A Past came back to surface.

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Du Cheng pov:

Lin Min, who studied with Xu Yiduo together with his mate, came to Xu Yijia. She looked at the paintings in the studio and proposed to hold an art exhibition. He remember that his Omega said that  felt that it was pointless to do so. Lin Min noticed a painting created by his omega, which had been burned by his mate, seven years ago, which shows that this painting was copied by Xu Yiduo. Lin Min here advised his mate, that it is best to paint a real painting instead, otherwise the idea of ​​copying other people's paintings will be spurned. His omega didn't make a decision after hearing this, and hurriedly left with the painting.

When he visited the gallery, he found a lot of his omega's paintings. However, these paintings had been burned by his mate seven years ago. The gallery owner identified many people who sold the paintings from the photos. Li Han found a video about Xu Siwen, Xu Yiduo's son, from Xu Yiduo's mobile phone. On the video, Xu Siwen asked Xu Yiduo to help him raise a huge sum of money. He suspects that Xu Yi sells many fakes of his mate's works just to help Xu Siwen raise money.

Xu Siwen returned to Beijiang, and his mate gave him all of Xu Yiduo's paintings. Xu Siwen decided to sell all the paintings, his omega wanted him to keep some paintings as a souvenir, but Xu Siwen thought that Xu Yiduo, who loved painting very much, didn't like him at all, so he lived abroad all the time as an adult. His mate asked Xu Siwen if he had received any remittance from Xu Yiduo, and Xu Siwen said that he had never received any money from Xu Yiduo.

In the interrogation room, He told Xu Siwen that Xu Yiduo committed suicide after sending money to him. Xu Siwen took out all the bank cards in his name and asked him to check it casually. He asked Xu Siwen to repeat the words in the video. Xu Siwen bluntly stated that he had little contact with Xu Yiduo and his wife.

His omega watched the video carefully and found that the person in the video was not Xu Siwen. He expressed doubts. His mate explained that although the two were very similar, he could see the difference between the two through the micro-expressions that could not be disguised. By analyzing the light in the video, His omega found that the video was synthesized by AI face-changing technology. He want to glue with his mate as well as he wanted as the the full moon is very near and his mate will be going to have his heat, he want to protect him at any cost.

Shen Yi pov:

He sat in front of Xu Siwen. Xu Siwen wanted to watch the video. he told Xu Siwen that Xu Yiduo cared about him a lot, but he didn't dare to contact him for fear of disturbing his life, so he was deceived. Xu Siwen lowered his head to hide the tears from his eyes. He felt a stare from his mate as well as he blush feeling overwellming  as his heat is coming back to him a little bit as he stare back at his Alpha mate his eye became black as he is trying to keep calm as his alpha doesn't his mate to bent on him to fuck but he blushed it off as he continued his discussion with Xu Siwen.

Through the connection of the case, his mate found that similar fraud cases had occurred many times, and Director Zhang ordered to solve the case as soon as possible. As an information security company, Tongcheng is developing AI face-changing technology. The technical personnel in Tongcheng said that completing AI face-changing not only requires a large number of photos of the characters in the video, but also records the same video in advance as the base plate before the face-changing. Li Han found all the fraudulent videos. He drew the portraits of the characters in the bottom plate of the video through careful observation and careful comparison. His Alpha took the portraits to visit the victims' neighbors, and finally found Zhang Xiaoxue, a housekeeping worker. His mate and Jiang Feng went to the housekeeping company to investigate and found that the victims of several fraud cases were the clients of Zhang Xiaoxue's services, and then Zhang Xiaoxue was taken to the police station.

During the interrogation, Zhang Xiaoxue's performance was a little nervous but calm, and Zhang Xiaoxue's computer did not have any information about AI face-changing, and the case was deadlocked. Li Han proposed to find clues from the social networking sites Xu Siwen often used. After screening, Li Han found four IP addresses that frequently viewed Xu Siwen's social accounts, and these four addresses all pointed to Zhang Xiaoxue's address.

Zhang Xiaoxue was questioned again. He recalled the marks of male life he found at Zhang Xiaoxue's house. Zhang Xiaoxue explained that he once lived with his ex-boyfriend Hu Zhifeng, and the two had just broken up. He asked about Hu Zhifeng's situation. Zhang Xiaoxue said that Hu Zhifeng was a computer salesman and traveled frequently. Li Han found out Hu Zhifeng's location, and he learned from his mate's mouth that the sentence for the fraudster was not severe. When his mate was about to act, he found that him was already gone, and at this time he knocked on Hu Zhifeng's door with a painting.

Hu Zhifeng opened the door for him, and he seriously talked about the case of being deceived and died. The vigilant Hu Zhifeng raised his knife and confronted him. He opened the curtain and showed Hu Zhifeng a hell oil painting full of skeletons. Hu Zhifeng stepped forward with a knife and stabbed him, but fortunately his Alpha appeared in time.

Xu Siwen burst into tears when he saw the note his parents wrote before he died. He regretted walking away after quarreling with his parents, and even more regretted that he had not contacted his parents for so many years. to remember.

He  helped Xu Siwen go to the gallery to get paintings, and his mate asked him if he really wanted to continue to be a portrait artist. He said to his alpha that a portrait artist can save people's lives, which is more meaningful than simply painting, and he will never regret his current choice.

Du Cheng pov:

The warm-hearted sister Fei was about to introduce a blind date to his omega, and he leaned against the door to hear their conversation about it as it burning of jealous  inside of him to know his mate response of thinking his little omega he going on date or not. His omega refused on the pretext that he was going to the police academy, and incidentally turned Fei's attention to him, who handed the note with the blind date information to him. He saw his mate looking at him and saw a tear fell down from his eyes and his omega went straight away from him as his mate scenes smell want to fuck him and claim on him front of everyone but he wanted to run after him to comfort his little omega but he didn't went after him as everyone in the office stare at him as he did not yet tell them that he has already found his mate, his omega and his soulmate.


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