Cryptic explosions

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     As I stirred from a fitful sleep on the couch, the events of the previous night came flooding back to me like a tidal wave. Coiny's unexpected emotions and the way he feels. Y'know, I'm starting to hate sleeping on this couch. I might just take my room back.

     With a heavy sigh, I pushed myself up from the couch, my muscles protesting with each movement. As I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and straightened my rumpled clothes, I couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt for leaving Coiny alone on the bench yesterday.

     Steeling myself for the day ahead, I made my way outside to greet the team. As I stepped into the crisp morning air, I was greeted by the sight of my teammates gathered around the table, chatting.

   "Morning, Pin," Barf Bag greeted me with a sympathetic smile, though her eyes betrayed a hint of worry. "How did you sleep?"

     I forced a smile in return, though it felt strained on my lips. "Not great," I admitted, my voice tinged with exhaustion. "But I'll manage."

     As I scanned the group, my gaze fell upon Needle, who was seated apart from the others with a pained expression on her face. My heart sank as I noticed the makeshift splint wrapped around her injured foot, a harsh reminder of the events that had unfolded the night before.

   "Needle, how's your leg holding up?" I asked, concern shining in my eyes. I sit next to Needle and Coiny. Coiny immediately smiles at me and gives me a side hug. I feel Coiny hold my hand underneath the table. I feel my face get warm, I look around hoping nobody sees.

     She winced slightly as she shifted her weight, her face contorted with discomfort. "It hurts, still, but I think it'll be fine for today's challenge," uncertainty lingering in her voice.

   "Hey, haven't you asked Two to fix your foot?" I ask Needle. Needle nods, sighing. She leans down on the table, resting her head on her hand.

   "I did, Two said it was impossible. This morning, Barf Bag killed me this morning and recovered me to see if my leg would be healed but..." Needle looks down at her leg gesturing at it.

     Coiny is about to speak up until Two walks outside, calling out for everyone.

"TPOTers! Good morning! Sorry I was feeling rough..." Two exclaims, cheerfully. My table and I exchange glances.

"He looks fine for being sick yesterday – Gaty, he was sick right?" Donut chimes in. Gaty nervously nods.

   "Yeah, he was sick. It was just a quick cold," Gaty says, smiling. Coiny gives me a glance of uncertainty.

   "Oh boy! Do I have the challenge for you guys," Two cheers. "Today's challenge is an escape room, there 5 rooms in each building, first one is a key and the rest are puzzles. The last two teams who don't make it out of the escape room in 30 minutes are up for elimination!" They explain. I see Golfball's face light up with the explanation of the challenge. 

"Oh, and one more twist! If you don't make it out of the escape room in the given 30 minutes, you die, ok! On you go!"

      Wait what?

     I hear everyone start asking questions until Two snaps their fingers and we're inside the escape room. We open a door that leads to the first door. As the team8s step into the dimly lit room, a wave of anticipation washes over us. The air is heavy with the scent of musty books and stale air, and the flickering light casts eerie shadows on the walls. I exchange a glance with Coiny, a silent acknowledgment of the challenge that lies ahead.

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