1 - Missing case

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Am I still dreaming...? Jungkook wondered as his eyes took in the sea of crimson in front of him.


There was blood everywhere in the hallway in front of Jungkook's door. The metallic stench that flooded his nose was so overpowering that he felt another wave of nausea churning his gut, a different kind than the hungover he was stewing in right now.

"Mr. Jeon?" The gruff voice snapped Jungkook out of his reverie. He looked up to see the beefy middle aged man — who had pounded on his door for ten minutes straight earlier — flashing a police badge he had only ever seen on TV before. "We are from the Violent Crime Investigation Unit in Seoul City Bureau. Can we ask you a few questions?"

Still disoriented, Jungkook opened the door wider to let the three police officers inside. They crowded into Jungkook's living room, which looked even more cramped with many unopened boxes strewn all over the floor. Jungkook grimaced inwardly. Now he regretted that he didn't unpack right after he moved in.

"Excuse me." The small mirror on the hallway reflected Jungkook's disheveled state back to him and he almost got a heart attack. Mustering the most polite smile he could in such a situation, he pointed at his own bedroom. "Can you give me a few minutes to freshen up? Thank you."

He maintained the smile on his face until the door closed behind him. In an instant, Jungkook held his forehead and heaved out a heavy sigh. Goodness... his hangover was too heavy to deal with something like this only half past six in the morning — not that he could bring himself to regret the decision of being wasted. He really needed it yesterday. However, exactly what had happened out there...?

No time left to waste, Jungkook hastily changed out of his wrinkled clothes, splashed some water onto his face, brushed his teeth and re-did his loose braid. His inky hair had hung over his waist, thick and silken. He deliberately left them be ever since the accident... as a remembrance, perhaps. Jungkook examined himself one last time in the mirror, rearranged his bangs so that it would cover the long, horizontal scar on his forehead before exiting the room.

Fortunately, the officers were gracious — patient? Understanding? — enough to let him change. Nevertheless, Jungkook didn't feel assured leaving three policemen to roam around his house, his messy belongings notwithstanding.

As expected, his worry wasn't for naught. He exited his bedroom to find that they had seized the opportunity to do some secret snooping. One of them was kneeling in front of his half opened box, one was prowling around the balcony searching God-knows-what, whilst Jungkook found the other inside the common bathroom without even turning the light on.

The corner of Jungkook's lips twitched. An Alpha was supposed to be territorial, especially when others were going through his belongings without permission. Yet as of now Jungkook couldn't even muster the slightest will to be angry. He only felt exasperated.

He took a deep breath and cleared his throat.

The one closest to him was startled into standing. He swiveled to face Jungkook, huge eyes blinking owlishly as if he hadn't just gone through someone's belongings without permission. Then, he surprised Jungkook by suddenly bowing ninety degrees, flushing so red like a tomato. "Oh my God, I–I am so sorry! I don't mean to pry into your personal things, it's just that—"

Jungkook interrupted him with a wave, amused. "No, it's okay, officer."

Fortunately, the box contained nothing but his winter coats. At least it would spare him the humiliation than if the box contained something else, for example his dirty laundry. Jungkook shivered just from thinking about that.

The other two, upon hearing the voices in the living room, convened once again. Jungkook noticed with some degree of embarrassment that it was the extremely attractive, cold officer that had gone into his bathroom. 

Intertwined: Two fatesWhere stories live. Discover now