Au introductions

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I have so much stuff I wanna write and quite a few au ideas I wanna write about!!!
I'm hopefully gonna start on a few of the aus soon, after I finish the AvV snippets/teaser im working on ;)

Here are the current aus I'll be working on. A few of them are loosely related, but characters tend to change per au.

(I'll also continue working on my Whump prompts and oneshots as well, though most of the oneshots will be about my aus.)

*slurps coffee*

This is gonna be a long night fellas :D

My Main AU (I don't have a name for it - -')
The Skittles have moved to the outernet (exact reasons still unknown. I'm trying to figure that part out.) and they are now living in an old house being leased to them by an older stick, Mr Silver. The house had belonged to a family member of Mr Silver, but the family member had died. The house went to Silver, but Silver doesn't use it, him having his own house. For years, Silver tossed around the idea of selling the house, but didn't cause the house had some sentimental value. Eventually, he and the Skittles cross paths, and he agrees to lease it to them, excited that after all these years, the house will be a home once more. At first, the CG didn't have any money to pay the rent, so Yellow agreed to help Silver in his car repair shop to help cover the cost. Blue eventually got a job in a local diner, and Green does odd jobs around the neighborhood. Red is currently being homeschooled by his older brothers, and Second is able to make some money by selling his art online. Orange and Purple help them out a lot too, them living only about 15 mins away. Chosen is also in it as well, even though he has yet to make an appearance.

Second - 16 - male
Green - 17 - male
Blue - 15 - male
Yellow - 15 - male
Red - 13 - male
Orange - 43 - male
Purple - 16 - female
Chosen - 27 - male
Silver - 68 - male
+ a few more ocs I haven't added yet

Green x Purple


That's pretty much it for this au.

*sips coffee quickly before slamming mug down*


Animation vs The Void

This is probably my most involved au yet. This au is also related to my main au and the characters are all the same.
A mysterious villain has created a virus that is capable of corrupting stick figures, cause a digital apocalypse! With the help of two supervillains, he also manages to bring somebody back who everyone thought had long been deleted. With the help of old and new friends, allies, and a few old enemies, it's up to Second and the CG to fight against The Void and save the outernet.

Second - 16 - male
Green - 17 - male
Blue - 15 - male
Yellow - 15 - male
Red - 13 - male
Orange - 43 - male
Purple - 16 - female
Chosen - 27 - male
Dark - 25 - male
Victim - 33 - male
Agent/Shady - 26 - male
Hazard - 25 - male
Primal - 25 - female
Ballista - 22 - male

And Ocs
Animated Angle
And more...

Green x Purple
Blue x Cyber
Spectrum x Ani??


I'm not gonna yell this time. Spec, u tell em.

Spectrum: *inhales* NEEEEXT

Ok lil guy. Great job. XD

Spectrum: :3

Parenthood Au

I'm still working on this one. Brace yourselves, this will have a lot of shipping in it, but it's mostly be wholesome stuff.


Spectrum: wholesome? Seriously? We all know it'll end up being some kind of angst. You always do. I worry about you sometimes -_-

Have some coffee ;-;

Spectrum: nvm. I don't worry about you at all and you're an amazing writer. Gimme coffee :D

Good boy


The parenthood au is completely different from my main au and AvV. The CG are all older, and a few of them are married. They also still live in Alan's pc, and not in the outernet like all my other aus. I'm also using "rare" ships in this, not going with the normal GreenxPurple, YellowxBlue, etc. also Blue and Yellow are still twins in this cause ofc! Imma introduce characters and relationships rq. Spec, drumroll pls.

Spectrum: nooope. I'm busy *sips coffee*


Characters (I'm not adding ages to this one cause it gets confusing.)
Second - male
Green - female
Blue - male
Yellow - female
Red - male
Purple - female
Orange/MT - male

Green x Blue
Red x Yellow
Second x Purple

Green and Blue were the first to get married, the two being friends as long as they can remember, and they currently have two children, Teal and Turquoise. Teal is a little boy and is 3 years old, while Turquoise is a little girl and is 1 year old. Red, after many long nights practicing with Second, finally gained enough courage to ask Yellow to marry him. It was an immediate yes,and now they are currently expecting a new arrival. They gonna have a baby :D Second and Purple are still dating, whether it be because they're not ready for anything deeper yet or the fact that Second is absolutely terrified of Orange.


*yawns* one more and then I get to go to sleep

Spectrum: *glowing from caffeine rush* oh, there will be no sleep for u >:3

what have I done

Stick!Alan au

Alan is a stick in this au! He lives in the outernet with his three kids, Chosen, Dark, and Second! Chosen and Dark are still in high school, while Second is in elementary school. A bunch of kids Second's age have been randomly disappearing for a few months now, and eventually Second does too. He gets kidnapped by a bunch of rough looking men, and is now locked in a mysterious base underneath a bunch of old factories, along with a few other kids. That's how he meets the CG, who are not all related in this au, I might add. Now it's up to Chosen and Dark to find their little brother, before it's too late.

Blue and Yellow are still twins in this au, and Blue is completely deaf.

Green - 15 - male
Second - 10 - male
Blue - 12 - female
Yellow - 12 - male
Red - 6 - male
Chosen - 17 - male
Dark - 16 - male
Alan - 46 - male
Purple - 13 - male


Okay! That's all for now!! Hopefully i can get some rest now

Spectrum: never! *sinister giggling*

Never mind. I'm not sleeping tonight.

Also rq, which au is your favorite? I would like to hear back from y'all! :D

Hope you have a great morning/day/night!! Ty for reading!!! <33333333

Spectrum: BAI *lights up the whole room and starts playing doomsday music*


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