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  Pin (Not really for this chapter just what's happening I guess)

    "Team8s, Are you Okay, in the hotel! QUICK!" Golfball screams, holding the door open for our teams. We're running away from Pen, who recently got infected by Barf Bag with some sort of disease. Golfball quickly runs in, slamming the door on her way in. 

     I look out the 1st floor's window, seeing Teardrop banging on the window. Once Golfball sees her, she points to the door, panicking. She turns around seeing Pen tumble towards her, causing her to bang on the window harder.

   "Sorry Teardrop! You could be infected!" Golfball yells as loud as she can through the glass. Teardrop stares at Golfball, giving her a dirty look. She picks up a rock she found and throws it at the window. Everyone shrieks and backs away from the window. Teardrop jumps inside, slapping Golfball. 

   "Oh no, oh no!" Donut screams, everyone turns to look at him. "Pen and Barf Bag are coming this way! They're gonna jump through the window!" 

   "Relax, relax! No like seriously, shut up Donut." Two says, jumping through the window. 

     Puffball rushes up to Two, shaking them by their shoulder. 

   "TWO!! We need nails, NO WE NEED BOARD AND NAILS!" She screams at their face.

   "Boards? Nails? Or do you mean...cake?" Two grins, pulling out their tape recorder from their pocket, playing the crappy cake at stake stop. We're halfway through the song until Tennisball comes over, hitting pause on the tape.

   "Two...now's not the time for your song. Can you please just give us boards and nails?" He asks, nicely. Two frowns.

   "Aw man, but that was my song..." Two slowly walks into a closet, head down. They come back with boards and nails. They quickly board up the window, turning back to the 3 teams.

   "Now can I finish it?" Two asks. Golfball walks up to Tennisball, standing next to him. She groans, looking at TB.

   "Fine!" She says. 

     Two pulls out his tape recorder and restarts the song. All of us stare at each other awkwardly while Two plays the Cake at Stake song. You can barely make out the lyrics to the song, that's how crappy it is. Barf Bag pushes the door open, Coiny, Needle, and I try holding it down. 

   "Two? We need more boards and nails!" Gaty comes up to Two, nudging their arm. 

   "Well isn't this great! Both teams are here, Are you Okay and Team8s!" Two cheers, clapping their hands.

   "Two.." Gaty urges. 

   "Right, right, Are you Okay! Let's get you down first. Today's cake is some boards and nails! Tv, Eraser, I hope you guys can nail this job because your safe! Get it? Nail it!" Two starts laughing at their own silly pun until Gaty throws Tv and Eraser their prize. They instantly start boarding the window. 

   "Pen is safe with 6336 votes!" Two says, holding up Pen's prize. Eraser swoops in and takes his prize.

   "Gimme that!" He goes to board up the window, stepping on a nail by accident. "Yeeouch!" 

   "Next safe is Tennisball with 6335 votes!" Two exclaims. Tennisball takes the boards swiftly and starts boarding the window. Golfball comes up to Tennisball, cheerful. 

   "Good job TB! Well deserve- WAIT! I'm in the bottom two?" GB cried out. Tennisball stands up.

   "No! Golfie, you can't go!" He says, watching GB go over to Puffball. 

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