Chapter 33

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I didn't even have a real chance to process what David said, before I felt the impact of Johnny's fist against my rib, sending me reeling to the ground.

The initial shock was trumped by Johnny kicking me in my side, sending me against the wall. I gritted my teeth, and tried to bear the pain. Johnny stepped forward cocking his leg back, to kick me again.

Right before he reached me, I grabbed his leg, pulling him, forward, and causing him to fall to the ground. Before he could compose himself, I mounted him, and just started to punch him in his face over and over. He put up his guard, struggling to maintain it.

Five or so punches was enough to break through his guard, but before I could keep going, he kicked me off of him, sending me crashing against the wall, screaming "Get the fuck off of me, you bitch!"

We both scrambled to our fight, ready to get right back into it. He launched himself forward, a punch aiming straight for my face. I dodged to the left, countered with a hook to his ribs, going straight into a jab to his face.

He stumbled backwards, before glaring at me, teeth gritted, wiping blood dripping from his nose. I need to stay off the ground, I'm a lot more comfortable, standing. He doesn't know that, though. But I don't know shit about him either. I should end this before he get's the chance to show it off.

He stepped forward, and I shifted my body to the side, like Taeyoon taught me "Kick low, mid, then high" Tae's words rang through my head, our many practice sessions flashing through my head.

I kicked low, hitting his shin, following right up with a kick to his stomach, causing him to keel over in pain, grabbing at his gut. I went to follow up, kicking towards his face, and felt a sharp pain against my leg.

Pulling my leg back, I could see my leg cut, thankfully barely more than a scrape. Johnny had a smirk on his face, as he held a knife in his hand "I'm not fucking losing here, you little shit. Not to you" The knife gave him a bump in his confidence, but I didn't care. I'm not backing down.

He launched himself forward, the knife aiming for my midsection. I stepped back, barely feeling the cold steel scape against my stomach, grabbing his wrist, and jerking him forward.

As he stumbled, I stepped on his foot, and uppercut him, making his bottom jaw crash against the top, one of his teeth chipping "Ahh! My fucking tooth!" He called out, before spitting the chip right in my face, distracting me just long enough to grab my head, pulling it down, and busting my lip, against his hard knee. He stomped his leg on the ground, ready to bring it back up, kneeing me again, but I punched him right in his dick.

He cried out in pain, stumbling back. I stepped back creating enough space to kick him again, going for an oblique kick, this time, crashing right against his knee. "Ahh, fuck you!" With no hesitation, I did it again, hyperextending his knee "FUUUCK, MY FUCKING KNEE!" He cried out, stumbling back, barely able to stand.

Let's fix that.

I kicked him again, extending his knee so far, he had no choice but to fall to the ground. He cried out in pain, trying to stand, but immediately falling back to the ground.

He called out, the pain evident in his voice, as he fought back tears "You bitch! You fucking bitch! Fuck you. Lose to you? This isn't fucking real. It isn't happening! I made it through this bullshit apocalypse, just to lose to a fucking bitch like you!?" I stood there, breathing heavily, as he desperately reached for his knife nearby, before throwing it at me, with it barely scraping my face. I didn't move an inch.

Watching him lash out was pathetic. A pathetic man, meeting a pathetic end. I looked over at David, who was sitting on Johnny's desk, watching this all unfold.

He jumped down and walked over to Johnny, as he pleaded "Wait. Wa-wa-wait, come on David." He begged, with a sad smile on his face " Come on, Kid, I knew you when you were in diapers....Please, don't kill me!"

David stood over him, eyes full of hatred, dead to him. "Enough Johnny. I gave you a chance. And be honest with yourself. Did you actually think I was gonna let you live?" David asked. Johnny tried to plead one last time

"David plea-" Before he could even get it all out David kicked him in the head so hard, it flew right off, crashing against the wall. The room stood silent, every possible place with a view into the room, the door and windows, filled with Johnny's men, watching it all unfold.

Without saying anything David walked out the room, I followed behind him, to the middle of the compound. "Gather around! Hurry up!" David barked to the remaining men, as they all fell in line, heads to the ground.

"Ernest, to the front" David said, as Ernest appeared in front of the rest. "I'll say this one time only. If I have to come back here again, I'm bringing the the Pyromancer, we'll set this place on fire, and watch all of you burn to death. clear?"

Ernest flinched at his words, and answered back like an obedient dog "Yes sir." David gave him a light smack on the cheeks, and turned to leave.

We both got in the truck, and started heading back home. The ride was quiet for a few minutes before David spoke up "Yah feel bad about that?" He asked.

I thought about it for a moment before answering "No...Not at all" David smiled to me and said "Good"

I set my head on the window, and relaxed for the rest of the ride. we had been gone for two hours, finally getting back, David pulled in, and was about to park, when a young kid popped up seemingly out of nowhere "Dad, I wanna park the truck, let me do it!"

It was one of David's kids, I don't actually know which one. Thinking about it now, I don't know ant of their names.

"Alright, alright. I'll let you park, Roy" Roy? Alright, that's one kid, I know, now.

David looked over to me, and said "You're gonna wanna get out for this. Much safer." He said with a smile. A bit ominous, but alright. I followed him, and stood in front of the truck, as his son hopped in the driver seat. Can he even reach the pedal?

My answer was quickly answered when the truck started moving backwards.... scraping right into the side of another.

Everyone watched as Roy just kept backing up, with David cheering him on "Keep on going, yep, you're good, just like that, there yah go.....Perfect" Finally the truck was parked, and Roy hopped out, running to David "How'd I do!?" He asked, his eyes bright, and full of life. David rubbed his head, and smiled "Better than last time. No fires"

What the hell happened last time?

Roy threw his fist up in triumph before running off, who knows where. David chuckled before looking to me "You did great, I'm proud of you. Go get some rest or something" He said before flashing his hand to me showing off a pair of kids glasses.

I couldn't help but to smile, as he walked off. I breathed a sigh of relief, thankful that was over.

I made my way outside the warehouse, and ran into Toro. "Hey! Holy shit you look rough. What happened?" He asked, concerned as he inspected my face.

"I'm alright, I'm alright. Just went on a mission with David. No worries, honest." I said accompanied with a reassuring smile.

He looked at me, unbelieving of my testament, and said "Fine, but at least let me take you to Dr.Penny." I didn't fight him on it, because honestly, not a bad idea. I didn't even know they had a Doctor. Makes sense, though

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