Henderson's sister ( eddie munson x reader )

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summary : when a routine DND is interuppted for once eddie isn't made about it , finding getting to know Dustin hendersons sister seems way more interesting

warnings : none

Friday meant one thing to Eddie munson and that was Hellfire night . The club were beginning what he could only describe as his best campaign yet , the loud roars and cheer or cries filled the basement of Dustin Henderson since the older boys graduated it became the new spot . What Eddie didn't know was that the boys were not the only ones in the house as the music upstairs caused them to halt and look to the owner of said basement in confusion . " It's just my sister , ignore her" he shrugged, wanting to continue but the sudden excitement of Lucas and Mike only made the older boy more curious . " sister since when do you have a sister" Eddie almost challenged. " since my mom and dad you know and then she was born" Dustin's head tilted knowing he'd mentioned her before . "and She's smoking hot" Lucas blurted out for Mike Wheeler to nod eagerly in agreement. " How come we've never seen her around?" Gareth asked . " because she went to a different school and usually she was with her asshole boyfriend but they broke up also she hangs out with Steve and robin, she also busy with college stuff " Dustin looked around the table seeing all their confused faces. " Wait, I've never seen her when I hang out with them" Eddie looked at the boy . " that's because she was with her boyfriend , I literally just said that" he rolled his eyes.

" hey dusty bun you down there .... Oh shit sorry i forgot you had company" all their eyes landed on the woman standing there hair wrapped in a towel and dressed in shorts and tank top . " hey Y/N" Lucas waved dreamingly . " Hey Sinclair," she smiled . " Hey wanna join," Mike asked. " I can't tonight. I got a paper due on Monday, just came down to see if Dustin ate , but now the question expands , "Do you guys want pizza?" she smiled bright towards them, eddie could have sworn he had drool coming out of his mouth . " yeah totally would eat pizza with you" Jeff chin resting in his hands . " Ok pepperoni would be a safe choice right" she looked, seeing them all nod . " ok i shall call when it's here " she ran up the stairs, cheeks heated suddenly aware of her attire and the eyes of the boys roaming her body . " How the hell is that your sister?" gareth asked, totally in awe . " Told you , smoking hot" Lucas beamed proudly. " You asked her to join, why ?" Eddie almost whispered . " because she's the reason that we know how to play" Mike whispered back, sending the group of boys almost into a group of school girls fawning . " So you're telling me that the smoking hot goddess of a woman is a nerd like us" . " Can you all please stop calling my sister hot?" Dustin grimaced, suddenly regretting offering his basement for the Hellfire club . when the music changed and the familiar riffs flooded his ear drums . " Is that?... YOUR HOT SISTER LIKES METAL" Eddie almost roared across the table . " Is it too late to quit hellfire?" Dustin groaned.

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