Broken bonds and legs

90 9 27

Listened to this song while making this chapter ^_^ 


     Waking up with a groggy mind and a stiff neck, I blink away the remnants of sleep, disoriented for a moment as I adjust to my surroundings. Slowly, the events of the previous day flood back into my consciousness, bringing with them a sense of comfort and relief. 

     I glance over at the couch where I slept, recalling the awkwardness of the arrangement. Coiny sleeping in my room last night had thrown me off a little. It left me feeling strangely vulnerable yet oddly comforted at the same time. As I rise from the couch, stretching out the stiffness in my muscles, I can't help but wonder what the day has in store for us.

     Shaking off my thoughts, I join the rest of the team at our table, where the atmosphere is a mix of nervous energy and eagerness. The events of yesterday still weigh heavily on all of us, casting a shadow over our interactions.

   "So, where's Two?" I ask them, yawning a little. The yawn echoed throughout all the team. I notice Gaty isn't here.

   "Two's sick..." Needle says, looking back at the hotel. "They've come down with like a cold or something. They said to just have a rest day or something–which I'm not complaining about." she continues to explain.

   "And I'm guessing Gaty is taking care of Two?" I question. Needle nods. We all stare at each other, quietly.

   "Well, how about we go to the pool Two recently built?" Donut asks everyone.

   "Yeah, I haven't gone there for a while, and it's pretty hot outside anyway." Needle says, getting up from the table. We all head over to the pool, chatting away about silly things. I notice Coiny in the back, looking a little off. He gives me a weak smile, trying to ignore conversation.

     We all get inside, expect Coiny.

   "I'm feeling a little woozy, I'm just gonna sit here for now!" Coiny smiles at us, sitting down at a nearby table.

   "Okay, feel better!" Barf Bag smiles at him before diving into the pool again.

     The refreshing splash of water against my skin sends shivers of delight down my spine as I dive into the pool, joining my teammates in a playful game of water volleyball. Laughter fills the air as we play around. It's moments like these that remind me why I love being part of a team, why I cherish the bonds among the chaos of the competition.

     But even as I lose myself in the exhilarating rush of the game, a shadow lingers at the edge of my consciousness, a nagging sense of unease that refuses to be ignored. It's Coiny, his absence from the poolside weighing heavily on my mind.

     I remember the way he looked this morning, pale and drawn, his eyes clouded with a hint of discomfort that he tried to brush off with a weak smile. He said he was feeling "woozy," but I could see right through his lie, see the pain etched in the lines of his face. And yet, I said nothing, too caught up in my own happiness to notice the cracks forming in his facade.

     Guilt gnaws at my conscience as I realize how selfish I've been, how blind I've been to Coiny's struggles. Maybe he's right to keep his distance from me, to shield himself from the disappointment of my indifference. Maybe I'm failing him as a friend, failing to see past my own desires to the pain he's hiding beneath the surface.

     For fuck's sake he got eliminated, he has the right to be like this. He's not even competing anymore. We're probably making him feel left out.

     The thought cuts me to the core, leaving me feeling hollow and empty inside. Maybe Coiny hates me, maybe he hates me for not seeing him, for not reaching out when he needed me most. The possibility is like a knife twisting in my chest, tearing at the fragile threads of our friendship until they threaten to unravel completely.

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