sweetpea ( joel miller x reader )

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summary : when failing to live it in new york  sweet pea goes home only to meet two new faces at her families barbeque that leads to new job and new friends and maybe more 

warnings: no outbreak au  , mechanic au  teaser to upcoming fic maybe ? 

This was that same old tale , young girl leaves home to make it in the big bad world alone , except this time the big bad world chew her up and spit her back out in ten folds. first it was the stress of trying to make it in a big city  before the  limitations of the workspace meant she was on the chopping block to come home and find her boyfriend in throws of heated passion with someone she thought was her best friend. she didn't think twice kicking his ass out  as well while he told she was nothing to him , she ended up packing up her apartment and heading home tail between her legs .  so here she stood outside her house , she could hear the chatter of the crowd making her realise the date  and wanted the ground to swallow her whole . she had showed up on the day her parents host their annual backyard barbeque , meaning a backyard  filled with loved one , friends and god knows who were there .  " well hello there " a voice drawl making her jump .  turning she could two men standing the younger one giving her a flirty grin  but for the life of her she couldn't help just start crying . " oh shit  sorry " his wide eyes and scared face . " idiot you scared here , hey miss you lost , need help " he asked coming closer to her . " sweet pea darling what you doing here ... crying " her brothers head popping up behind the men . " all i did was say hello jake swear  " the younger of the two moved to side. " sound like reason to cry to me " the older one snickered . " hey tommy , joel could you get my parents " her brother smiled weakly wondering what the hell was going on . " im home for good because i'm a failure and my boyfriend cheat on me and new york was a bad idea " she began ramble as the two men walked quickly into the house. " ok ok calm down there , cheated on you sure cause matt isn't.. "  . " his dick was literally in her when i caught them " she sniffled .  " ok well if he shows his face around  i'm sure me and jessica can kick his ass right" he hugged . "  that's were his dick was " she looked down to ground . " shit sorry sweetpea " he hugged her looking up to see his parent stand sad looks on there face.  " hey honey come on " her mom smiled holding her arms out making her rush to the two .  sitting with them explaining everything before heading to her room . 

after a shower and good cry she decided to join the festivities hoping the good mood wasn't ruined by the sudden turn up and her emotional outburst  .  she walked around as everyone smiled brightly welcoming her home and awkward nod from her former best friends parents .  she walked over to the cooler pulling out a beer before heading to the grill where he dad and brother stood along with the two men from earlier. " hey sweet pea , you feeling better " her father gave her quick side hug before turning his attention back to the grill . " yeah , i'm feeling better , sorry about earlier " she rubbed the back of her neck barely looking at the two  now noticeably attractive men . " nah your all good,  i'm tommy and this is my brother joel  , so your the famous sweetpea we have heard all about " the younger brother smirked . " i mean it's what they call me i don't know why  , also it nice to meet you both and again i swear i don't make it habit to just burst out crying at strangers  , you just  caught me in a shit storm " she smiled weakly taking a big gulp of the beer in her hand .  " anyway enough about me , how do you know my family " she  turned to the men eye lingering a little longer on  the older one . "  we work with jake and well for your old man " joel spoke up  suddenly she wasn't so concerned on her break up after hearing the gruff yet some how smooth voice . " well my sympathies  having to listen to jakes shit all time " she giggled .  " he's well matched with tommy so i'm used to it " joel chuckled. "  i ain't two of them " her dad shook his head. "  so how long you sticking around for ?"  jake asked ignoring the insult. " erm for good  , i need to find a job " she winced . " i could use your help on a few jobs "  her dad turned handing her a plate . " like in the shop ? " tommy asked confused. " sweetpea here is dab hand around an engine " jake boasted . "   i mean once i'm not in the way " she asked.  " nah nicky left last week and we've been over run so really you'd be helping us out" her dad spoke up as she ignored the now curious gaze on her .   " ok well then  i'm happy to help " she beamed. " well morale in the shop just went up that's for sure " tommy winked  while both joel and jake punched each arm.  " hey shit sweet pea good to see you darling " mark called coming over . "  hey boomer " she smiled hugging the man. " hey boomer sweetpea is coming work with us " tommy wiggled his brows only to dodge the incoming punches. " thank god  she can fix your fuck ups " his laugh boomed  which is how he earn the particular nickname .   " so more mature even if she's 25 " her dad chuckled at the good nature banter. " well i look forward to see your skills little lady " joel winked  making her think matt who ? .  " she was the one who actually loved being in the shop we all though she would start her own in new york to our surprise when she said she was a waitress in some restaurant" jake shook his head. " that's cause they didn't take me serious out there  lets not talk about new york please it's awkward enough their parents are here" she rolled her eyes. " well i didn't know their kids done mine dirty " her dad defended. " what did i miss " boomer looked around the group. " well matt and jessica decided to fuck and i didn't want to be a  third wheel and i got fired so i came home " she said bluntly.  " sweetpea language" her dad warned. " ellie would love you " tommy chuckled . " ellie ? " she asked confused. " she's one of joel's daughters  and sarah " tommy smiled. " their with their mom and her new husband in austin  " joel suddenly felt his own cheeks heat . " 50 /50  custody " tommy droned on . " oh like jake and lydia with luka " she nodded in understanding . " yeah actually exactly like that " jake patted her back . " oh shit mom's looking pissed and walking towards  jessica's parent , i'll see y'all later  " she rushed off shoving the plate and beer into her brothers hands . 

joel watched her guiding her mother away and to a different part of the yard and thought her eyes still reddish from her earlier burst of emotions she still was the prettiest little thing around . he felt like a pervert as the others talked to her while he smiled and unable to speak and now she was going to be working in the shop .  everything about her was calling to him like siren  and yet he barely only met her putting it down to being single for too long and little bit of the heat . even though he hit his brother for his remark , he couldn't help agree having her in the shop was definitely going boost the mood .  he watched as she talked to the women like she wasn't just crying her eyes out hours before , keeping her mother from  causing a scene .  he barely even listened to the couples that came up apologising and leaving .   he pretended to listen to the men around him though his attention kept steering towards sweet pea .  even thought he was definitely too old for her and knowing she probably didn't want a single dad   , it didn't hurt to look right? . " so  she gonna need help around the shop " tommy asked . " no seriously we weren't kidding , she spent her child and teen years either helping my old man and his own old man fixing cars , girl knows her way around an engine better then town " jake chuckled. " she worked in shop for 4  years before she and dick for brains went to new york too " boomer agreed.  " funny you two showed up in town the week she left " her dad tim  mused.  " we would of been here the week before but tommy got food poisoning " he could help mentally curse his brother.  " that your kids gave me " tommy shot back . " i warned you " joel laughed . " they still coming next week " jake asked. " yeah  i can't wait , apparently ellie going through a swearing like sailor phase though " he winced. " don't have her around sweet pea then or it will get worse" .  " bring them down shop be good to see them again " . " will do tim " he nodded his eye once again looking toward the woman. 

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