Chapter 34

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The Doctors office was only few minutes away from the warehouse. Makes sense, quick trip for any soldiers hurt.

    There was a nurse up front, who escorted us to a room. "Dr Penny will see you soon" She said with a comforting smile, before heading out
"You'll love Penny, she's a sweetheart." Toro said, as he sat down in a chair beside me.   
   I sat on the examination table, and laid back, staring up at the ceiling. It was nice to relax for a moment.
   "So....what'd you do with David? I know you went on a mission, just wondering what got you so beat up." I could hear the concern in his voice, but honestly, I felt good.
   A chuckle escaped my lips, before I said "Eh, nothing too crazy." And recounted today's adventure to Toro.

    After telling him what happened, I sat up so I could look at him, and his face was covered in shock. "David took you to fight someone....a the death.. without telling you, beforehand?" "Well when you say it like that, it sounds bad."

    Toro stared at me for a moment before shaking his head and sighing "Can't say i'm not impressed. Shit, man. I don't remember the last time I fought someone, one on one, with my life on the line. You were doing that pretty often outside the walls, weren't you?" He asked, as he slouched down in his chair.

     I shrugged, and replied "Yeah, but before I made it to the city, the last time I got into it with someone, was probably three months prior. The last few months weren't easy at all, but didn't run into any people." Toro stared at me for a moment, suspicion, and concern written all over his face.

   Was I still holding back from sharing my time outside? Does it even matter if I tell anyone about the ten people I killed? I'm not proud of it.

   Toro looked to the ceiling and closed his eyes, before asking "Where the heck is Penny?"

    "I didn't go to school for eight years, and into extreme debt, to not be called Dr. Penny, Toro" The door opened and in walked a shorter woman, long light brown hair, put into two braids down to the middle of her back, with a full figure that not even her Doctors coat could hide. Her scrubs were hugging her ass in ways I could only dream of....fuck, I haven't had a sexual release in so long.

    Toro threw his arms up in protest, and exclaimed "David calls you Penny all the time" She raised an eyebrow, and looked at him before asking "Are you David?" I could practically see Toro's soul leave his body as he slid even further down in the seat.

   Dr Penny turned to me and offered a warm smile, before greeting me "Good morning, Carly. I won't pretend not to know who you are, David's talked plenty about you." I blushed at that and replied "Hopefully good things."

   She chuckled and took a look at me "Busted lip. and a few cuts, huh? Nothing I can't fix up. Roll your pants leg up for me, while I get some things for the cuts." She said as she stepped over to the nearby counter.

   Toro came back to life, rising up in his chair, and called out to Dr. Penny "Hey Doc, where's Dr. Ramone? I don't hear him chewing out any patients."

   "Aww. Are you missing your favorite Dr? Well I'm sorry to disappoint you, but he's at a nearby settlement. They were in need of a medical professional, and he volunteered. said he was 'In need of time away from the usual batch of idiots' and left yesterday."  She said as she made her way back to me, beginning to clean my cuts

  "I think you coming in because you thought you were having a heart attack sent him over the edge" "I ran for four hours straight, it felt like it!" Toro called out, defending himself.

   Dr Penny chuckled a bit as she moved up to my stomach, working on that next "So what happened? Quite a few knicks, here. Nothing to worry about too much, but Something tells me it was a close call." As she cleaned my cut up, I told what happened today, a brief summary, and she moved up to my lip, the sting from the cleanser making me jump back a bit

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