♡Chapter 14 - Drive & Date ♡

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Ignore mistakes please I will edit someother time.

Happy reading 🙂


☆Pranitha's POV☆

I don't know when I fell asleep in the car but when I woke up I saw this room was different and this room was filled with lavenders and tulips .

This is not my room ..... wait...

I came out of my thoughts .

When I heard the opening sound of washroom door I turned to see Rohith came out only with towel around his torso .

I don't know why I kept staring him and heat ran up my cheeks . It's first time I am seeing him is shirtless .

BTW he is having 6-packs and good physique
'Oh baby he is yours only you can stare and even touch him .' My inner voice mocked me.

"Like what you see dear" He said while coming near me .

I stood up from bed meanwhile he was coming towards me while I was taking my steps backwards.

Oh shit I hit wall . Before the wall could hit my million dollar brain storage unit aka head.

He kept his hand behind my head so that it doesn't hurt me.

'Oh god such a gentleman' I said in my mind .

"Yeah baby I can be more gentle if you want" He said which made a shiver ran through my precious spine.

Wait!?? He heard my inner voice??

But how?

"Yes baby I heard that." He said and gently pressed his lips against my forehead and automatically my eyes closed to his cologne and love which made me clutch my kurti tightly in my fist.

"Baby don't worry we still have time to do those nasty things. So make yourself comfortable here. First go and take a refreshing bath to make your mind calm . And yeah , I already kept your necessary items in closet which you will find inside the bathroom which have a huge walking closet.
Atlast , your phone along with your slimbag is on the couch ." He said while pointing towards couch .

But still I can't take my eyes off him argh😩 . I thought in my mind. And how thoughtfull he is . I am on cloud nine right now.

"Baby queen you can stare me later but we are getting late. No need to thank me okay. If not for you then for whom else I should do all these." He said winking at last .

How does he manage to give me these nicknames he is making a whole zoo dance in my stomach .

"Hmm." I just hummed and ran towards bathroom before he could speak any other word.

After taking shower I wore a kurti which he kept on the dressing table . It's red colour kurti set which fitted perfectly . Thank god it has 3/4 sleeves otherwise I would have been ashamed because of those stained marks of scars .

I went downstairs only to see him arranging dishes on the table neatly while he was wearing a grey shirt with formal pants while he folded his sleeves making his veins popped out.

Argh why he always looks this hot .

What hot Pranitha behave yourself . Your hormones are too messy right now. My inner self reminded me.

He saw and came towards me to take my hands in his and he even pulled the chair making me sit and he sat beside me .

"Done staring ? First fill your little tummy afterwards we will watch TV or talk something ."
He said .

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