Memory Mayhem

119 9 27

Pin ^_^

     The air still tingled with the acrid scent of fear. Yesterday's events lingered like a nightmare I couldn't shake off, haunting my every thought. The memory of the undead chasing us through the basement and into the cave. The sound of Needle's screams echoing in my ears... It all felt too raw, too real.

     Hearing and seeing Needle die like that yesterday was, terrifying. I know she got recovered and all, but the pain was there, gnawing at the edges of my sanity. I couldn't shake off the image of Coiny's face when he was eliminated.

     I drag myself out of bed, staring at the ceiling for a little. The weight of yesterday's horrors hung heavy on my shoulders, a constant reminder of death. With a deep breath, I pushed open the door and made my way through the familiar corridors of the living quarters. Each step felt like a struggle, my mind swirling with a whirlwind of emotions. Guilt clawed at my chest for not being able to save Needle from Pen. And the thought of Coiny being eliminated from the show, made my heart ache even more.

     Finally, I reached the tables outside where my team and friends usually gathered. They were there, huddled together, their faces etched with worry and sorrow. Barf Bag was all the way on the end of the table, not trying to make eye contact with us. Seeing my teammates in this state only deepened the ache in my chest.

     As we sat together, lost in our own thoughts, Two suddenly appeared before us. His presence snapped me out of my thoughts, and I straightened up, trying to ignore my thoughts.

   "Good morning, TPOT'ers!," they greeted us. "I hope you're all ready for your next challenge."I exchanged glances with my teammates, sensing their tension mirrored in my own expression.

   "Today's challenge is quite simple! Everyone pick one person from your team to stand in front of those panels!" Two points to 6 panels in front of a giant screen. I notice there isn't 7 anymore, since TD left. I think everyone notices too as they start talking about her.

   "The screen will display a pattern of numbers, shapes, and colors. Then you will be asked questions about what you just saw. The first 2 teams to mess up will be up for elimination!"

     As Two finished explaining the rules, a heavy silence descended upon the table. I could feel the weight of the challenge pressing down on us. Needle starts tapping on the table, trying to break the silence. Everyone looks around.

   "So...Who are we gonna pick for our team?" Gaty speaks up, clearing her throat. Everyone stays silent. Maybe I can go, I have good memory, but what if I mess up? No one else speaks up so I will. I sigh.

   "I'll go if no one wants to, I mean I have good memory, and well I got this okay?" I say, standing up from the table. Everyone turns their eyes on me.

   "Yeah! Go Pin!" Needle shouts, cheering for me. The rest of the table starts cheering for me and the other teams look at me. I sit back down, a little red from embarrassment. Two comes to every table and asks us who's going.

     They make us enter in these glass rooms which are sound-proof, so our teams can't help us. Stepping up to the panels, I couldn't help but glance back at my team one last time. They offered me smiles of reassurance, their support give me a surge of comfort.

     As the screen displayed a pattern of numbers, shapes, and colors, I focused all my attention, committing every detail to memory. With each passing moment, the tension in the room grew, the pressure to perform weighing heavily on my shoulders.

     Green triangle, purple star, orange 10, pink 5, brown circle, It's all flashing too quickly. The time is running out and I'm already on my first mess up. I look around to see all other teams passing these questions quickly.

Hidden || A coiny x pin fanfic (TPOT 9 alt kinda :3)Where stories live. Discover now