AvA VI -Ep 3 part 1 fan made

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Warning- blood, slight violence, angst (because why not? XD)
I doubt this will be anything like the actual series and i made this just for fun. No copyright intended. This is just what i think may happen :3
(May be a bit cringe. XD I'm not very good yet.)

Yellow struggled as hard as could, screaming his brother's name. The grey stick figures seemed unfazed, and continued to drag him down the dark hallways. Tears streamed down his face. Yellow didn't know what was going to happen to him, but he was more worried about his brothers. The image of Blue's unconscious body filled his mind.
Please, please be ok, my brothers, he thought.
His train of thought was interrupted as he was violently shoved into a small room. Yellow hit the cold floor hard, slightly shocked from the impact.
He shook his head and sat upward, rubbing his now bruised arm.
The room he was in wasn't very large. The walls were a shiny grey and the floor was a cold grey concrete. The only source of lighting was a small light bulb hanging from the center of the ceiling. He noticed a pair of chains hanging on the wall.
Are those... blood stains?
He was suddenly shoved up against the wall by a large, grey stick figure as he felt the cuffs snap around his thin wrists.
The stick figure stepped back and Yellow fell to the ground again.
"Have fun, shrimp." He grumbled.
He and the other stick figures left the room, leaving Yellow alone. The heavy door closed behind them.
Yellow took a moment to catch his breath.
Why is this happening? What have we done? Are the others alright? Are they feeling what I'm feeling right now? Are Chosen and Second even alive?
Yellow started breathing heavily, all the questions hitting him at once. His brain never had and never will learn to shut up.
The chains kept him at a very uncomfortable position. They were high for him to sit down. He sat on is knees, his legs too shaky to stay standing for very long. His arms hung limply above his head, the chains limiting his movement.
Yellow started yanking against the chains in hopes of somehow breaking them. The tears started again, clouding his vision. He kept yanking, until he felt the warm trickle of blood down his forearms.
If only Green was here. He would know what to do. He sniffed.
Sobbing softly, he called his brother's names.

From author,
Sorry this is really short! I'm going to continue this hopefully tomorrow. The rest of the skittle gang are up next, and the next part will be in their POV. Hope you enjoy!

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