Chapter 30

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We burst through the door, and sure enough, there she was. Ana laid across the couch, already in her regular clothes, sipping juice.

She looked up and gave us a wave, saying "Hey, wasn't expecting you guys so soon."

"Hey? Hey?! What the the hell Ana!?" Toro called out, sitting in the seat next to the couch. Ana lifted her legs up, letting me sit down, and set them over my lap, before responding

"What'd I do?" She asked as she yawned, stretching her arms.

Toro, still confused and bewildered, kept going "You're the pyromancer! That's what you did......Well not telling anyone is what you did, but whatever. Dude, I've seen you fight animals only the pyromancer, or David could beat. You killed that Alligator, that was big as a fucking house. You know, the one that a group of us were walking on top of before we realized it was a living creature.We thought it was a bridge! You fought that Giant anaconda, that was almost a mile long, and to make it even worse, it was venomous. Anaconda's aren't even venomous! This damn thing was, though. It was dripping from it's fang, so toxic that we couldn't even get near it. But you got bit, beat it, and walked it off like it was nothing. When David wasn't here one time, you took out a small army, there were hundred people that day. You did that by yourself, then walked off like it was nothing..... again! I've seen you spar with David! It's one of the only times he doesn't hold back"

Ana chuckled a bit and took over the conversation "That's a stretch. I'll admit that he can let loose, but he's never went all out with me. He'd kill me with one punch, if he wanted to....I'm still not seeing the big deal, though.  I'm the Pyromancer. So what? I've been telling you guys that I was strong for awhile now."

"Yeah, but we didn't know you were the second strongest person here." I interjected "It's just really surprising. You know?" Ana shrugged, and put her arms behind her head, using them like a pillow.

A moment of silence passed between us, before Toro shot up from his seat and stood in front of us. He stared at Ana with a fire in his eyes, that I hadn't seen before "Ana. Train me. Please, I'm too weak. Everyone's gonna be outclassing me, and I'll be stuck here, not making a real difference."

Ana opened her eyes took at him as he talked, and let out a deep sigh when he was done. "Look, as much as I admire your resolve, I can't help you. I've never trained a day in my life. Never needed to."

Ana's words completely doused the fire in Toros eye, a look of defeat overtaking him as he stood there. Ana noticed it to, and after a brief moment, she swung her legs over, and stood up, towering over Toro "Fine. I don't wanna hear you complain a single time, though. Tomorrow, Six in the morning. I'll be waiting out front of the apartments."

Toro's face filled with glee, as a smile grew from his lips. Without even thinking he jumped out in excitement, hugging Ana "Thank you, thank you so much!"

"Get off me, or I'm kicking you off the roof" Toro let go and nervously laughed before thanking Ana and making way off the roof.... by way of the stairs. Ana watched him leave, and I could see a slight smirk on her face.

I couldn't help but to smile, too, before standing up, and saying "Let's go get something to eat. Watching you do all that hard work is tiring" We shared a laugh and went to Uncle Hectors, together. I got a burrito, Ana got five, because of course she did.

We walked around the city for a couple of hours, but talking to her made time fly. She told me a lot of cool stories, before going back home.

I went to go see Jay and the guys, They had just got back not too long ago, from taking care of the fire. I felt kinda bad, not helping out, but they assured me it was fine. I spent a few hours working out, training kicks with Tae.

When we were done, and I was laying in the middle of the floor, drenched in sweat; Jay called out to me, sitting on a bench "So, I know we've been working on your strength, building you up like a weapon, But I think you should invest in an actual weapon. Something to add that extra oomph, yah know?"

I couldn't disagree with him. But I wasn't sure what to use. Ryu has his sword, Rebel and Roland, both have their guns, Wreck has that giant wrecking ball, but me, I don't have- Wait! I do have something, The Devil's fang! I kept it all these years, but I never actually used it. I didn't wanna risk breaking it or something.

I sat up and told Jay about it. He said I should take it to Will, the weaponsmith, tomorrow. I was about to make my way back home, when a thought crossed my mind. I turned around said to the guys "Did you guys know Ana was the Pyromancer?" I asked with a look of suspicion, Jay just chuckled a bit and shook his head yes. My heart broke, I felt betrayed. I wiped a tear from my eye, and left from around these traitors, back to my place.

After taking a shower, and getting something quick to eat, I went to my closet and pulled out the knife. I took it out of it's sheathe, and honestly was expecting it to be worn down, after all this time. I mean I never used it, but still.....I don't know shit about knives. To my surprise, the knife didn't look like it aged a day. Still, I should take it in the morning to get looked at. I laid down for the night and before I knew it, I was out for the night.

When I woke up, I did my usual, and stepped out to make my way to Will. As I walked, I saw Toro running through the plaza. Our paths intersected and he took a brief moment, slumping over, fighting for every breath coming from his lungs. "Are you okay?" I asked with genuine concern in my voice.

In between heavy breaths he replied "I.....fucking.....hate....her....I've been running for two hours."

From in front of me I heard a voice call out "Keep going, or go home" I looked and saw Ana, walking at a gingerly pace, sipping her juice. Toro looked me in the eyes, with a look that was practically begging for help, before continuing on his run. I think I heard him throw up a bit, before he left. Ana walked past and we greeted each other before going our separate ways.

I finally made my way to Will's workshop. I was greeted by the heat increasing, as the sounds of metal clashing against metal, rang in my ears. There he was. The older bronze skinned man, black and grey dreadlocks tied behind his back, Matching his salt and peppered beard. His muscles shined with sweat, as his arm came crashing downs, spark flying. I was mesmerized by his work, and had to snap myself out of it.

"Excuse me, Mr Will?" He stopped mid stroke, and turned to me, his eyes a deep brown "Apologies, I know you're busy, but I was hoping you could take a look at my knife." I pulled it from it's sheathe and showed it to him.

His eyes widened, and lit up and before I could say anything, he stood tall, and a deep voice called out "The Devil's fang. One of my greatest works"

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