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Making Excuses

A lot had changed this finals this semester, time flies.

Kim can't get out of this guy's grip and cling on her too much, she just wants to go home

And its getting icky because this guy is courting her but acting like they're already together, Kim dislikes that

Sometimes she wish she never choose this guy, he's such a pain!

"HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA look at Kim she seems to regret everything!" Jenna laughed

"Why Gio out of all of them?" Hana asked she's really curious

"Well, he's easy." Kim explained, it was enough, after all everyone knew about Gio who never leave Kim after facing thousands of rejection

"That explains it." Hana answered

"Heard anything from Dari?" Jenna curiously asked

For a mean time Kim took time to process, months had pass and she didn't dare to look for Dari

And in just 1 question, it brought the longing of Kim

The longing she buried

"I heard she didn't want Gio to join the hockey"


"I UNDERSTAND! AFTER WHAT HE HAD DONE!" Jenna continue laughing

To their suprise,Kim is still spacing out

"You can freely choose Dari,you know." Hana suddenly said

Taking out wherever Kim went in her imagination

"I- can't"

"Until when are you gonna keep up with hiding who you are? No one will care, Kim" Jenna explained budging her friend

"I don't want to be seen like that-"

"In what cause? Turning down the chance of being loved unconditionally?"

"You don't even know how Dari can love." Kim made her point

"Kim, she treated you like a princess when you two are pretending-"

"You guys are pretending? I knew it!"




"Why won't you let the guy pass?" Dari's teammate is talking about Gio who is looking at her in evil manner

"His not good enough, he was part of the team outside this school so i expect more on him but he's not good." Dari explained

She's right, Gio was supposed to be good and firm being a hockey player but turns out he's worst. Even Dari's new trained members are better than the guy

No wonder they won

"I thought you didn't accept him because he's courting your ex" her teammate teased

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