♡Chapter 5 - she knows♡

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☆Author's POV ☆

As the years passed, Pranitha found herself growing closer to the Raichand family, visiting them whenever she could. She formed strong bonds with each of them, sharing laughter, tears, and countless memories. However, despite her frequent visits, she never once crossed paths with Rohith, the man she was destined to marry. She is unknown about it too.

Time flew by, and Pranitha turned 24, while Rohith reached 26. The marriage agreement, once a distant promise, now loomed closer. Yet, Pranitha couldn't help but feel a sense of detachment from the union. She had never met Rohith, never heard his voice, never seen his smile. He remained a stranger, a name on a piece of paper, binding her to a future she couldn't envision.

As the days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months, Madhurima's thoughts often wandered to Rithwik, the man who had captured her heart two years ago. She wondered what could have been if circumstances were different, if she had met him under different circumstances. But fate had other plans, and Madhurima was left to navigate the complexities of her arranged marriage, her heart torn between duty and desire.

☆Pranitha's POV☆

It's been 6 years I celebrated my 18 birthday and I didn't even saw the person whom I know .

As I walked to my classroom, lost in thought, I noticed a commotion near the notice board. Curiosity got the better of me, and I made my way through the crowd to see what all the fuss was about. That's when I saw it - a note about someone called RR. My heart skipped a beat as I realized it was my inspiration, the person I had heard so much about.

Madhu had told me about him during our study sessions, about how he was just an intern but had achieved an impressive 99 percent accuracy in the operations he had assisted and even led. His accomplishments in just five months of experience were truly remarkable. Yet, despite his impressive credentials, I had never seen him or known his full name.

A strange feeling washed over me as I thought to myself, "Maybe some people are better left unseen, especially those who are exceptionally talented or famous." The thought sent a shiver down my spine, and I couldn't help but think of Rohith, the person who remained masked.

With a sense of trepidation, I turned away from the notice board and continued on my way to class, wondering what the future held for me and these enigmatic figures who seemed to be weaving in and out of my life.

☆Rohith's POV ☆

As I sat in my office, juggling my dual roles as part-time CEO and Doctor, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. My work in the mafia had been a means to an end, a way to secure my family's interests and protect our business. But my true passion lay in medicine, and I was eager to leave the mafia life behind and focus on my profession.

My brother Riyan was the perfect candidate to take over as mafia king; he was ruthless, cunning, and deserving of the position. I had no doubt he would excel in the role.

As I thought about my plans, my mind wandered to her , the 24-year-old who was destined to be mine. I had been waiting for the perfect moment to reveal my true identity and claim her as my own. But I was willing to wait a little longer, until she completed her final year and PhD, and finished her internship.

I had to travel to India for work, and the thought of seeing Pranitha again excited me. I knew I had to be patient, but I couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. Soon, she would be mine, and I would make sure she knew the truth about me and my intentions.

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