Chapter 37

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(This chapter is extra long, and extra horny. Have fun!)

"Ow!" I yelled out as Dr Penny pressed on my nose

"Yeah, yeah. You're fine, you big baby. Good news, it Isn't broken. Bad news, I'm pretty sure you're gonna be here a lot more often."

"Oh, so I'll get to see your pretty face more often?" I jokingly said in response.

She laughed and responded "You know, when people usually say that to me, they're talking about my ass, or breast."  She smacked her butt and gave me a wink, which sent my heart into a flutter "Apologies. That was unprofessional." Don't apologize, you Goddess.

"Really though, no broken nose. You're gonna have a scar when it heals, but other than that, nothing crazy. I'll give you some pains meds, clean your face up for you, and kick your ass out." She said with a smile.

While we worked on my nose I decided to ask her a question "So how'd you meet David, Dr Penny?"

As she wiped away the dry blood, she replied "Just Penny, sweetheart. But it was about a year and a half after all this happened. I was set up in a small little...compound of sorts. We were barely scraping by, really. Rationing the rations, sleeping on the ground, drinking questionable water, things like that. Can you spell diarrhoea off the top of your head? Because I surely can. Dirty water has quite the side effects"

Diea-no, Diary-no, not like that. Dieorhe? Wait, she's still talking

"And one day in walked David, followed by John, Eden, Ana, and Jay. David offered us refuge, food that wasn't two days from going bad, water that wasn't contaminated, beds that weren't covered in shit, and everything else we could need. Deal of a lifetime. What'd he want in return, though? Being one of the most essential people in the camp, I was one of the default leaders. We had a meeting, and this is when I knew this little shit was different."

She finished cleaning up my face, bandaged my nose, and took a seat on the table next to me. "We were obviously in dire straits. A smile was a rarity, laughter was scarce, and everyone was at odds, for the smallest things. So anyway, we walk into the meeting room, and as I'm walking to my chair, I feel something bounce off of my ass. So of course I turn around, and I see David with the biggest stupidest smile on his face, Eden is shaking her head in disbelief, Jay, and John have this shocked look on their face, and Ana...well she didn't have much of  a reaction. But anyway, this shit says 'Told yah I could bounce a quarter off her ass' and the room is silent for about five seconds before for the first time in months, I hear my friends burst out in laughter. Gut busting, tears in their eyes, laughter. And after that, even I couldn't help but to laugh, too. The room filled with it, and from that moment, David, the pervert, did everything he could to keep us smiling. He was truly a beacon of light. Him and all his friends."

A certain passion was embedded into each word as she spoke about him. I smiled and said "You really like him, Penny. Got a crush on him, huh?"

We shared a laugh and I playfully nudged her arm "I'm far too old for a crush, young lady....but he definitely has a way of making your heart and...other places tingle. He always flirted with me from the moment I met him, but he never really tried anything. Until his twentieth birthday. We ran into each other that day, and you know what he asked me for? To grab my ass one time. That was what he wanted for his birthday."

I could feel my face turning red as my eyes widened, and my heart sped up, before I asked "Did you let him?"

Penny looked at me suspiciously before answering "I was hesitant at first, but yeah. I said fuck it, and he palmed my ass with both hands, and grabbed it like no one ever had before. I think that was when I fell for him, gotta say"

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