Laser tag

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   "Where is she?" Coiny asks, closing his laptop with a sense of urgency. I glance around the room, feeling the tension rising.        

   "She might be outside, I'm not sure. But we should find her quickly," I reply, meeting Coiny's eyes. His gaze flickers with worry.

   "You go look for her. I don't want to risk getting caught by anyone..." Coiny mumbles, looking away. I nudge him gently with my shoulder.

   "Two never EVER comes through these halls, and most of the people here already know you're still here. You'll be fine," I reassure him, but he remains uncertain.

   "I-I don't know, Pin. I don't want to take the—" Coiny's words are cut off as the door suddenly swings open, voices spilling into the room. In a panic, Coiny grabs a nearby blanket, wrapping it around himself and clinging to me. Gaty steps into the room, stopping short as she notices us. A soft chuckle escapes her lips before she sets her belongings down.

   "It's just me, Coiny. Calm down," she says, her voice carrying a hint of amusement. Coiny lowers the blanket, jumping off the couch.

   "GATY! I need to ask you something!" Coiny blurts out, dashing up to her.

   "Yeah?" Gaty hums, heading towards the kitchen. I watch as Coiny follows her, his anxiety palpable. Gaty opens a cabinet, retrieving a pack of gummy worms. She pops a few into her mouth before settling onto the couch next to me. Coiny joins us, his expression tense.

   "Has Two ever talked about this thing...uhh," Coiny starts, struggling to find the words.

   "Project 041?" I finish his sentence, hoping Gaty might have some insight. Gaty looks up at us, her expression curious as she chews on her gummies. She raises an eyebrow.

   "No," she replies simply.

   "Well, has he ever mentioned this 'key' thing?" Coiny asks, his voice tinged with desperation. Gaty shakes her head.

   "No, Two and I don't really talk about anything other than this show and ourselves. Sorry," she says, popping another gummy into her mouth.

   "Can you at least try to get them to talk about something else?" Coiny pleads, his frustration evident. I shoot him a warning look, urging him to keep quiet.

   "It's fine, Gaty. Thanks," I interject, giving her a grateful smile. She nods in understanding, returning the smile.

   "I'll let you know if they bring up anything else," Gaty promises before settling back into the couch, resuming her snack.

     The door slams open, causing me to jump in surprise. Needle stumbles in, struggling under the weight of a box, while Donut holds the door open for her.

   "Guys! Two said they want you guys to wear these for today's challenge, ugh!" Needle grunts, dropping the box on the floor. She kneels down and begins to open it. We gather around, curious to see what's inside. The box contains shirts with 'Team8s' poorly printed on them.

   "Ohh! These are... interesting," Gaty remarks, pulling out her shirt with a mix of amusement and skepticism. The rest of us follow suit, grabbing our shirts and rushing to our rooms to try them on. Coiny lingers by the box, a disappointed frown on his face.

   "There isn't a shirt for me," he mumbles, his disappointment evident.

   "You're not in the game, Coiny," I deadpan, before retreating to my room and locking the door. I quickly change out of my clothes and pull on the shirt. Outside, I hear Coiny groaning impatiently.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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