Chapter 1

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Elena's POV -

"Katie!!!! I can't believe it today is the day. The day I get everything I could ever dream, my mate, my life, and my freedom from here." I said hugging my best friend. Katie and Leah are my reason I have survived the last 2 years.

"Wherever you go, we go girl. More than this life." Leah said as she joined the group hug.

"More than this life!" We all said together.

"Today is the only day your dad has to keep his hands off you." Leah said, making me look at her quizzically, "I mean, the Alpha King, Beta Kinga, and Delta King are coming looking for their mates and they know that it's the Alpha's daughters birthday so they'll be here around 6 for the celebrationg."

"Wow! Do you think the three of us may have a chance to be there mates?" I asked, hoping we may have a chance and prove to my father that I am not a worthless mut.

"Girl I hope so! I actually low-key have had a crush on the Beta King James." Katie said all googly eyed.

"Same here with Delta Ollie! I mean he is so dreamy!" Leah said.

"Okay girls! Keep it in your pants! As much as I would love to be the Lycan Luna Queen, I won't get my hopes up until I know for sure." I said laughing at my besties as we walked out of the mall with our outfits for my birthday celebration. "Okay, I will you ladies tonight. I gotta get home and start getting ready, you know, first shift and all."

"Later girlie-pop! Don't drool too much of the King!" They said and giggled. I love my besties. They really are my everything.

3 hours later

"Elena Marie! Get down here! We have some very important guests here that would like to meet the birthday girl!" My brother Alec yelled for me. He always tried to protect me but dad never let him.

"Alpha King, Beta King, and Delta King this is Elen, my little sister and also the birthday girl." Alec said giving me a side hug earning a deep growl from the one and only Alpha King.

"My king? Is everything okay?" Alec asked as he hesitantly let me go.

"Sorry, that was my wolf. He's kinda been on edge since we got here and won't tell me why." King Aleczander said as he looked at me with adoration in his eye. I wonder why, maybe it's because he thinks I look good in my outfit.

"My king, would you like to walk with me around the area of the celebration?" I asked him, not knowing where this confidence is coming from.

"I would love to miss Elena." He said offering me his arm.

He is wearing a pair of dark blue jeans and a tight fitted black t-shirt. I am wearing a Black romper with white wedeges with black decals. I must say, he lookes good enough to eat. Oh I hope I end up being mated to him, and not for the status, but because I have always had a hidde crush on the King.

"So, my King, I was told you and the Beta and Delta Kings are here searching for your mates. Do you sense think she's somewhere within my pack?" I asked him.

"Well to be honest with you Elena, I think so. I mean I wouldn't be able to explain my wolfs actions otherwise, but he won't tell me." He replied and I nodded as we just continued to walk around the ceremony area waiting for my dad to call the pack which should be any minute now.

King Aleczander's POV -

'It's because she hasn't shifted yet. That's why I'm not answering you. I can't tell who it is but it's definitely someone in this pack.' Zeus said as he was eavesdropping on my conversation with Elena.

'What do you mean she hasn't shifted yet?' I tried asking but he ignored me.

*Guys I think my mate is in this pack!* I say through the mind link.

*Yeah we think ours is too. We can sense them but they aren't in this area so we can't find them.* Ollie said as James agreed.

*Well Zeus says he can feel her but he can't sense her because she hasn't shifted yet but we shall see guys.*

I can't believe it! My mate is here but just hasn't shifted as in, hasn't had her first shift...just like, ELENA!

'Zeus are you telling me that it just may be this beautiful girl I have with me right now?'

'She just might be. I don't know though. I can feel some kind of pull towards her but I can't tell if it's because she's our mate or not.'

I would be so damn happy if she was. I mean look at her, she's smart, beautiful, innocent, calm, caring, everything that would make for a wonderful Queen. I just hope she knows (if she's my mate) that when we mate she'll become a Lycan as well. We are immortal beings.

"My king? Is everything okay?" She asked me as she watched my facial expressions.

"Yes, everything is just fine." I am trying so hard not to say anything to this extraordinary beauty but it is so hard.

"Well my father is calling for the gathering." She said as we stood up and headed towards the area that was made into a stage, seeing her father on the stage.

"Welcome my King! I hope my daughter has been the bst host." He said almost sounding spiteful, but of what?

"Yes Alpha she definitely has been a wonderful host." I responded looking at her the entire time, but when I looked back at her father he had a look of disgust in his eyes as he looked at Elena. Why would he look at his daughter like that? I'll have to look into the Dark Moon Pack when we arrive back at the Royal Pack.

"Now if you don't mind my King, I need my daughter up on stage for the toast." He said as he took her away, a bit roughly for my liking.

Something is definitely wrong here but I can't go making accusations without proof or evidence. I was so deep in thought and watching Elena that I didn't her my beta and Delta walk up behind me.

"Zander? You okay buddy?" James asked as he and Ollie walked up to me with two beautiful women on their arms.

"May I ask?" I looked at my best friends and nodded to the ladies.

"OH! Yeah, this is Leah. She just so happens to be one of Miss Elena's best friend and also my mate." Ollie said as he just smiled at her with love and adoration.

"And this is Katie, also Elena's best friend and my mate." James said looking at her the way Ollie was looking at Leah.

"Well Leah, if you think this sounds like fate then maybe...." Katie started but stopped as Leah nodded. But now I am curious about what they were saying but I guess I will find out in a bit. My thoughts were ripped away when I heard a Lycan howl? But how? Everyone else is back home.

I looked up at the stage to see Elena shifted into a beautifully pure white Lycan, but how? "Girls, how does Elena have a Lycan?" I asked them confused. Just as they were going to answer I smelled the most amazing smell ever, strawberries and mint. I looked up and my eyes instatly fell on Elena as she walked up to me.

"My mate, if you want to know how I got a Lycan instead of a wolf, then the answer is simple. I actually have both. My mother is of royal blood from Europe but she moved here when she found out she was mated to my father. There was always a chance I would have one or the other but one thing only my family and my friends know is, I shifted into my wolf Alea when I was 16, and my Lycan Artemis just now but I never thought I would get both. My mother always told me I was special but I thought it was because I shifted when I was 16 but I guess it's because I was destined to be a Lycan and Werewolf. Now my wonderful mate may I steal you away for a minute. I have something I need to tell you but not here in front of everyone?" She asked as she looped her arms around my neck and I wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Whatever you desire, My Queen." I said as I placed a kiss on her lips feeling the sparks as I did.

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