Youre gonna have to make it up to me.

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"Why can't we go again, Momma?" Evelyn asked as she watched Oakley zip up her suitcase.

"Because, baby," Oakley looked over at her daughter. "Your Daddy and I will only be gone one night...we'll be back after supper tomorrow."

"That don't answer my question," Evelyn glared up at Oakley.

"Doesn't," Oakley walked over and leaned down to Evelyn's level. "How about, because I said so?"

Oakley stood up as Evelyn groaned out loud, grabbing her suitcase and heading downstairs. She placed her bag next to Kayce's and walked over into the living room. Tate and Lee were playing some type of video game on the television. Kayce walked in from the kitchen side with a piece of paper.

"Okay, buddy," Kayce handed Tate the paper. "Emergency names and numbers."

"Isn't Grandpa here?" Tate asked, looking behind him.

"He is, but just in case," Kayce looked at Oakley.

"Ready when you are," She smiled at him.

"Kids?" Kayce looked at all of them. "Behave, be good, and please don't do anything stupid."

"We love you," Oakley smiled as Kayce gently pushed her out of the room.

They made their way to his truck, grabbing their bags along the way. After loading in, Kayce eased on the gas and Oakley watched as the ranch fell into her rearview mirror. She sighed contently, leaning back in her seat. They drove in silence for a while, Oakley not able to remember a time when they'd spent thirty minutes in silence.

"How long is it?" Oakley asked, looking at Kayce.

"Little less than two hours," Kayce glanced at her. "Don't tell me you're having second thoughts."

"Not at all," Oakley giggled. "I have just never been to where we're going."

"You'll love it," Kayce looked forward. "Water and nature."

"And you," Oakley smiled at Kayce.

"Don't go all cheesy on me now," Kayce chuckled.

"I can go cheesy if I want," Oakley stretched her arms up. "I talked to my mom earlier."

"Yeah?" Kayce asked.

"I think she's lonely," Oakley frowned.

"She's got friends," Kayce said. "And us."

"I know," Oakley nodded. "But she doesn't have's different."

Kayce hummed.

"I wish she could live closer," Oakley said. "See the kids more."

"She could come to the ranch," Kayce said. "There's more than enough room."

"Where?" Oakley laughed. "In the house? Baby, I love you more than the stars, but having your father there is more than enough."

Kayce snorted as he glanced at her.

"Well...we could build her a little cabin or something," Kayce adjusted the radio. "If she'd want."

Oakley's eyes softened.

"I love you," She told Kayce.

"Not why I said it, but I love you too," Kayce smiled at her. "But seriously, she can come if she needs to and you want her there."

"I don't know," Oakley sighed. "She loves her home and like you said, she's got friends...I don't know if we'd be enough."

"Be nice to have an actual babysitter at the ranch though," Kayce said. "Dad acted like I almost needed to pay him for tonight."

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