Its okay to miss him.

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"Alright, girlfriend," Oakley tied off the second braid on Evelyn's hair. "How's that look."

"I still think they look funny," Evelyn said, looking at her reflection.

"They look better than before," Oakley smirked. "You've gotta be patient with hair, baby. Hair grows, but sometimes it takes a while."

Evelyn turned around and looked at her mother from where she stood on her small stool. Oakley placed a hand on her hip and waited.

"We wouldn't be in this mess if it wasn't for Lee," Evelyn said.

Oakley blinked back at her.

"You scare me sometimes with how much you sound like me," Oakley laughed.

"But I'm right," Evelyn giggled. "Right, Momma?"

"Go on," Oakley gently pushed her out of the bathroom. "How about you go find your brother and make sure you're both packed with your bags downstairs."

"Lee!" Evelyn yelled as she ran out.

Oakley picked up the bathroom and walked into the bedroom. She made up her side of the bed, Kayce's not as disturbed since he was still out east with the campaign. After spending four days away, he'd be home much for waiting until the new year begins.


Oakley looked up from where she was sitting and pulled her boots on to see Tate standing there.

"Hey," Oakley huffed.

"You okay if I don't go?" Tate asked.

"You don't want to stay with grandma?" Oakley asked.

"Not this time," Tate shrugged. "Is that okay?"

"Uh..." Oakley sighed. "Sure, she'll be disappointed, but it'll be okay."

"I just uh..." Tate shifted on his feet.

"Brandi?" Oakley asked.

"She's going with her mom to Kentucky for the rest of the year," Tate said. "Leaves tomorrow afternoon.'

"What? Why?" Oakley asked. "What about her father?"

"Mom's interviewing for a job there," Tate shrugged. "Dad got drunk last week and hasn't been seen since."

Oakley crossed her arms and gave Tate a sad smile.

"Don't know that her mom will get the job but if she does," Tate bit his lip.

"They might have to move there?" Oakley guessed and sighed when Tate didn't answer. "Tate...honey, unfortunately, that's part of life sometimes. But that doesn't mean Brandi is out of your life for good either."

"Yeah," Tate nodded, looking like a kicked dog.

"Tate," Oakley walked up and hugged him close to her. "It'll work out the way it's supposed to. I know that's not comforting right now though. But I promise you that what's supposed to happen will happen and it's all for a reason."

She pulled back and smiled at him.

"But I know that her mom hasn't had the easiest life here," Oakley said. "Maybe this could be a break that she's deserved?"

"But why does she have to take Brandi with her?" Tate asked.

"Because that's her daughter and she ain't eighteen yet," Oakley said. "You think I'd leave you or the twins if I had to up and leave? Especially if it was for a better life?"

"It's not fair," Tate mumbled.

"I know," Oakley pushed his hair out of his face. "So how about you spend some time with her, and I'll see you later this evening? Curfew still stands...and your dad will be home too, don't forget."

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