Chapter 10

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Zander's POV -

After the meeting and filling in Alec, we decided that until her father and this person is stopped no one else will no vital information. I want to tell my uncle because he is like a father to me but literally anyone could be the mole and the only people I trust are those in this room with us.

"Zander, could it have been Jessica? I mean she has always been obsessed with you and becoming Queen." Ollie asked and James nodded in agreement.

"Who's Jessica?" El asked from beside me.

"She's a she wolf from this pack who has had an insane crush on me since we were children. She always believed she deserved to be Queen and my mate and swore to do some serious damage if it wasn't given to her. Unfortunately, we ended up having to send her away because of threats on the Royal throne. Apparently, she ran into your father and they must have devised this scheme." I say as I sigh. Jessica was a friend to us growing up but the older we got the more obsessed she became over the throne.

"If this Jessica comes anywhere near El, I will personally rip her head off for wishing harm upon our family." Alec said as he became angry, trying to calm his wolf down. "Oh since I have all of you here, is there any way you can gather any unmated females? I could've sworn I sensed her around the castle but for some reason I can't seem to find her."

"Alec! That's great. Yeah we can gather the unmated females into the throne room and we will help you find her." I said as I looked at Zan as he nodded in agreement.

*All unmated female wolves please report to the throne room immediately.* I hear Zan say in the pack wide mindlink.

A chorus of 'Yes my kings' were heard as we made our way to the throne room and sat on our thrones awaiting everyone to join.

"Now that we have all of you here, who here has sensed their mate close by but hasn't been able to find him?" I asked as James' sister Jennifer stepped forward.

"My King, my Queen, I have sensed him since yesterday and no matter what I do haven't been able to find him but he seems to be in this very room." Jen said as she kneeled in front of us as a sign of respect. The only people in here are our guards, James, Katie, Ollie, Leah, and Alec. They are standing in the shadows to keep an eye on everything.

"Alec, please come out." I said in an authoritative tone. Just then you can see my brother coming forward with wide eyes as he eyed his mate, Jennifer.

"Why wasn't I able to sense you before?" He asked as he approached her.

"I only just returned yesterday. I do recon for the Royal pack when there's been a threat." She said as she reached her hand out for him to grab and he did. You could see the joy and love on their faces as they embraced one another.

"Alec, I couldn't be any happier for you! You have found your mate in our Beta's sister, she seems to be perfect for you! Jennifer, welcome to our family. The Moon Goddess couldn't have paired anyone more perfect together." El said as she approached the two.

"Thank you so much my Queen! I couldn't be any happier than I am right now!" She started before backing up a little and then glanced at Alec.

"Does this mean I will be moving to your pack and become Luna?" She asked a tad bit nervous.

"Sis, that's exactly what that means. You have found your mate, something you've wanted since we were kids. Go, be happy. You can visit us whenever you want and I'm sure we can visit you considering the Queen is your mates little sister." James said as he and Katie approached Jen.

"I know big brother but I don't want to leave you guys! We all grew up together, went through everything together. How do I just leave the people who were always there for me?" She said as tears started to fall down her face.

"My beautiful Jen, don't worry about the leaving. Our pack is only a few hours drive from the castle, we'll be here or they'll come visit. Plus with my father being the threat to the Queen and heir to the royal line, we'll be working alongside the Royal Pack to put an end to this threat he has posed against my sister, the Queen, and her child, the heir to the throne. I stepped down once to save my sisters life from his threats but I refuse to step down again. We will be together more than not." Alec said in a soothing voice to Jen as she embraced him.

"Thank you Alec! My Queen, would you like to go on a shopping trip with me? We can get to know each other seeing as we're family now. Oh and Katie and Leah you ladies may join if you'd like as well. I know you girls are some of the reasons our Queen never gave up and is standing here with us today and are gonna have an heir soon. Plus Katie you're mates with my brother so we're family and can get to know each other as well." Jen mentioned as the girls became excited. I know they like shopping.

"Only if the guys come and carry the bags for us." My beautiful Queen said as she spun around to face me with a mischevious look on her face. Oh this is gonna be so much fun.

"Anything for you my Queen. Wouldn't want you stressing to much with anything since you're pregnant." I said slyly, knowing she's gonna regret saying that since everyone is tasked to making sure she doesn't get injured or stressed but also because she knows I'm gonna be even more over protective in public with there being a threat looming over our heads.

"Oh don't even start my King. You know I asked you guys to come because of the threat and me being pregnant. As the Queen it is my job to ensure this packs safety and future that means no intentional steps towards danger without the extra security. Plus you guys can't escape this shopping trip with your girls because you know I'm right about asking our mates to come as the extra security instead of just taking extra guards." She states matter-of-factly. Damn she got me there. My Queen, the brightest person in the room yet always the strategist.

"Yes my Queen you are right. Having the King and his Beta and Gamma with you then no one dares to even try anything and if they do then its a death sentence for treason and attempted harm on the Queen." I said agreeing with her, knowing she's right.

"Well then if it's settled, let's go get ready and go shopping!" Jen said excitedly and the girls all agreed. This is gonna be an interesting trip for us guys.

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