Episode 3 : Superhero In Training : Community Watch

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Scene 1 :

"What did you just say Yuno?" Bolta says. Yuno sighs and says again "We have to steal a police radio...From a police station." "Okay okay I need you to actually take a minute and think about what you just said Yuno." Says Bolta. Before Yuno could respond Bolta says "First of all kid, how are you going to get into a police station where you have access to the radios. Second, and let me say this so you can actually hear me. WHAT SUPERHERO STEALS FROM A POLICE STATION." "Well...to answer those questions...my dad works at a police-" Yuno responds as he's cut off by Bolta who yells "YOUR GOING TO STEAL FROM YOUR FATHER?" "WELL YOU SAID TO FOLLOW YOUR LEAD AND IF I'M NOT MISTAKEN YOU SAID THE GAMES THE GAME AND IN TIMES LIKE THIS WE DO WHAT WE CAN." Yuno yells back. Yuno looks to Bolta waiting for a response. Yuno then says "Well are you gonna say anything?" Bolta sighs and says "Well kid when you're right you're right." They both sigh once again as they realize what needs to be done. Yuno goes to sleep. Yuno wakes up, gets out of bed and stretches. He opens his curtains and the first thing he sees is his dads car. He sighs and he mutters to himself. "Sorry dad" as he holds the note from last night in his hand. "Yuno?" Bolta calls. "Hmm." Yuno responds. "You alright there kid?" Asks Bolta. Yuno reads the note out loud to Bolta. "I feel so guilty for doing this but at the same time I know it has to be done." Says Yuno. "I know kid I get what you mean but maybe someday he'll be able to understand." As Yuno starts to walk out, Bolta tells Him to stop. Yuno stops and looks at Bolta and Bolta asks "Last night Yuno...You mentioned last night the station we're going to raid is the one your dads working at..." "Mhm" Yuno says.  "I assume you have some type of plan." Bolta adds. "Well while I'm showering I'm going to try and find an excuse for my dad to carry me to the station today." Yuno says. Bolta sighs and says "So what I'm hearing is that you're just going to wing it." Yuno smiles and nods. Yuno heads into the shower and Bolta says to himself "Just when I think that kid can hatch a full solid well laid plan he decides to wing it halfway through." Yuno finishes his shower and busts through the door and says "BOLTA I GOT THE PERFECT EXCUSE." "Well let's hear it." Says Bolta. Yuno stays quiet to try and build up the reveal. "So what's this excuse?" Asks Bolta. "Well here it is..." says Yuno. "Well c'mon don't leave me in suspense, what is it ?" Bolta asks. "So do you remember that guy we fought?" Yuno says. "Mhmmm." Bolta responds. "Well, my dad asked me if I had any info on the guy or any info. At first I said no but today I could tell him I do have info on the guy cause I think he's still in holding. Maybe because he's injured or something. Nonetheless it's the most solid plan I could think of." Says Yuno. "Uhm kid don't you remember you ripped his arm to shreds..." Bolta says. "Oh yeah your right." Yuno says while laughing. "That was pretty badass of me." Yuno adds. "You really are an idiot but anyways kid, that plan is not half bad." Says Bolta. "Yeah and if the guy is there we could ask him how I was in the fight!" Yuno says with a smile. Bolta sighs and says "Just when I think you've done something smart you prove me wrong."

Scene 2 :

