Chapter 36

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   The next morning I woke up feeling better than ever, that was the best sleep anyone could ever have. Ana was still sound asleep, so I let myself out, and went back to my place to get ready for the day.

   David wasn't too specific, but I know it'll be a crazy day. I showered, and headed out to the warehouse. I ran Into Toro on the way there. Ana wasn't here yet, but he got a head start on his training, running through the city. Good on him.

   When I made it to the warehouse David was sitting on the hood of a truck, talking to a group of soldiers "And that was the last time I shit myself. Never since then, I'm telling yah" "Wasn't that like a couple months ago?" One of the soldiers asked.

   David stared at her for a second, face blank "How bout you go clean a gun or something?" The crowd dispersed and I walked up to David "Morning lady. hope you're feeling rested. Gotta lot of ass to kick today." He said as he hopped down, and headed to the driver side.

   "Should've ate breakfast" I joked as we both hopped in. David put a CD in, and said "Lofi hip-hop. It's been my favorite for years, even before all this Mother Nature shit. It's smooth. Peaceful. Everything yah need these days."

  A soft set of drums, accompanying guitar strings, and soft vocals played as David started driving and asked "Hey. You know people suck ass, right?" I looked over and chuckled "I've noticed." He nodded and kept driving.
  The ride was peaceful, filled here and there with idle chatter, but mainly the music carrying us. After about an hour, I could see a compound in the distance.

    David stopped the truck for a moment and said "Shabby gate blocking off the entrance. Hold on a sec."

   "What are you gonna-" Before I could even ask what he meant, he floored it and rammed right through the gate. I covered myself using my arms, and kept my head down "Who the fuck?" I heard as I was taking a moment to gather myself.

   I shoved the door open, and stumbled out of the truck. After taking a second, I looked forward, and saw David faced off with a group of five men. "I recognize this piece of shit. It's that weirdo, some people are claiming to have powers or some shit." One of them said.

   Another smirked and chimed in "Yeah, we've been scoping out that pretty city of yours." He pulled out a gun and put it right to David's head "Thanks for saving us the trouble. I'm gonna kill you, and take that shit for ourselves. Big place like that, you already did the work for us, fucking loser. We're gonna call our guys in and take that city for ourselves, soon" They all laughed together, basking in what they thought was an easy victory.

   I was still taking in the surrounding area, and I noticed a few shipping containers towards the back of the compound. The hell is all of that?

   David spoke up "I love that even five years there are still people who don't know how great I really am.  Y'all must be new around here. Well let me introduce myself." He said with a smile "I'm David, and this lovely lady behind me is-"

   "Shut the fuck up!" The guy with the gun cut him off, and with big sinister smiles on all their faces, the guy shot David right in the head, and started to laugh, but quickly the smiles were wiped off all their faces as David stood there, not a scratch on him. He reached up, and grabbed the guys wrist, squeezing it and dropping him to his knees. I could hear the bone being crushed from over here. "AHHHH! GET HIM OFF! GET HIM THE FUCK OFF OF ME!"

   He screamed as David's smile left his face and he stared through every last one of the men fear washing over their faces. "You came into my area, and violated my peace. You shot me. With a fucking small ass pistol. Put some respect on my name, and at least use a fucking high caliber rifle. It won't work, but I'll at least appreciate the effort. Now listen up, this is what's gonna happen."

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