Chapter 2

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Zander's POV -

My mate just told me everything. Her father blamed her for her mothers death 2 years ago and has mistreated her since. I mean that would explain the look of disgust he gave her and the hatred he was seething while in front of her. She said her brother tried to stop him but their father would start taking her to secret places and beat her, sometimes leaving her for a few days.

"I tell you this as my mate and my King. I tell you this so hopefully we can put a stop to any mistreatment within any of our packs." She said claiming the packs as ours as if it's natural. Man she's perfect for me.

" 'Our pack'?" I ask in a teasing manner, smiling down at the love of my life in my arms. "Yes there is actually something perfect for this. Follow me love." I said as I led her to the stage.

"Excuse me Dark Moon pack but there is something I would like to say but before I do I need my Beta, Delta, and their mates, Alpha Black and his son all up here please." I said announcing in front of the entire pack. "Due to some new information that has surfaced I, Lycan Alpha King Aleczander Knight, strip you, Alpha James Black, of your title and status in the packs. I also banish you and declare you rogue." I finished while looking him dead in the eyes while holding tightly onto my mate.

"W..w..what?! Why? I didn't do anything to deserve this! bitch! What have you done?!" He tried lunging at Elena but just as he did James and Ollie pulled him back so he decided to punch the Beta King and still tried to go after Elena.

"If I were you I would stop right there! Touch her and die but touch them and they decide what to do with you." I warned him pointing at James and Ollie. I always let them decide what happens to someone who gets physical with them over not doing as they're told and act out of rage.

"You will pay for this." He said and then disappeared into the forest.

"Now that we have the trash taken out, Alec Black please step forward." I said as I looked at him. "I, King Aleczander Knight declare you the new Alpha of the Dark Moon pack." I said and everyone cheered.

"Now that was hot. Elena whispered in my ear. Man I want to get her home into the safety of our castle so we can have so much fun.

"Love before we do anything here, let's pack your stuff and go home." I said as i kissed her deeply in front of the entire pack and her brother looked so proud of his little sister.

"Okay now my darling sister I would like to congratulate you in finding your mate and becoming our Queen." Her brother said and kneeled in front of her as the entire pack, my beta and delta and her friends all kneeled for their queen.

"Thank you Alec I love you. Thank you for trying to keep me safe the best you could. I know you'll make an amazing Alpha." She said as she hugged her brother before heading inside.

"My King, I want to thank you on behalf of my pack for getting rid of my father. I told him a year ago I was going to bring his misdoings to your attention but he told me if I did then he'd kill her and then there wouldn't be anything to worry about. I decided not to say anything and from then on he started taking her places i don't know and wouldn't return home for a few hours with her damn near dead but thankfully she had her wolf Alea and she saved her." He told me with tears in his eyes. You could tell he truly loved his sister and wanted nothing but the best for her.

"I wish you would have said something, but I understand why you didn't. You were only trying to at least keep her alive until she found her mate, until she found me and I really appreciate you keeping her alive and I promise you, I will continue to take care of her and if something happens then the person that causes her any harm will die at my hands." I told him shaking his hand out of respect, "and Alec please call me Zander. We are family now afterall. I mean I know she wouldn't be here without you and would want you there for every major step like her swearing in as queen, our wedding day, the day we have kids, you know your her brother and I would never tell her no when it comes to you."

"Thank you Ki...Zander." He smiled as we sat there chatting about things before James and Ollie joined us while the girls packed.

"They'll call when they are ready. We could not stay over there with them. Leah is just so damn beautiful I'm not letting her focus on packing so she said if I don't behave and come back here then I won't get to even see one inch of her bare skin for a month." Ollie said sadly.

"Dude same with Katie! She threatend a vow of solidarity if I wouldn't let her pack. I just never want to let her go, you know." He said like a lost puppy.

"Dude I know! I figured its best to listen and come chill here until she's done." Ollie replied. Man they just met their mates and they're whipped!

"Boys! You are so whipped!" I said and laughed at them.

"And why aren't you with Elena, huh? I bet she kicked you out because ever since she shifted the two of you haven't taken your hands off eachother." James said as he and Ollie both just looked at me.

"Actually I was talking to her brother. We just got done talking and I was going to go help her. Alec do me favor for my sanity and don't let these two leave until I come back. I will let you guys know when the girls and I are on our way back to get you." I told them as I walked down to Elena's house.

As I walked over to Elena's house I can't help but to smile. I have been searching for my mate for a few years now. Us lycans shift at the age of 16, which explains why she shifted at 16 and at 18. I can't believe they couldn't just help their mates pack instead of being a distraction. I mean, how hard can it be?

"Elena, love where are you?" I yelled as I entered the house and she came down the stairs her face glowing with a beautiful smile and ran right into my arms and I kissed her. Man, I didn't realize I missed her touch this much. Okay maybe the guys had a point. "I'm here to help you pack."

"I would love the help." She said as she led me to her room. "Oh and do you mind if we take my car?"

"Of course not love. What kind of car do you have?" I asked trying to see just how much I can learn about my queen.

"It's a 2024 Bugatti. It's purple exterior with black interior." She said with excitement in her eyes.

"For real?! I have a 2024 Bugatti, black exterior and purple interior!" I said realizing we have the same car and same color scheme. "Tell me my love do you have an underglow?"

"Yes! It's a lilac purple, same interior underlight." She said super excited that we have the same car. Man if I'm like this then I know the guys will be too.

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