Do you know what compartmentalize means?

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"Hey...are you on your way home?" Oakley asked into her phone.

"I'm actually headed towards Dillon," Kayce responded.

"That's...the opposite way," Oakley frowned.

"I know," Kayce sighed. "I'm sorry, baby. We got a call and I don't know how long it will take."

"Supper is almost ready," Oakley looked around the kitchen she had been cooking away in for the past three hours. "Everyone's here, Kayce."

She was hosting the whole family for a Friday night supper. They had tried to do this monthly and for the past five months, they had hosted supper once. But Oakley was trying here. Beth and Rip were here along with Carter. Jamie and James were on their way from North Camp. The kids were in the living room and all that Oakley was missing was Kayce. She even picked Kayce's favorite, knowing it wasn't John's.

"I'm sorry," Kayce said again, this time lower. "I know I told you I'd be there...two hours ago...but we got caught up and then this call came in and I can't let my guys go while I...don't."

Oakley bit her lip, pushing down what she really wanted to say to Kayce. She took a deep breath and dropped her tense shoulders.

"Be safe," Her tone was short.

"I will," Kayce said.

Oakley waited a few seconds and then hung up. She placed her phone down and rubbed her eyes.

"What happened?"

Oakley looked over at Beth who walked into the kitchen.

"Nothing," Oakley said. "Kayce will be late...if he even makes it at all."

"Trouble in paradise?" Beth smirked.

"No," Oakley crossed her arms. " right now."

"Y'all are busy," Beth nodded.

"We all are," Oakley looked at her sister-in-law. "But yeah, right now I don't really remember having more than a few minutes with Kayce. He's made probably three suppers in the last three weeks."

"I'm sorry, Oaks," Beth walked over to Oakley. "I know that can weigh on you."

"It's his job," Oakley said gently. "I know it's because he's doing his job and doing it well. But I just can't help but be...selfish."

"You're his wife," Beth wrapped her arm around Oakley's shoulder. "Wanting to be with your husband isn't selfish."

"Momma?" "Momma!"

Lee and Evelyn came into the kitchen.

"What is it?" Oakley asked.

"Tell them I can go!" Evelyn stomped her foot.

"Momma!" Lee cried.

"I can go too!" Evelyn talked to her brother.

"Hey!" Oakley stepped over to them. "Enough...don't yell in my house."

"Grandpa wants to know if we have time for him to show us the new horses he got or wait until after supper?" Lee looked at Oakley.

"Uh..." Oakley looked at the food again, losing her appetite the more she thought about it. "Sure, baby...can you take your sister with y'all?"

"Thanks!" Lee took off, and Evelyn got on his heels.

"Oakley?" Beth asked.

"Can you..." Oakley looked at her. "I don't think I..."

"Go, I'll pack this up and my dad can make sure Tate and the twins eat," Beth smiled. "Go upstairs, wash your face, and get into bed."

"T-Thank you," Oakley sighed and hurried away, knowing she'd break any second.

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