"She'll come back to me. She always does."
"Does she?"
An AU where the CEO and her bodyguard come up with a plan to stop evil around them.
*I do not own any characters from jjk. Only my own.*
This story contains mature t...
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"SHOT!?" Ayumi yelled as she ran her hands through her hair. "Yes, Yumi." Ren's voice was quiet as her friend took in the news she shared. "The police called his parents this morning, they confirmed it. Shoko texted us in the group chat too, she's the one that got the request to do the autopsy."
"I-This isn't real. Why would this happen?" "They said it was just a random mugging. They didn't find anything suspicious about it." "We're in one of the safest parts of Japan! What do you mean there's nothing suspicious!?" Ren went to continue to console her friend, but Ayumi's phone rang. With her being in her current state, Ren answered it. "Toji, come up here please." With that she hung up, not bothering to let him get a word in.
"C-Choso." Ayumi sobbed into her hands and started to collapse, but Ren caught her and guided her to the couch.
"I know it's only been 10 minutes but I'm going to draft up a statement that you'll need to approve. Toji's on his way. I'll bring it to you later, okay?" "Kato what the fuck is happening?" Toji stormed into the penthouse, eyes scanning until he was met with the sight of Ayumi sobbing on the couch with Ren hugging her. Ren sighed and stood, motioning for Toji to step out into the hall so she could explain.
"Choso was shot on his way here last night." Toji gulped, but remained unfazed. "Shoko texted the group chat she has with Yumi and I early this morning when the body was brought in, ironically to her." Ren was already looking at him with wide eyes, but her demeanor changed before she asked the next question. "Did you do it?" Toji blinked, not ready for the question.
"Are you fucking kidding me? Do you really think I would do that to her?" Ren closed her eyes and sighed in defeat.
"I'm sorry, it's just... I think I know who did it then." Ren paused and glanced down at the phone in her hand. "Fuck. I have to work, please stay with her today? If you have to go get Megumi text me and I'll come watch her." Toji nodded and put his hand on the doorknob as she started down the hall.
"Do you think it was Geto?" Ren stopped walking and turned back to Toji with sad eyes. That was all he needed. "Get what you need and get back in here, she cares about you and I'm not letting you in the way of danger either." With a nod, Ren went back to heading into her apartment which was just a floor below.
His senses were on high alert as he walked into the penthouse and closed the door behind him, locking the three locks on it to be extra safe. He headed straight to the balcony that was open, letting fresh air in, something Ayumi does almost every night as soon as spring hits all the way through fall.
"I know you're struggling right now, but I need you to get your senses up to par. Don't be leaving doors wide open, keep your windows locked, shades shut." Toji instructed as he did just that.
"I wasn't the target last night." Her voice was quiet and shaky as she let tears fall. "Yet. We don't know who went after him, or why. It could have been just a random mugging but something isn't right about it. We're in one of the safest parts of Japan." Ayumi's sniffles filled the room as he went into the other bedrooms and checked the windows. "When Ren comes back I need to run to my place and grab a few things, you two are coming with me." "What?" "I'm not risking you two getting in harms way." Ayumi looked at Toji through her watery eyes. "Let me do my job and protect." He stopped and looked at her shaking figure. "Do you think they were after me?" Toji debated on answering the question as he sat down beside her.
"I think you need to get mad." She wiped her cheeks free from the tears as he spoke. "I think the worst of people, and yeah, I think that this person probably wants you dead." His mind trailed back to Geto.
There's no way that fucker wants her dead, probably just wants to kill off any happiness she's feeling so she'll come crawling back to him.
"I think you need to be mad, strengthen the walls around you, and be the badass CEO you are to prove to this person that you're not scared."
"But I am." "And that's why I'm right here." A knock on the door startled Ayumi, causing Toji to jump up and pull out the glock that he always has nestled in the back of his waistband. "Toji!?" She gasped. Sure, she expected him to have something on him, but it was still a shock.
"It's probably just Ren but go to the guest bedroom and get in the closet." He whispered to her as he cocked the gun. She quickly ran on her tip toes, tears freely falling once more as he made his way to the door and looked through the peephole. It was just Ren, thankfully.
In a matter of seconds the door was unlocked and he ushered her in, and all her bags.
"Did you need your whole apartment?" "Well I'm sure as fuck not leaving her side." Ren hissed in annoyance as she nearly fell over her suitcase.
"Clear." He called out, which resulted in a sob from Ayumi.
"Did you hide her!?" Ren continued to hiss as her best friend came running out of the guest room and hugged her.
"We can't take any risks."
"Oh for fucks sake this is just scaring her more!"
"I have to leave." "TOJI!?" Ren screamed now. "You're gonna make her have a panic attack!"
"Maybe if you stopped yelling, everyone would calm down." He sighed and flipped the safety on his glock before putting it back in its rightful place- his waistband. "I'm going to my place to get some things, and Megumi. I should be back within two hours. You don't leave, you don't order food, the windows and blinds stay closed." Ayumi sucked in a deep, shaky breath and blinked her tears away. She needed to get herself together, Toji was right. "We'll be fine. I have a gun in the closet." Ren looked at her best friend in shock.
"I have never touched it, Shoko is the one who moved it and checks it, but it's there."
"That doesn't do you any good."
"I can shoot." Ren sighed.
"Show me." After getting the box the gun was in with shaking hands, Ren opened it and pulled out the pistol, facing away from the other two. He watched her every move as she checked it, loaded it, switched the safety off, aimed, and then switched the safety off, unloaded it and put it back. When done, she looked to Toji with a raised brow.
"Shoot first, ask questions later. Stay. Put." He looked between the two with his last words. "We stay together for a few days." The two nodded and with that, Toji headed out.
"Listen to me." The doorman gasped as Toji lifted him by his collar, bringing him to eye level. "This building is on lock down. No one in. No one out. Until I come back. If I'm not back in 4 hours, call the cops and the two girls that you see me pick up every morning need to be put into protection. Do. You. Understand?" The now sweaty middle-aged doorman nodded quickly. "If you don't listen to me, I'll be out to find you tonight." Toji lowered the man and flashed his weapon, causing the man to go pale. "I'll bring cash for your efforts."