Episode 19: Turmoil

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🚨🚨🚨Content Warning!!! Contains scenes that may be too graphic for some readers. Reader discretion is advised!!🚨🚨🚨

They had Kirishima and I's wrists and ankles tied in rope as they pushed us forward through the forest. "Where are we going?" Kirishima asked.
"Probably the Mercenary Camp." I said.
"Why did they attack us!? I thought Oshta'auk was cool with the alliance!?" Kirishima asked.
  "Enji caught the Raiders that Oshta'auk sent to make sure Dr. Mort got locked up, remember?" I asked.
  "Oshta'auk doesn't speak for us." A man said.
  "He may be our leader, but we do not believe in this alliance." Another man said.
  "Enji's helping you somehow...isn't he?" I asked.
  "What!?" Kirishima asked.
  "He promised us more land and protection. We took it." The first man said.
  "Enji Todoroki is a snake, you can't trust a word that comes from his mouth!" Kirishima shouted.
  "And what of Shoto Todoroki!? He is this man's son no? How do we know he doesn't hold false promises?" The second man asked.
  "Those two may share a last name and look alike, but that's where the similarities end. Our Captain is a good man who cares about everyone! He wants all of us to survive! Even you!" I shouted, and one man whipped me.
  Kirishima flinched, horrified. He just recovered from The Ark! "We will make that determination." A man said, and we got into the camp.
  It was a hell hole to say the least. There were several thick wooden crosses all around the yard, the people were sharpening weapons and making weapons. "We have new arrivals, Mistress Pherrah." A man said, and a woman stepped out.
  She had marking in her face like the rest of them, dark brunette hair, and big green eyes. They threw us onto our knees. "What is this?" Pherrah asked.
  "We have collected them as we were instructed, Mistress." One man said.
  "Oh, these are some of the Arcadians." Pherrah said.
  "Please...don't do this." Kirishima begged.
  "Tie them to the poles and strip their shirts and feet dressings." Pherrah said, and they did just that.
  They strung Kirishima and I up to the thick wooden crosses and two men stepped to us. "I will ask this one time...do you intend on going against The Royal Dynasty, and if so...what exactly is your plan regarding Dr. Mort?" Pherrah asked.
  "I'm not obligated to give you that information, and I won't." I said.
  Kirishima just looked absolutely traumatized. "Very well, begin: Lucio and Moira." She said.
  They slowly cut into my right bicep and Kirishima's right bicep.
"What is your plan?" Pherrah asked.
  "Go to hell." I said, and they cut into Kirishima and I's left biceps.
  She kept asking the same question, and I kept answering with the same things. They cut us several times on our forearms, abdomens, thighs, legs, hands, and feet, we screamed out every time. Kirishima's eyes were just shrunken in fear and he was trembling. "Let them hang over night, see if the harsh conditions change their minds." Pherrah said.
  They left us hung on the thick wooden crosses. "I can't do this." Kirishima said.
  "You don't have to, just go to sleep and trust me." I said.
  "No! I can't...Yo I can't go through this again!" Kirishima shouted.
  "I know, I just need you to trust me. Go to sleep." I said.

  I looked at Yo, and then I closed my eyes. I was out cold...I didn't even realize how exhausted I was.

  When I knew he was asleep, I spoke. "Let me speak to Pherrah." I said.
  The guard nodded and brought Pherrah out. "Loosen your tongue?" Pherrah asked.
  "No, I still won't tell you anything. But, I know how this works. Rukta, Pherrah, I declare Rukta." I said.
  "You realize what you are saying?" Pherrah asked.
  "I do." I said.
  Pherrah sighed. "Take the red haired boy down, treat his wounds, and put him in the guest cabin in cuffs on 24 hour guard." Pherrah said, and they took Kirishima down, treated his wounds, dressed him, and took him to the guest cabin in cuffs on his wrists and ankles.
  "You'd really sacrifice yourself for him?" Pherrah asked.
  "For any of my people? Yes, 100%." I said.
  Pherrah sighed and then smiled. "You are brave, I'll give you that, but you are overestimating your friend's worth." Pherrah said.
  "To you, maybe. But me? His worth is more than mine." I said.
  Pherrah smiled and then frowned, raising her hand. "Begin the Rukta!" She roared.
  They hooted and hollered as they surrounded me and began to throw stones at me, whip me, continued cutting me, and began to beat me with blunt objects and their extremities. "I take no joy in your screams." Pherrah said.
  "Could have fooled me." I said, weakly.
  She stabbed me several times with her knife.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!" I screamed out, as they tortured me through the entire night.

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