Yuno heads downstairs. Breakfast is being prepared by his mom and his sister is in front of the living room mirror as always checking her hair. Yuno looks for his father but doesn't see him. Yuno rushes to his mom and says "MOM MOM..." His mom looks at him as the bacon sizzles in the pan and says "Honey it's too early for you to be this energetic. What is it?" "WHERE'S DAD?" Yuno says as he eyes the bacon. "Also that bacon looks nice and so do the eggs and toast." Yuno adds as he looks down the table. "Dads in the bathroom. He's getting his suit on and you know he hates doing that." Yuno's sister says as she continues to fix her hair. Yuno quickly grabs a plate. "Honey, wait here's some extra bacon." Yuno's mom says as she loads some more bacon onto his plate. Yuno sits down at the table and starts shoving food into his mouth. His moms eyes and his sister's eyes focus on him as he practically scarfs down his whole plate. His mom laughs. "Uhm Yuno there's something called water and self control you should try it."Yuno's sister says. Yuno looks up from his plate and sees his mom and sister staring at him and he says with a mouth full of food " Dad and I have a big day ahead of us." They both look confused as his dad walks into the kitchen and says "Didn't know we had something planned today Yun." "OH DAD DAD YOUR HERE." Yuno says as he runs to his dad. "LISTEN DAD I NEED TO ASK YOU SOMETHING." Yuno adds. "What is it son?" Yuno's dad says. "CAN I..." Yuno stops to swallow the remainder of his food. He drinks some water as his parents chuckle and his sister looks at him like he's an idiot. "Can I come with you to the station today dad?" Yuno asks. "Of course, son, just be ready in about ten minutes." His father replies. Yuno's dad sits down to start eating breakfast and Yuno rushes upstairs. He trips on the stairs and ends up face first in the hallway. Yuno's sister and father laugh as Yuno's mom yells "Yuno you need to be more careful." His dad chuckles and his sister says "what a knucklehead." His sister thinks to herself that it's particularly odd for Yuno to want to go to the station. She knows that Yuno in all his life has never been to the station voluntarily. He's been scared of the station since the incident. "Hey dad." His sister calls out to his dad as he's eating his food. He looks at her. "Why do you think Yuno wants to go to the station?" I mean he's been scared of that place since the incident happened." His sister asks. Yuno's mom turns off the stove and sighs as she says "He beats himself up so much every time you get a promotion that happens in the station. He wants to go to celebrate you but whenever he tries he ends up not going." "Listen girls, I understand what happened to Yuno was very very tragic and I never wanted it to happen as well but maybe it's for the best that we don't question it. I've never pushed him to go back there and I do hear the pain in his voice whenever he talks about going back or just anything to do with the station. But maybe now he's changed." Yuno's father says. "I hope he's ok. A lot of the time Yuno just seems like he pushes that memory back." Yuno's sister says. "Are you sure he should go honey?" Yuno's mom asks Yuno's father. "We've never pushed him to go back and he's never asked in a happy manner so I think he'll be ok. And if anything I'll be right there with him." Yuno's door slams and he barrels down the stairs with his bag in hand. "DAD IM READY." Yuno says as he runs to put his shoes on. His dad chuckles and says "Alright alright son I'll be right behind you." Yuno gets his shoes on and waves goodbye to his mom and sister as he gets into his dads car. His dad kisses his mom and hugs his sister as he exits the house. As Yuno's dad gets into the car Yuno says "Wow dad this car is amazing." "Yup yup yup son the detectives get the big boy cars." Yuno's dad responds. They both laugh as they drive to the police station. Back in the house Yuno's mom is cleaning the kitchen. Yuno's sister was watching Yuno and his dad leave. As she walks away from the window Yuno's sister turns to Yuno's mom and asks "Mom, you think Yuno's gonna be ok today?" "Well honestly honey I don't know. He was only seven when it happened. Sometimes I wonder if as he's grown up he just forgot it's happened to him." Yuno's mom says. She goes to Yuno's sister and hugs her and says "Listen baby if anything happens to Yuno you know your father will be the first one there to help." "I know mom I know." Yuno's sister says. She walks away but she stops and she says "When was the last time Yuno ever talked about it?" "I don't think he's ever truly talked about it. After it happened he just stayed quiet for months but as time went on he met Taya and eventually Alistair and then finally Yuuchi he got more open. Not to mention all the nights you two spent staying up in your rooms as you guys grew up." Yuno's mom says. "We're a year apart mom which makes it easy for me and Yuno to understand each other but when it comes to this it feels like we might as well be decades apart because Yuno's so hard to read when it comes to this." His sister says. "I know honey I know but we should be happy that he's not distant or flying off the handle because of it. Many people after things like that happen to them they're never the same but in Yuno's case he began to be the boy we knew again. He was silent and distant for months but after time had passed he was back to normal. So we just need to have hope in him, Bianca." Yuno's mom says to his sister. His sister says "Yeah mom you're right." She grabs a rag and helps her mom clean up.

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