chapter XIII

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As they continued their conversation about how the plan would go, there was someone at the door.

"What are you doing?"The voice from behind startled them both.

They looked behind them and saw a girl.

She had on a shirt with pants and a pair of slippers.

"I saw you talking to someone, but there just seems to be you here," she said."

Oh, I was just taking a stroll," the kid said.

"Inside the shed?" the girl asked.

Just a few moments later, another girl appeared from behind and asks the first girl,

"Hey Cindy, did you find out who he was talking to?"

"I did. I'll tell you, come outside," the girl said while both of them walked out of the shed.

The kid and the cat sighed in relief when they left.

"Who were they?" the cat asked.

"They are orphans," the kid answered.

"That was really informative,"The cat said.

"Now help me undress this haybody," the cat ordered the kid.

The kid complied with his order.
They pulled the ragged plaid clothes from the scarecrow and placed them on the ground.

"Now, what are we going to do with it?" the kid asked, looking at the cat.

"We are going to use it as a bag," the cat replied.

The kid seemed confused, he says, "if you needed something for holding the hay, you should've told me.

we could've taken my pillow sheet on the way"

The cat replies, "that won't work, it would arouse suspicion lad"

After a brief conversation, they both work on pouring the hay on top of the clothe, after gathering enough, they tie the clothe so the hay won't spill and soon they headed out of the shed.

While on they were heading away, the girls from before stared at them talking with each other as they walked.

"Oh, poor thing," one of them said.

"This is what happens when you stay alone for too long," the other added.

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