COWGIRL Jake seresin x reader

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summary : when a stranger shows up to the pete mitchell's annual fourth of july , jake seresin is experiencing something he never did before and it only grows when he's finally met his match only problem is she's pete mitchell's daughter

warning : it a short fluff piece

Jake seresin's evening usually didn't consist of him standing frozen in the back garden of a fourth of july party , but yet here he was feet not moving as his eyes locked on her . she walked like an angel , he could of sworn the sun was brighter in her presence too . his feet finally moved ignoring baby on boards warning at least it he thinks it was . He was too focused on the angelic doe eyes looking around the backyard , cowboy hat on her head shielding the sun from her eyes yet it hit the red sundress perfect making the colours pop more. then he saw rooster lifting her up , twirling her around as her giggles filled the whole damn backyard. kissing her cheek and her kissing his while two walked to get drinks on nearby table .

the whole night he watched from afar every damn time he went to talk to this mysterious cowgirl someone always pulled her to them . then he saw his chance she was standing alone looking at the spread of food and snacks . " i'd suggest the ribs "he smiled pulling out his own plate well one he'd stole off of bob . " and why is that " she asked god even her voice had his knee week. " the flavours they just well melt in your mouth " he wink as he placed someone his own plate. " so does the cowgirl have a name " he asked smiling brightly as she took some of the ribs . " she does it.. " , " Y/n There you are " rooster rushed up to her side. " well bradley what is it now " she rolled her eyes. " come on pete .. your dad is lighting the fireworks soon " he said softly . " your dads mav ?" jake asked shocked. " he is anyways chicken boy has a point wanna go check these fireworks out ... " . " jake seresin ma'am " he flashed another famous flirty grin . " ah your the famous hangman i've heard all about "she mused walking toward the group of people . " depends on what they say " he seemed slightly nervous only could imagine what rooster had said about him. " i like to make my own opinions on people " she winked before walking ahead of the men as jakes cheek flushed bright red even taking rooster off guard . they made their way to the front as he stood beside her . eyes locked her as she watched the colours burst across the skies in complete awe only for her to look up at the man through her lashes making him smile wider. god she was perfect , he wondered stuff he never did with a woman before like how she like her eggs in morning , what she wanted to eat in the evening , would she like a summer wedding . he'd never been so sure of anything but what he was sure of was the fact he was definitely standing next to his future wife .

" who needs a ride home " bob called. "i've an uber coming but thanks " she smiled to the man . " hey like a block away from jake think he can ride with you " rooster asked . " of course if you want to that is " she asked turning to the man only for him to see the wink from rooster . " that would be perfect thanks cowgirl " he smiled . " well then come on he should be here soon cowboy " . the two got in the uber easily tension of the night ticking away , she could feel his eyes on her . " you staying in town for a bit he suddenly asked . " for good actually i'm working in the base , mechanic civilian contract" she nodded. " well that's good i mean you get along with everyone " he smiled cursing himself jesus he never tanked so hard around a woman in his life. " hmm everyone huh cowboy " she smirked . " well i mean me too i guess " he shrugged trying to come off confident but by her giggles it was not . " i didn't expect a shy guy " she smirked. " i didn't either but a woman like you seems to bring it out in me " he shook his head realising the car was pulling over. " wanna coffee or something " she asked softly . " i think coffee is exactly what i need " he chuckled before following her to the little house . closing the door she turned , she was so close he could see little freckled cheeks he never noticed but granted it was dark back yard . " so you know the hat rule?" she asked . " i know it " he smirked . " well then come on save a horse and ride a cowgirl" she stood back placing the hat on his head. " hey before we do this cowgirl " he called making her stop confused. " how do you like you eggs in the morning " he winked before lifting her up in his arms and heading to what he hope and presumed was her bedroom

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