Chapter IX

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The next morning, the kid wakes up to see the cat isn't next to him.

The kid gets off the bed and follows his daily routine.

Until the evening, when the kid was strolling the garden while adoring the flowers, the cat suddenly appeared from behind.

"So you appreciate the flowers, I see." The cat said, startling the kid,

"Oh, You just have the habit to scare people from behind, don't you." The kid sighs.

The cat chuckled. "It's not my fault you humans are so easily startled. But tell me, why do you like the flowers so much?"

The kid shrugged. "They're beautiful. I like the colours, the way they stand out. I wish I could be the flower on a bush full of leaves."

The kid turns his head down at the flower, clearly adoring the flower in his palm with a soft smile.

The cat nodded, seemingly pondering the kid's response. "Ah, yes, the flowers are indeed beautiful. But have you ever considered the leaves?"

"The leaves? What about them?" The kid puzzled by the sudden change in topic."

The cat smirked. "Ah, the leaves. They may seem ordinary, but without them, those flowers wouldn't dazzle quite as brightly."

The kid looked puzzled. "I never thought of it that way."

"Most people don't," the cat said with a slight sneer. "They see the bright colours, and ignore the subtle,"

The cat's remarks about the leaves lingered in the kid's mind as they continued their stroll through the garden.

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