Chapter #20

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TW: SH, Implied SA, Blood/Descriptions of wounds, Murder, and really just a lot of abuse
(Very long chapter for ya this time~)
(~-----------~ = time skip in story)


Grian silently lay in his bed, waiting for Scar to come back up. Kristin was downstairs, most likely talking to Scar and explaining a few things. Phil had to get back to work, while Pearl and Jimmy were told by Kristin to stay at Scott's place for tonight. She had told them that Grian didn't want anyone trying to "comfort" him. But, the real reason is because Grian was having some... Issues with his magic...When he saw himself in the mirror, Grian noticed that all those dark splotches with purple eyes on his skin were back, along with all of the dark-colored feathers.

He silently pulled his wings over himself, well... At least his wings didn't change... He slowly pulled his fingers through the small delicate feathers. He slightly looked up as he heard the door open. "My Light? Do you maybe want some water?" Grian slightly smiled at how quiet and nice Scar was being. But then again, he usually is... "Yes, please..."

Scar disappeared for a split second, almost immediately reappearing in front of Grian with a glass of water in his hands. Grian pushed himself up as Scar gently sat down by Grian. The small avian leaned up against Scar, quickly getting comfortable as Scar handed him the glass of water.

"Scar...? How much of my life do you know...?" Scar paused, obviously not expecting this question. "Well... Almost everything... The only thing I don't have a good idea of what happened is something you mentioned during our... Eh... Argument, so to say..." Grian hummed, "Do you want me to tell you?" Scar quickly nodded, "Yes, I do... I want to know what got you so..." Scar paused, not really knowing the right word to continue that sentence with. Grian let out a quiet chuckle at Scar, who just quietly scoffed. Grian took in a deep breath, this was going to be a long conversation...


Grian quietly groaned as he woke up. He really didn't want to get up, it was way too comfy... Grian let out a loud yelp when he heard the door get slammed open. "Sam? Why are you up so early? Where's Taurtis?" Grian let out a slightly frustrated chirp as Sam ignored him. Where was his mate? As soon as Sam was in the bathroom, Grian quickly got up, put his shoes on, and left, determined to find his mate.

After what felt like hours of walking, he started to notice an... Interesting smell... What was that? Grian scrunched up his face as the smell got stronger the more he walked towards a particular alleyway. Grian paused right outside of the alley. What the hell was that liquid on the ground? It was too dark to properly see, and of course, his stupid bird brain forgot to grab his phone on the way out.

He silently walked into the alleyway, covering up his nose as the smell only became stronger. His wings slightly fluffing up against the cold night wind. Why the hell was Sam out at this time? And why couldn't he find-

Grians train of thought was cut off by a scream. He fell backward, trying to push himself away from what was in front of him. It... It was Taurtis... And if it weren't for his usual headphones sitting close by, Grian would have never known... Taurtis's face was... Grian couldn't even recognize his mate...

Grian paused, was this Sam's doing...? N-no, it couldn't be... Could it? This fear quickly became true when he heard a quiet laughter coming from the entrance of the alleyway. Grian whipped his head around, it was Sam... "W-what...?" Grians voice was barely higher than a whisper. "Because Grion, he was in the way!" Grian swallowed back a sharp retort, not wanting to end up like his lover...

"Come here, Grion. Now." Grian slowly pushed himself up, and as he did, he quickly grabbed Taurtis's headphones before shakily walking over to Sam. Sam's smile grew, "Good Birdy!~" Sam grabbed Grians wing, dragging him back to the apartment.


Grians whole body hurt... The scratches and bitemarks stung... His wings... Grian didn't even want to think about his wings... Not after what Sam did to him... Tears still flowed from his eyes, his whole body limp. He curled his claw-like hands into fists, he hated this... Why did he just let Sam do that? Why did his body- Grian quickly shook the thought away.

He slowly pushed himself up and out of the bed. As he walked, small damaged feathers fell to the floor, Grian ignored it... He walked over to a small bookcase. Behind one of the books was a small pocket knife. The blade was extremely blunt and dull, showing how many times it has been used... He walked back over to the bed. He brought the knife to his thighs. I think you can guess what happens next...


Grian slowly washed the blood off of his thighs. It stung like a bitch, but still, it was necessary... He'd rather not have an infected wound... A loud banging noise came from the bathroom door, but he ignored it. He knew it was Sam, and he didn't care... He knew what Sam was going to do to him as soon as he left the bathroom, but he didn't care... The banging continued, and every once and a while, Grian heard something get thrown at the door. Grian would flinch, but still... He didn't care...


Scar silently stared at Grian. The smaller avian could tell how pissed Scar was, and to be completely honest, it freaked Grian out... "U-uhm... Sc-Scar...?" Scar's face quickly softened as he looked into Grians eyes. Scar didn't say anything, only pulling Grian as close as he possibly could, just hugging him...

"You're safe now, My Light... No one will ever do that to you again... I promise you..." Grain relaxed into Scar's arms, "I trust you, Vexy..." He could feel Scars lips shift into a smile and a quiet sniffle came from the taller. "I love you, Light of My Life..." Grian slightly smiled, cuddling closer to Scar. "I love you too, Vexy..."

1056 words

If you haven't already, go get something to eat/drink and get sleep
Anyways, I hope you all have a marvelous day/night/evening and I will see you in the next chapter :]

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