chapter III

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The kid stared at the lady, who was now occupied in a deep conversation with another woman, their heads close together, voices a low murmur.

"They seem busy," the kid muses.

Glancing down at the toffee in their hand, the kid turned it over thoughtfully, watching the light catch the shiny wrapper,

Glancing down at the toffee in their hand, the kid turned it over thoughtfully, watching the light catch the shiny wrapper,

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"I'm not hungry right now," he muttered,

With a small sigh, the kid tucked the toffee into their pocket, patting it lightly as if to reassure it of its safe place. "I guess I'll save it for later,"

Their eyes drifted across the courtyard, taking in the groups of children still playing.

The kid's shoulders slumped slightly as they turned towards the dormitory, the noise of laughter and shouts fading behind them.

"I should probably head to the dormitory and rest for a while" the kid whispers to themself before heading towards the dormitory.

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