chapter VII

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The kid sighs in relief after shutting the door close,

He turns back to look around and sees the dormitory is mostly empty with only few other kids inside.

He walks past the bed of other childrens while taking few glances at them; until he reached his bed which was two beds next to the window.

The kid then climbs up the bed and lays flat, while he stares at the roof and ponders about what the cat said.

The cat shakes his head after recovering from the shock,

"This damn lad." the cat mutters; before looking around for another entrance,

The cat started sprinting towards the otherside corridor, at the end was a window which was open and next to it was a boy.

The cat slowed down and meowed at the boy,

"Meow," said the cat,

The boy turns around and looks at the cat and smiles softly,

"Aww a cat," he leans close to the cat to hug it, but the cat suddenly leaps on his head and jumps at the ledge of the window,

The cat slowly but steadily walks on the wooden ledge, after he reached the dormitory's window, he jumps on the window's sill and looked inside for the kid.

"Ah, there he is", After noticing the kid, the cat scratches the window open, leaps from the sill and lands inside.

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