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Listen to this to set the vibe ^ :3 (trying something new tell me what u think ^_^)

Coiny (has some mentions of blood/gore/death 💔)

   "Hurry! Hurry!" Pin yells, looking back. Needle opens the door and shoves us inside, slamming the door once she's inside. She plants her back on the wall, trying to keep them back.

   "It's at least 10 against 1 door, they're gonna get through!" Needle grunts, putting all her strength into holding them back. She turns her head, searching for an answer. 

   "What are we gonna do?" Pin panics, shaking me by my shoulders. 

   "I don't know! Stop shaking me!" I scream, pushing her off me. The undead bang on the door, causing Needle to fall. Me and Pin quickly rush to the door and push against it. Needle gets up and helps us.    

     A screen pops up in front of us, glitching for a second before connecting. We all look up to see Two, Are you Okay, and Teardrop. 

   "TPOTers! Where are you all?" He asks, frantically. He pauses for a second, trying to break up Eraser and Teardrop. 

   "We're in the basement, but the undead are trying to... here..." I say though my teeth, struggling. The door starts cracking, Pin and Needle scream. 

   "Guys! You all have to stay safe! As a matter of fact, let's make that today's challenge! Simply survive! The first two teams who loses the most members or get completely wiped out is up for elimination. Go!" Two explains. Golfball starts talking about something before the screen glitches out. 

   "But we already lost half our team!" Pin screams, starting to shake with the weight of the undead. She shuts her eyes as gets knocked over by the banging. The door cracks in half. Needle starts rushing towards the stairs. I follow her, but I hear Pin scream as the undead attack her. She's on the floor, trying to kick them off her.

     I rush back up the stairs, Needle yelling for Pin. I grab a broken piece of the door and started fighting the ones approaching her. Most of the undead are ripped in half or fell to the bottom of the basement. I look back at Pin who is cornered by Donut. 

   "I'm sorry for this Donut!" Pin cries out, taking a piece of the door and whacking him to the bottom of the floor.  I see more undead heading towards the basement. I grab Pin's hand and drag her down the stairs with Needle.

   "Y'know...I could've handled those guys myself..." Pin says, trying to rub the blood off her. 

   "You sure? Seemed like you were screaming a lot back there." I say, turning back to see Pin's face turning red. She catches my stare and looks away, speeding up. The undead are following us, but we have a huge lead. Most of them tumble down and kill themselves or just are really slow.

   "Um guys, the staircase is kind of shaking..." Needle says, pausing. She tries to hold herself stable, but falls. Pin and I fall after her. Needle holds onto the stairs while Pin trips down. She starts screaming as she hangs off the edge of the stairs. 

   "Coiny, Needle, I'm about to fall!" She cries out. She looks down, her legs dangling. I try to grab onto her, but the ground gets more unstable. I look up to see all the undead running towards us. The staircase starts cracking and I hear Pin drop to the floor. The staircase above us crashes down, causing everything to collapse on eachother.

   "PIN!" I scream. I see Needle next to me, peeking over the ledge. I throw my hands over my head as stuff starts crashing down on us. Needle and I scream as the staircase underneath us crashes. I feel Needle hold onto my arm as we start falling down. I feel myself crash into a body of water, trying to swim back up. I break the surface of the water and look around for Needle and Pin, panting. We're in a thin cave with a water stream that keeps on going. The other end is blocked by the staircase. 

   "Coiny! I found Pin..." Needle calls out for me. I turn around and drag myself towards her. I see Pin floating in the water, face down. The water around her is turning red slowly. Some air bubbles float to the top near her head.

   "What are you doing? She's still alive! She's drowning!" I push Needle away, going over to Pin. I flip her over, shaking her a little. 

   "Pin?" I feel her go limp in my arms. I start shaking her even more, "Pin!" I hold her up with one arm on her back. I rest the other hand on her face. I stare down at her body. The undead's blood and her own is all over her clothing, washing away in the water surrounding her. 

     Pin starts coughing, choking on water. She takes a deep breath, exhaling after a concerning amount of time. She opens her eyes and stares at me. 

   "Pin! Are you okay?" I ask, frantically looking for answers in her eyes. She says nothing but stares at me. Her eyes travel to something behind me. I turn around to see the undead swimming towards us. 

   "Shit! Coiny, we gotta go." Needle urges us. She starts swimming and I do too, grabbing Pin's arm. I feel her go limp again, every once in a while, I look back to make sure she's still alive. We reach a dead end after a while and are cornered into the rock. 

     Some of the undead drowned, their bodies floating in the water. The rest are swimming too fast towards us. Needle grabs a plank that was floating in the water and smacks them. She rips apart Puffball, blood splattering all over her. I watch Needle try to kill everyone while I keep Pin close to me. I hear her breathing slow down, completely stopping once in a while.

     I hear Needle scream as one of the undead stabs her with some sharp piece of wood. Blood starts pumping out of her but she continues to fight. I scream for Needle to stop but she can't hear me. 

   "Coiny! Go win the challenge! Make sure you and Pin are safe, we can't afford to lose again!" Needle cries out before being decapitated by Pen. I stare at the bloody mess for a while before screaming out of pure horror. The rocks cave in on Pen and some others, crushing them to death. I take a deep breath, trying to calm down. 

     There's a hole in the cave where the rocks fell down. I see Fanny and Marker peeking down at us.

   "Oh hi Coiny and Pin!" Marker waves cheerfully. Fanny stares at the red water in pure shock before staring at me. 

   "I didn't do anything...can you just get us out of here?" I ask, I feel Pin stir in my arms. She wakes up but doesn't say anything. 

     Marker and Fanny help us up, swimming with us to the shore. I fall to the ground, tired and restless. Pin sits up next to me. Marker and Fanny sit next to us, asking us questions. 

   "It's only Fanny, Black hole and me," Marker explains. "Tree died because the undead got to him."

   "Oh I'm sorry. Well, it's just me and Pin left." I say, looking up at her. She gives me a weak smile, lying down next to me. "Needle, Donut, and Barf Bag are all dead. I don't know what happen with Gaty though." 

    Marker starts talking about something I can't understand. I stare at the stars for a while, trying to calm myself down. I feel Pin's hand grab mine. I lolled my head to look at her but she continues  to look up. I hold her hand back and squeeze it. 

     Hours go by of us three talking, Fanny stays quiet for some reason. Pin was about to say something before I hear Two screaming. 

   "Everybody gather around me! Come on! Hurry!" They say, clapping their hands. We all get up, walking over to Two before I stop. 

   "Wait, Pin. I got eliminated remember? If Two sees me, they're gonna take me away. I didn't have my chance to say bye to everyone yet." I say, pulling us behind a bush. She thinks about it for a while, then smiles. 

   "I'll tell Two you died or got lost, I'll say we tried recovering you but we couldn't. Stay here okay?" She gives me a quick hug before running off with D.E.A.T.H Pact again. I peek through the bush, praying to myself we're not up for elimination again.

Authors note...

Hi...:3 I know this chapter is a little like crazy and insane my future chapters wont be like this i swear... cyall next chapter!!

-sashay ^_^

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