call me cupid part 3 final part ( joel miller x reader )

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Summary: when Ellie notices the longing looks joel gives the woman in the canteen who does the same when she thinks joel isn't looking she take it as her sole mission to set them up and even has a helper in her endeavours

Age gap ( reader is 24 while joel in his 40s) , little angst , fluffy fluff 

she felt it , not just the cold barrell in her back , now she  could feel their worry , how they waited on baited breathes . " now come don't be stupid like you usually are you can see if you hurt me , ya'll ain't making it out alive" she hissed only getting him to push the gun harder on her skin . " i'll tell you this you let her go and that be end of it " tommy reasoned . " and if i don't " she couldn't help squeeze her eyes tightly know he'd give anything just to hurt her . " then i will make sure of it you feel every ounce of pain a human being can feel then , i'll feed you alive to the infected " joel growled. " hey well look at you , why don't we get to know each other " the woman purred. " he doesn't want your crusty dusty bits lady " ellie yelled. " i suggest you put that gun down fuckface or these nice people will show you how much they really deal with the likes of you " she growled hand reaching into belts . while her ex was looking at the town folk pulled out their own weapons she felt the hilt of the hunting knife . " i might take you with me baby be like old times" he kissed her cheek ignoring the woman dismay . " i'd drink acid like it was water then do a stupid thing like  " she huffed pulling the knife out and driving it backward into his leg and   knocking him back while he drop the gun Ellie went to dive for for it . just as she did the woman ran at her making sunshine drag the woman , holding her  back til she heard it . then she felt it  the burning sensation followed by the warm liquid pouring  out . "now look what you did , i told you  she useless " her ex smirked going to shoot again . " tommy check the perimeter there not going to be alone , raiders " she grasped her lower stomach . " we got it and them, get her" tommy called sending joel into action . " come on i got you " he lifted her up heart breaking at her screams . " bring her clinic " he didn't even care to look up eyes focus on her face racing to where he needed to get her . " now sweetheart i know it's hard but you gotta keep those pretty eyes of your open  ok " he pleaded . " i bet you say that to all the ladies joel miller " she laughed coughing mid sentence. " nah you little shit i can't lose you , not when i finally grew the balls to tell you how i feel so you keep those eyes open ok and stay with me  " he ran faster seeing her fighting it . " and whats those feeling you wanna tell me " she asked fear laced in her features . " well you get through this like i know you will and i'll tell you how much i love you and how much this town needs sunshine ok " he felt the tears falling down his own cheeks. " well then i can't wait to .. " he felt her voice drop completely as he ran faster than he did in his life willing her to wake with all his might til he was pushed out of the room . he felt the anger rise like the wrath of hell was opening in him . charging past as tommy and few men held the animal she had for an ex . not a word was said when joel's fist cracked the mans jaw nor could he hear the shouts of his brother . to blind to his own rage as he kept hitting the man hard   . nothing was stopping him even when his own knuckles spilt  til he hear heard her screams . " joel she's needs you " ellie shouted a bit of clarity when he stood from the groaning man. " she scared and she needs you " ellie repeated . " deal with um " was all he growled before heading back in the clinic blood dripping down his knuckles first he heard her whimpers then he heard her screams again  sending him into the room . " i need you distract her some how, bullets in there" . " hey sunshine look at me , come on good girl you need to look at me let them get it out " he held her down and nodding when  another few blood curdling screams and the bullets was out . " just keep her still its a clean shot , doesn't look like it hit anything but it's more waiting game now " . " did they check the premiteres " she sobbed . " hey don't worry about anything or one but yourself ok " he rubbed her forehead . " here bite this " she felt the wood in between her teeth , muffling most of her screams as the doc began suturing the wound closed . it all felt like an eternity hell it could of been minutes or seconds for all he cared . " she needs bed rest be safer to move her home then leaving her here some others  got injured so i need the space too , let me check your hand before you go " . " ellie get the door " was all he said before carrying her out and back to his house for all he cared was this was her home now .

first few days he barely moved from her bedside , ellie brought their food back then by the fifth day she awoke groaning and wincing sending him to his feet. " you better not been sleeping on that damned sofa " she croaked. " nah he's been either sleeping on that chair or the floor " ellie smiled seeing her eyes opening fully . " did they check the land around  " she asked softly . " yeah they got the bastards hiding that was few days ago honey" he rubbed her head softly. " tommy and maria told me to keep them updated so i'll get to that " ellie stood unsurely before rushing over and hugging the woman tightly. " easy she's still recovering " joel hissed . " leave her, i told you i wasn't going anywhere i love you too much  " was all sunshine said wrapping her own weak hand around the girl feeling her sobs vibrate through her . " ok ok i'm going now and i love you too i guess   " she sniffled . " well i'll be here when you get back" she smiled softly . " you scared me you little shit " he sighed pressing his forehead against hers . "i scared me but i couldn't  let that whore attack ellie or prick could of hurt you or ellie hell even tommy " she felt her tears welling up . " well no more hero act i can't lose you when i barely even got you " . " giving that you love me?" it wasn't suppose to come out like a question but she wanted to make sure she actually heard it and wasn't some hallucination due to her injuries . " giving that i love you "he confirmed now he look scared ,more scared than he ever been in his life . " if it helps old man i love you too " she smiled pressing leaning up and connecting her lips with his . she didn't even care her side was screaming in pain when she pulled him deeper into the kiss . she need him more than she needed oxygen . he needed her just the same , the feeling of finally having her in such away made his nerves come alive , though he held back so much still conscious of the state she was in . " hey you ain't in any condition to be doing shit like that now apart before i put a hose on you two " she couldn't help the giggle at the younger miller pulling away her cheeks red as she looked to the visitors . " they weren't as far as i thought " Ellie snorted . " anymore ex's i need to hunt down " tommy teased . " you're still an ass , that's why your not my favourite miller " she rolled her eyes . " but no it was one ex " she almost whispered. " hey her cheeks flushing is a good sign right" tommy continued . " someone hit him for me " she whined as maria slapped him back of the head. " thank you " she smiled. " oh last of your stuff in down stairs by the way , joel figures since your going to be recovering here , it was safer to keep them here , i got your old mans knife cleaned and sharpened it for you " . " you mean i did " maria rolled her eyes at her husband . " i'm trying to be here favourite here" he laughed. " seriously how you feeling sunshine " he asked softly . " like i got shot " she groaned. " we found some pain relief we spilt it between you and maria when she does eventually pop " he smiled handing the small bottle to his brother . " thank you , still not my favourite " she smirked . " well i ain't sticking my tongue in your throat to be your favourite miller now" . " ellies my favourite miller excuse you " she groaned making the girl eyes light up . " i don't disagree with that choice one bit" joel smiled softly kissing her lips softly . finally having his sunshine back making his world bright again .

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