Chapter 6 - Have You Been Lonely?

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"Have you been lonely?"

"What a bold question."

"Thank you for doing this, Nanami

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"Thank you for doing this, Nanami."

"Yeah well, Toji probably would have threatened me if I said no."

"You mean you didn't do this because the CEO requested it?" Ren pressed as the three rode the elevator to the top floor.

"Yeah, no. Mr. Fushiguro would likely kill me." They all chuckled, which caused Ren and Ayumi's headaches to spike. "Rough night?" The girls shared a knowing look, not bothering to answer Nanami as they all headed into the board room for the morning meeting that they were late for.

"Good morning everyone." Ayumi announced, immediately hushing the small conversations throughout the room. "I don't have much." She sighed and glanced around. "G&G construction is here this afternoon, do we have those details sorted out?"

"Here's the expansion blueprints." A project employee slid an envelope along the table and to Ayumi who nodded.

"I'll have the numbers finalized by the meeting." Nanami announced, also earning a nod.

"I ordered donuts, coffee, pretzels and soda for the meeting." Ren smiled.

"Anything else?" She glanced around.
"Where's Toji?" Ayumi didn't think the absence of her bodyguard would cause any concern, but apparently it did.
"Off this morning. Anyone else?" A mumble of multiple 'no's' surfaced and Ayumi quickly adjourned the meeting.

"Ren." Ayumi called for her friend as she headed to her office. "When are you going on vacation? I need to make sure Toji is refreshed on the systems so he can cover you."

"Two weeks, I'll schedule time with him at the end of this week and beginning of next to make sure he's good." Ayumi nodded and opened her office door, only for confusion to flood through her. "What?" Ren peeked her head in the doorway, seeing a small box and two coffees sitting on the desk in front of them, along with her personal phone.
"Come in, close the door." Ayumi said to her friend as she walked in and put her bags down. "There's a note." She announced as she walked around her desk and took a seat in her chair.

"Who's it from?" Ren asked as she sat down in the chair across from her friend.
"Miss Ieiri and Miss Kato, be sure to eat this morning. From T" Ayumi read aloud and looked at Ren.

"Toji?" Ren questioned.

"He's the only one that knows my order from this place apart from you." The food was from a local breakfast spot. Inside was a bagel sandwich with egg, bacon, cheese, and their special sauce. "Oh there's one for you too." Ayumi handed Ren the other bagel sandwich and coffee before sampling her own coffee.

"I'm telling you, fuck this man already. You could become Megumi's new mommy." Ayumi spit out the small bit of coffee she drank across her desk that was thankfully clean of any important documents.

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