Ch 13 - The Price of Duty

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"Trelan!" Telrayn and Meluiel, Trelan's parents, were the first to greet him upon his mad-dash between the courtyard where he and Umdanuë had dismounted and the throne room where he hoped to find King Thranduil. Umdanuë and two servants who had admitted them hastily upon the insistence that their news was urgent followed swiftly in the boy's wake.

"Trelan how did you get here? Where have you been?!" Meluiel was relieved and annoyed at the same time. The child had been missing for three days. "We have been looking everywhere for you! Are you all right?"

Trelan allowed his mother to sweep him into a worried and relieved hug for a moment. He hugged her back tightly before he quickly wiggled free. "Nana, Ada, I'm sorry. I-I was captured..." he saw the alarm spreading across their faces and tried to head off the questions he did not have time for yet. "I'm all right, really, but I must get to the King at once, I have an important message for him about Prince Legolas!"

"What about Legolas?" Randomir was not far behind Telrayn and Meluiel. Since Trelan and Legolas disappeared three days ago the search for them had been intense. It was lucky that Trelan had caught them here at all, since they had only just returned from their latest fruitless search venture to regroup and compare information before heading out to look again. "Trelan you're pale as a wight, are you all right?"

"Yes and no," Trelan was looking around for a way to escape all the questions and the gaggle of elves that were quickly congregating in the hall, drawn by the commotion. "Please, the King, I've got to see him!"

Amil-Garil was there now as well, trying to back the crowd of servants away so he could find out what was causing the disturbance.

"Amil-Garil, Randomir, what is going on?" a commanding voice made everyone look up and stop talking as Thranduil strode quickly down the hall, following the sounds of sudden clamor in passages that should have been quiet at this time of night. Raniean, filling his role as royal sentinel with the serious attention he paid everything, followed exactly five paces behind his liege.

The King was not dressed in his normal robes, but in his riding garb. His soft leather boots were still damp with dew and it was obvious that he too had just returned from the search for the two young elflings. Dark worry haunted Thranduil's eyes. Legolas was gone with no word and no trace. It was inconceivable that his son had simply run off again and all he could do was fear the worst.

Everyone bowed quickly except for Trelan who was too worked up and confused to remember that he should. Because he barely stood even with most of the adults' waists however, it was almost impossible to tell.

"Your highness, Trelan has returned!" Randomir said quickly as he and Amil-Garil cleared a path between Thranduil and Trelan.

Raniean wanted to run forward and greet his friend in relieved joy, but he hung back and remembered his post, letting Thranduil be the one to hurry forward.

Trelan's heart broke anew when he saw the worried and hopeful look in the Elvenking's eyes. How could he give him this news? Yet he had no choice.

Dropping to his knees before Thranduil, Trelan clasped his clenched fists together in his lap and hung his head for a moment in an anguished, hesitant bow.

"Y-your highness..." he didn't know where to start and now he was scared as well as heart-broken. He had never actually tried to address the King before. Despite being so close to Legolas he was somewhat petrified by his father. "I-I bring you ill news. Two days ago, Legolas and I were taken by Doriflen's forces in Lant Gerin. I'm sorry your majesty, there were too many of them and we were taken by surprise." He was not yet sure he could speak of the betrayal that had led them to that fateful place.

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