaves the area. Several hours pass and there's no sign of the boy from yesterday. Yuno and Bolta begin walking back home. "Ok run me through it again." Bolta says. "Hmm?" Yuno says. "Well tell me again you know certain attributes about this kid." Bolta says. "What were you not there yesterday?" Yuno asks in a sarcastic manner. "Real funny kid but I was too focused on the other sword." Bolta responds. "Scared of him?" Yuno asks. "No, not scared, just intrigued. I've never seen a sword like that." Bolta says. "What do you mean?" Yuno asks, confused. "Well with the element of poison I expected it to be in a sleeker type of blade not in a giant sword." Bolta says. "Yeah and that kid from yesterday wasn't the most muscular either. He was practically as skinny as me." Yuno adds. "That's what has me puzzled. With a blade of that nature, how can he swing it so easily? And afterwards he just strapped it to his back." Bolta says. "Hmm...his frame is something like that and I could never imagine myself carrying something like that all day. Nevertheless we're almost home. We can try tomorrow." Yuno says. "How would we try tomorrow when you have school." Bolta says. "Maybe I can skip." Yuno says as he lets out a chuckle. "Kid with your grades you might as well live in that school." Bolta says in a serious yet sarcastic manner. "You're a born comedian you know." Yuno says as he rolls his eyes. Just as he's about to continue talking he hears yelling from down the street. "YUNOOO IS THAT YOU?" Yuno turns and sees that it's his sister. Just as he's about to respond he sees someone behind her. His eyes widened. And his heart starts to race. "Kid what is it?" Bolta says in an alarming manner. "Pay attention to the guy behind her." Yuno whispers to Bolta. "Yuno what are you doing out of the house...Are you feeling better? You should really be inside." Yuno's sister says to him. "Welcome home to you too little sis. I just needed some fresh air but I'm feeling fine." Yuno says as his eyes dart to the boy standing next to his sister. "Oh sorry, Yuno, I'd like you to meet Shoya. He helped me bring my things from the bus stop. My bag had completely ripped and he was kind enough to help." Yuno's sister says to Yuno. "Hello Yuno, I'm Shoya, Shoya Izanami. I saw your sister struggling and I decided to do my good deed for the day and help her. As I was walking her home we got to talking and it seems I'll be attending your school starting tomorrow." Shoya says as he extends his arm to Yuno. Yuno shakes his hand and says to Shoya "Nice to meet you. Attending my school huh? Are you a transfer student?" Yuno asks as he tightens his grip on Shoya's hand. "Uhm Yuno just cause someone walks me home doesn't mean you need to interrogate them." Yuno's sister says as she breaks the handshake between Yuno and Shoya. "No no it's quite alright Bianca. I'm pretty sure Yuno here just wanted to get to know me. It's good to be cautious about random people bringing your family members home." Shoya says as he laughs. "Well Yuno, I recently moved here because of my father. He got a new lab job. He's a scientist. Up until now I've been homeschooled so dad saw this as a chance to get a better job and have me finally experience school. The advisors at the school said it would be best if I just skipped freshman year since I had already been taught the material by my mother back home." Shoya adds. "Back home?" Yuno asks. "Yuno..." Yuno's sister says angrily as she punches his arm. "It's alright. Listen Yuno, it's getting late. How about this, in the morning you and I can travel to school together on the bus. I'm not quite familiar with the route. I do live quite close and I'm an early riser so I'll be here before you know it. Here's my number. I'll call you when I'm out here. Is that ok with you?" Shoya asks. "Sure here my phone just put your number in." Yuno says as he hands Shoya his phone. Shoya bends over to pick up his bag and right when he does Yuno sees the green handle poking out of the bag. His eyes widen as he grips Bolta. "Kid your sister is here...relax...he won't attack." Bolta says firmly as he tries to calm Yuno. "I know it's a pretty large bag but it's only temporary. I'm used to traveling light." Shoya says as he looks at Yuno. Shoya puts his bag down again. Yuno's eyes can't help but stare at the hilt of the blade sticking out of the bag. "How can this be happening right now...the first wielder I meet happens to be standing outside my house." Yuno thinks to himself. Shoya gives Yuno back his phone. As Shoya pulls his hand back, Yuno notices Shoya's eyes slightly looking at Yuno's left hand. The same hand that Yuno is holding Bolta with. "Well I'll head home now. It's very nice to meet you both. Nice to meet you Bianca and Yuno, my fellow  classmate. I'll see you in the morning." Shoya says with a smile. He walks away and waves bye to Yuno and his sister. Yuno's sister waves back as she turns and blushes. She heads to the front door where Yuno is. As Yuno is unlocking it she says to him "That was not cool of you. You practically ruined any chance I had of getting with him because of your weirdness." Yuno opens the door and looks to her and says "Listen Bianca I'm just looking out for you. You would never know if he was a creep or someone that could hurt you because you're too obsessed with how he looks." "Well how can you not!" She responds as she smiles. "Well anyways thank you for looking out for me..." She adds as she hugs Yuno. As she's hugging Yuno she says "I'm also glad you're feeling better." She stops hugging Yuno and smiles. "You want something to eat?" She asks Yuno. "No it's alright I'll just wait until mom and dad get home for dinner." Yuno says as he walks upstairs. Yuno gets in his room and puts Bolta in his chair and throws the rest of his stuff on the floor. Yuno sighs. "He definitely saw you." Yuno says as he looks at Bolta. "I noticed that as well. That blade's presence alone is overwhelming." Bolta says. Yuno looks to the floor. "Listen kid, we found out where he lives...sorta and we found out where he'll be most of the day so I'd say it's a win in my books." Bolta says. "You're right Bolta and I know all of this and I also see it as a win, it's just...it's just that coincidentally he meets Bianca the same day I'm looking for him." Yuno says as he gets out of bed. "What're you getting at kid?" Bolta says confusingly. "Maybe this is fate bringing me and him together cause we have to clash or something? I don't know Bolta, it's all just weird." Yuno responds. "Listen kid coincidence or not we have vital information so just focus on that. And tomorrow you have a chance to get to know him better as well" Bolta says. "Your right Bolta..." Yuno says as he takes a deep breath. "I just need to focus on the positives...LIKE THE DINNER MOM AND DAD ARE GOING TO MAKE!!!" Yuno says happily as a smile grows on his face. "Oh kid, you also have to focus on another thing." Bolta says. "What's that?" Yuno responds. "You need to focus on not changing in front of me...I'm tired of seeing your pasty half naked body." Bolta says. "Oh..." Yuno responds embarrassingly.

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