chapter XV

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After heading inside the dining room, the kid takes a seat and was soon served their food.

Today, They were served dried tomato slices with hard peice of bread.

The kid looks at the food with disinterest; and turns his and looks around to see the other kids have the same reaction.

There seemed to be a commotion going on between the childrens,

"Why are we being fed animal food?" One of them asks,

"I thought we were orphans, not stray kids," the other says,

"This would really help me starve" the kid next him exclaims,

While all the commotion was going on, the warden walked in and clapped twice to gather everyone's attention,

"I am so devastated to tell you kids that this is what you must fill your belly with tonight." The warden says,

The kids started to create a fuss about it when the warden shut them all up with a shout,

"The reason why you kids have to eat this for meal tonight is-" she paused for a second,

"Cause someone stole the source of fuel for tonight's dinner." The warden says,

Now there were murmuring all over the dinning room, talks about who it could be, or the warden is just creating excuses for they mistakes.

"Now hush" the warden says,

"If any of you know anything about who took the hay, take no second to tell me about it," she adds,

"You may continue your dinner."
The warden says before starting to walk away quietly,

"Ma'am" someone with familiar voice calls her,

The warden stops and turns her head towards the voice.

"Yes?" She asks,

The kid looked at the person who called and it was the same girl who he met in the shed, she was going to expose their plan.

"If you dip the bread in the water, it turns them soft and gives an oddly sweet taste to them," Cindy tells the warden proudly,

"You have an interesting way of dealing with problem," the warden says, Before she walks out of the the dinning room.

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